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Posts posted by Sailorgirl26

  1. I binged it--I thought it was cute! Yeah, some of what happened would never be brushed off in the real world but tv is escapist--none of it happens in the "real world"--thats kinda the point. We all need a Wilbur in our lives!

    I hadn't seen the lead actress before--she's adorable! 

  2. That married couple is everything wrong with religion. He is a cheater but God forgives him (did God call him and tell him?), she forgives him because she's the best wife ever, they do counseling with a pastor and the pastor's friggin' wife -- who I highly doubt has any formal training in marital counseling; the pastor talks about how the husband had to see the "threat" of what he would lose -- because yeah, guilt and blackmail are always a GREAT way to make a person feel they can be open and honest; the wife can't pat herself on the back enough for forgiving him, and the husband is living his life in fear. All because "RELIGION."

    The culmination of the hypocrisy is how they pretend to be shocked that the website is still up and running and how the husband says that the website is evil. But yeah, tell us again how you've changed and accept responsibility for what you did?

    Sure. Its the website . . . that no one made you sign up for, or send messages on. And what about long before the website when he was going to strip clubs and hitting on the wife's friends and banging one (or more?) of their mutual acquaintances? Whose fault is that? Those buildings are evil! Those social engagements where he has to be around other women are wrong! 

    But tell us again how he's changed, everything is great, the website is the problem, and she is the standard to which all wives should aspire.

    The stopwatch on him reverting to form is running, if he hasn't already. And once again, she'll legitimately not understand how or why and be hurt, and wonder "how could he do this to me again?" Because, bitch! He did it to you before and he is not a monogamous person! You've actively chosen to live in willful ignorance. You get what you get! Fool me once . . . 

    The world would be a lot better off if people would just accept who they truly are -- in this case, not monogamous -- rather than try to pretend otherwise because of arbitrary societal and religious "norms." 

    So let's see. If you don't give kids condoms, they won't have sex. If you ban abortion, women won't have them. If you don't have a website, people won't cheat. Got it.

    Now excuse me while I go live in reality with my head NOT buried in sand. 


    • Applause 7
  3. 6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Maestro is hammy even by Doctor Who standards, which is really saying something! They're probably the closest we have gotten to a actual magic on the show, even more than during The Giggle, they were a great mix of creepy, campy, and fun. Looks like we are going to be having a whole host of fifth dimensional beings coming up, this is certainly going to be interesting.

    In the shows universe, the Always a Twist at the End was possibly what happened when all of the music returned to the world and it exploded into a huge musical number. Of course, the real reason is because its a ton of fun and everyone had their 60s costumes and their Disney budget, so we just have to dance. 

    I was watching a "behind the scenes" video with the key players of this episode and that's exactly what they said "Always a Twist" was supposed to be--all of the music returning and once and exploding into the number. Side note -- 15 and Ruby's umbrellas in the very last scene were a practical necessity -- apparently it poured that entire day in Cardiff and they realized they had the colorful umbrellas from the dance scene on hand, so they incorporated them at the end.  

    RE: the other posters commenting about the doctor being fearful and running away -- maybe it has something to do with the soul split? Didn't 15 say something like he can't survive that again?

    Maybe 14 got the id and 15 got the ego --its always all been in the same individual before so the fear was more easily tempered? Throwing out brainstorms. . . . 

    I think RTD set up the ability for there to have wackiness with the Tennant/Tate special espisode on the ship at the edge of the universe. How is whatever might have come back with them affecting things? 

    I'm interested in finding out Ruby's lineage. The companions having something special about them doesn't bother me as it does others. Different strokes!  

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  4. All of the actors in the closing scene were amazing but Rex Linn really took the cake.

    As the one delivering the "he's gone" line, he had to sell it. And wow, did he. I imagine they gave him drops and used makeup, but his eyes were red from crying and his face was absolutely distraught. 

    • Like 14
  5. 4 hours ago, tv-talk said:

    Could be offbase here but I thought that little dance scene with the new Doctor was meant to show him as gay.

    In what way? Not sure how you take a dance scene as definitive of someone's sexuality. If anything, it reinforces that "The Doctor Dances" as we found out in the Eccleston era.  

    The Doctor has always been sexually fluid. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on defining the Doctor by his sexuality this time because Ncuti is openly gay.  

    And this is ultimately still and always a kid's show, so the only ones focusing heavily on the Doctor's sexuality are adults.

    The world would generally be a better place if everyone stopped worrying about everyone else's sexuality and just live and let live.

    Who CARES if the Doctor -- or anyone -- is gay, CIS, black, white, male, female, trans? 

    • Applause 1
  6. not just babies . . . SPACE babies! 

    Everything about Ncuti is infectious -- I was smiling throughout this and the next episode, all because of his energy. He and Millie Gibson play off each other very well. 

    And we still have "mavity." 

    • Like 4
  7. On 4/20/2024 at 5:09 PM, Moot Smoothie said:

     it's just not believable that even the most mentally ill of deranged stalkers wouldn't have lost interest by week 2.

    You do realize that subjective levels of attractiveness have absolutely nothing to do with why or how a stalker chooses their victim. 

    I do hope your comment was meant tongue-in-cheek because otherwise it is completely dismissive of and disrespectful to anyone who has ever been stalked to any degree and downplays the seriousness of this issue. Even if it was meant as a joke, its in poor taste. 

    Having lived through being a target of a stalker, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I spent literally thousands of dollars on sliced tires (all four at once, multiple times), security cameras, additional lighting, landscaping adjustments (trees cut down/pared back), and more. 

    I know who it was. He was caught on video but his face was covered enough that it wasn't "definitive proof." I had police officers taking their breaks in my court, sitting in their cars, around the clock. He was never caught. Never charged. Nothing. 

    Nearly 7 years later and relocated to a different state 1,000 miles away, I still get freaked out any time a car parks in front of my house on my very private street in a neighborhood that backs up to the water and no one drives through there unless they have a reason to be in the neighborhood. 

    I got a Christmas card a few years back -- didn't recognize the handwriting, couldn't make out the signature, and no return address. My address is public record. 

    You never EVER get over it. You NEVER feel 100% safe or free again. EVER. 

    People have died at the hands of their stalkers. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I really hope one of the remaining episodes focuses on her, rather than limiting her to zingy one-liners.

    George handling the recruiting process like the father of an athlete was hysterical. He's a lot smarter than his family gives him credit for. 

    I'm really going to miss this show. 😭

    I would be more inclined to be interested in the Morose Mandy spin-off (love it!) if Missy were a part -- its a shame Regan Revord isn't going to be a part of it. 

    I wonder if Wallace Shawn improvised the "literally" comment when saying Sheldon outgrew him. 

    Knowing what's about to happen, I had a little sad when George and Sheldon were in the airport heading to Boston -- George's "I'm proud of you son" and the eye contact they had.

    I think it was the "son" that got me. Even tho' George has been a total retcon, I don't care because I really like what they did with the character. I'm sure there was a little personal in that as well between the actors considering that Ian has basically grown up on this show. 

    Highly overlooked in this episode was Zoe Perry's non-verbal acting. First the eye-roll of acceptance when talking with George about Sheldon being the only kid that they'll be able to "monetize," and then when MIT was talking about their non-denominational church -- the way she took her hat off and the look she gave George was top-notch non-verbal acting. 

    • Like 13
  9. I'm just going along for this crazy ride. Sometimes it just doesn't need to make sense and I feel like this show is one of them. There's definitely a larger throughline happening--we just don't know what it is. 

    Mindy Cohn dropped us another clue when she was going through Normas's files--some news clippings Norma saves that don't make sense but will at some point--why else would they make it a point for her to comment specifically on those items.

    They really are doing a great job of creating that old Palm Beach/South Florida vibe with all the lush gardens and dark and opulent rooms.

    I don't care if it's not making sense, I am loving this show!!

    • Like 3
  10. 8 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    your response prompted me to actually google it.  And it is indeed Mar a Lago.  My mom lives about 10 miles down the coast from it and I had a feeling (I refuse to drive past it in recent years) Since he didn't "own" it when this is supposed to take place - I guess that's how the producers justified letting it in.  It is an iconic property, so if you're doing a show in 1960 PB - you have to have it in there.

    That is absolutely shocking to me. And disappointing. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    took me three sitting to finish this first episode and was completely underwhelmed.  I like to look at pretty sets and pretty clothes -but there's not enough to hold me to it. I'll try E02 tonight. 

    Also - are the ariel exterior of the Club - Mar a Lago?  

    Given the activism and public stance of at least two of the female leads who are also producers (and likely others involved at various levels of production), this is a no-brainer question. Using aerial shots of that property would be a dealbreaker for at least two of them, if not more.

    The answer is no. 

    • Applause 1
  12. Carol Burnett is a national treasure. With just a face, a gesture, a grunt, or just a few slurred words, she has the ability to make one laugh out loud. Despite having the fewest lines this week, she -- as she always does -- steals the show! 

    • Like 2
  13. This has to be one of the best episodes they've done to date. They got a LOT in but it didn't feel rushed. I too was confused at the end when they jumped from escape ship right to "life is back to normal" but the reveal at the end made it make sense. Harry not liking the pie should have been the immediate tip-off! 

    LOVE Alan Tudyk and Enver Gjokaj playing off each other -- matchmaking and a conversation about the sorry state of healthcare happening in the same conversation was something I never knew I needed in my life and was just laugh-out-loud funny (especially because I'm arguing with my shitty health insurance over reimbursement right now--someone please bring me a hot alien to offset it).

    This show blends dark with humor and sadness better than most any show I've seen that tries it. Its an art, and they've nailed it! 

    Bring on Season 4! 

    • Like 11
  14. I hope they don't do a season 2. What's the hook? Michonne and Rick's raison d'être was to find their way back to each other, and they did that after a MASSIVE, years-long separation. 

    Unless season 2 were to focus on a Judith and/or RJ kidnapping/disappearance and them going off on another quest to find them, Rick and Michonne's story has been told, which was the purpose of this six-episode run. 

    Showing them living day-to-day as a family in the Commonwealth or Alexandria would just be the mothership redux. 


    • Applause 2
  15. 1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

    It would have been really funny if they had Michonne actually say this. 

    That whole scene was well done. Michonne saying the equivalent of "don't be an asshole for like, 10 minutes until we're gone, and you can have the noodles," and those wankers couldn't even pretend for 10 minutes!

    Although, after thinking about it more today, I do wonder how those people were still alive. I know they were merely a plot device for the Jadis scene, but they were acting as though it was still early days and they didn't have much experience dealing with walkers. But we're what . . . 10 years in now? How did they survive for 10 years? 

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  16. 1 hour ago, gutbuster said:

    It was a cute moment, but is that right? That after all this time, Rick, who now is able to fly a helicopter, can't drive a stick? I would have thought that a person living in a rural southern town would have acquired that knowledge at some point. Especially with all the outdated technology that we saw in the early seasons of the show.


    Remember, he now only has one hand, so I assume the logic is that he can't steer or shift with a stump and do the other with the good hand. 

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  17. I'm liking it but you have to take it for what it is. Fluff. I saw the less-than-stellar reviews and am still watching it. I am curious about Maxine's marriage and why her husband seems to be on the outs with his wealthy aunt, and what kind of grift they agreed to. If she married him under false pretenses (a spoiler so not stating it here), why did he stay married to her? 

    I can usually only take Kristen Wiig in small doses but she's actually acting the role here, unlike an overblown SNL character skit. 

    Its silly soapy fun. I often like things reviewers don't, because I don't look for more in it than what's right there on the surface. 

    Now somebody get me a grasshopper! 

    • Like 2
  18. On 2/23/2024 at 1:28 PM, Tom Holmberg said:

    That wasn't the girl's character's name (it was Mei-Tung), but it would have been a great joke if she was Joyce Kim.

    The professor called her Joyce, because my immediate thought was Joyce . .  Kim?

    I just rewatched with captions on b/c I was so curious -- when the professor first calls her over, the captions say "Miss Chen." Which SOUNDED like Kim, which is why I went back and turned the captions on.

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  19. I rewatched seasons 1 and 2 recently and a couple thoughts --

    I think Sea Barbara is sneaking through . . . in Season 1, Janine's kids were dancing to some song and Barbara came in and told them to keep it down, that the song Janine was playing "was like 'Back that Azz Up' for kids" and then she knew that's the song to bring old Ava back -- Barbara seems pretty familiar with the effects of that song on people!!  And of course . . . "walkman/phone" "napster/spotify" -- how can you not love a show that effortlessly throws in a Napster reference? 

    There have been little hints across seasons 1 and 2 that Ava has cameras in the classrooms -- I can't recall the specific episode but Ava says something to Janine over the intercom about what's happening in her classroom and Janine says to the camera "can she see me?" I think the same happened with Gregory. 

    I loved the sweater dress on Janine -- it seemed like a pricepoint dress a teacher could afford but was also very flattering. 

    For those saying Gregory's response of "putting a period" on him and Janine despite it being left open-ended, its not unrealistic at all -- I know a few guys who have done just that. Men process and deal with their emotions and move along -- women tend to wonder, and ponder, and go back and forth. The whole "if a man is interested, you'll know" kind of thing -- men are pretty simple creatures. 

    I love that they're showing Janine maturing into herself and the job but slowly, as would happen in the real world -- notably, when Barbara said about her considering the district fellowship -- "sweetheart, you always have Abbott to come home to" -- her face lit up and she smiled but she didn't go into her Barbara-as-replacement-mother response we've seen previously. 

    Ava's glasses and the bedazzled AVA in Harvard .  . . never change Ava.

    I love this show. 

    • Like 8
  20. I wanted to like this and was expecting more drama/oomph along the lines of Narcos. But this was just . . . meh. It dragged. They never really established her as the Queenpin of Miami -- they made her seem weak and desperate the entire time, not strong and in control. 

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