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Posts posted by ILuvShibaInus

  1. Can they just re-name this Teen ANW and declare one of the teens the winner now? Damn you Drew for making everything about the show now teen focused (it's all about speed) so a teen is guaranteed to win and there will be no  controversy with them. Sigh...

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  2. The save was not used on Fabio because it will be used on Anna or Brittany so Korto can again rant about the BS judging. LOL. And besides, the outfit itself was worth the auf and he had been circling the drain for too long. 

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  3. For those who wondered why Viktor and not Anna was eliminated now know why. LOL. Viktor made up with Korto so his drama arc ended but the producers are going to milk her for everything they can. Korto vs. Anna - who will make it the farthest? Not based on the clothes but the drama. 😝

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  4. Did Kara Saun set a record for the least amount of air time for a designer in a 90 minute episode? Was it even a minute's worth? 

    Fabio's and Anna's dresses- one trick ponies. At a minimum, they should use more than just one main element. Rami is an old school contestant so he knows tears/drama will get you far in the competition. LOL.

  5. Seeing Nora eliminated reminded me of the queens on one of RPDR's all star seasons when they were discussing why one queen was there and one replied, "well, they need someone to go home first." 
    When introducing the all stars, even Stevie Wonder could see she would be the first to go home. LOL....

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  6. On 6/4/2023 at 4:09 AM, Talented Tenth said:

    Gabri is so annoying to me.  He always screws up and skates by.  

    We know Buddha was a lock for final three and since Sara was another American, they needed a non-American chef for the third spot. And they chose Gabri - the chef with six bottom placements. People will say he won Top Chef Mexico, had a great human interest story and I've seen people say on other social media, "well, he was never the worst." Is that the description of a (potential) Top Chef winner- "never the worst?" The chef with the worst track record versus the chef with the best - like that is not stacked in Buddha's favor. LOL. He was Dawn Part 2 and if they have another season with someone "skating by" and getting questionably pushed through to the end, then they really need a new script.  

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  7. Just watched the ho-hum finale. Sad to see sob stories get more attention than actual skill. Last season was all about the host and "personality" and this season lost the annoying host but still blah. The editors did Luke no justification to be named the winner with the moniker "Last minute Luke" and Duff saying he barely skated on by. What was shown was not a Luke clearly beating the pants off Clement. The comments about Christian's cake  made it obvious he was not winning and the way too huge branch on Clement's cake was distracting but the winning cake was just decorated with 15 minutes left. How is that a champion compared to someone who knows how to decorate and put time and effort into the design? Note to producers: don't highlight how many times a baker has won challenges if that means nothing in the finale; it just reminds us how one baker did just "skate on by" when compared to the others. 

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  8. Way too much time on Ben. And for them to criticize other cakes for being too sweet when his had so much candy corns in his is just putting the nail further in Duff's coffin to be taken seriously as a credible judge. For those who watch RPDR, Kandy Muse reminds me of an adult version of Ben - your mugging for the camera gets you all the screen time and attention in spite of very limited talent and skills. STOP the insanity! LOL....

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  9. 7 hours ago, argrow said:

    I couldn't deal with it. From Fallon's buffoonery to the very loud audience that stands up every time a password is guessed correctly, there is just too much happening for me.

    They need to learn from Betty White - the show is about helping the contestant win not about the celebrity. Just like with the reboot of To Tell the Truth, the celebrity becomes the focus of the show over everything else. Fine if you like Fallon's buffoonery but isn't that what he has The Tonight Show for?

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  10. 8 hours ago, MBayGal said:

    I assume you use the word "competitive" ironically since, as you point out, they have a script

    Other "competitive" shows have a disclaimer at the end saying the producers have final say in the elimination. Anything to not veer from the script. These days, too many reality competitive shows are no different than Wrestling from the WWE. 

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  11. As others have noted, this show is just bland. Just like the chefs tell the contestants to season their food, the producers need to spice up the format if this returns for a Season 2.  The first challenge comes off as having nothing to do with the second challenge judging wise. In other shows, the winner of the first challenge gets a prize, an advantage in the 2nd challenge or the judges use a less than stellar performance in the determination of who gets sent home. Here, is it just another challenge. Sylvia is an OK chef but if the script says she is the winner (or needs to be in the final three), then (sadly) you can't go against the script which is the norm these days for competitive shows like this one. 

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  12. On 5/25/2022 at 1:26 PM, PBnJay said:

    Wow, this episode was something. There's no way BF Brad let those two beat him with such a small number of clues he needed to answer. Well, go figure.

    I felt bad for Wyatt being sent home when the two other players got to split $300,000. Poor Wyatt. You should have been in there too and got some cash for those wedding horses. 

    Someone could have an off night, but when the contestants win several times with <20 steps to get caught, it does make you wonder if the producers tell the chasers to let them win once in a while. 

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