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Posts posted by ellekaelin

  1. Am I the only one noticing on this season these contestants spelling is horrible. Kensey? Venise? I think Liz's ex-husband really dodged a bullet. 

    Charlie is the only one left that I actually like and he is really good at putting things the right way to not be overly suspicious. I think that he has a good shot if he plays smart. 

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  2. Charlie is literally the only person left that I care about. Also Applebees sucks! 

    I also wondered if that song that was popular on TikTok would at some point "Were fancy like Applebee's on a date night..." Whatever it was 

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  3. 15 hours ago, crowceilidh said:

    Once upon a time, I believe when this forum was called Televiision with Pity (TwoP), you would come on the SYTYCD chat and there would be 600+ comments by 12 noon the day after.  I know that forums have changed a lot since then, but so has the show. 

    This new format is so cheap that unless they manufacture outrageous drama in the house, show after show, they are unlikely to pick up new viewers and if they do manufacture outrageous drama, show after show, they are unlikely to keep the old hold-outs who keep hoping to see some fresh and exciting dancing.  If seasoned viewers can barely figure out what's going on and who is who.... 

    Remember when there was a top 20 AND they did an intro show with everyone grouped by their own styles performing together?  8 different choreographers.  You became invested before the first cuts.  Now, pllllhhhh. 

    It feels so unfair to all these kids who grew up with the goal of getting on the show they loved to arrive and see it be a sickeningly manipulative vaguely-related experience.  Anyhow, I haven't stopped watching yet, but it's also hardly an investment of my time to watch an hour-long show with almost nothing on it.

    Don't remind me that TWOP is no longer a thing I miss it soooo much. I wish I could read the old threads still but its just gone :(.

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  4. Oddly Easton was the only one in his music video that stood out to me. I hated the second music video. I miss the old format. I liked seeing the dancers grow, I miss the old dances, I miss the old vibe of the show. Can we just get old school SYTYCD back pretty please???????????

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  5. Unfortunately for Alana the best role models she has seen daily in her life are two people that have had four children by the time they were 21 or 22. I really think they tried their best but probably no conversations were had about finances, how to be a truly functional adult. If this will give her an identity beyond "Honey Boo Boo". I don't care how she gets there but get her there. 

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  6. It sucks that Drake Bell turned into an abuser himself because I think that his story is really sad but it made it less sympathetic to me. I'm sorry but I can believe that you may not have known she was only 12 but you knew damn well that she wasn't 18. I hate that Nickelodeon turned into the seedy network that it did because if you watch the documentary The Orange Years it seemed like it wasn't like that at all during the beginning. This documentary really showed me how easy it is for predators to manipulate people and get people to be on your side. I really think that Dan was the way he was to Drake because he knew that he had another show to make money off, he knew that if he wasn't extra kind to this kid then he would say something and it would be Dan Schneider dealing with consequences of hiring pedophiles. I hate that I left this show feeling like its going to happen again. I really hope that Amanda tells her story one day because I just know something happened to her and she was a big enough star that I think that something would truly happen to stop this. 

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  7. My family didn't get cable until I was 16 and that was when I-Carly, Victorious, and Zoey 101 were the big shows. I remember my little sister watching those shows and seeing scenes here and there and thinking they were creepy. I think child acting is a pedophiles paradise. It's filled with parents who generally so desperately want their kids to be stars that they will let their kids be in uncomfortable situations, filled with people who know how to say the right things to a parent to get them control, and the money they can make is insane. It's sad to look at these kids from these Disney or Nickelodeon shows that are flying off the deep end and completely understand why. I hope that this documentary opens peoples eyes a little but I don't think it will. 

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  8. The Camden's I hated the most were honestly probably the most innocent ones... I HATE THOSE TWINS. They were some of the most awful kid actors. Not their fault they were like The Olsen Twins and started acting when they were newborns. 

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  9. Adam and Danielle are slowly turning into Jon and Kate towards the end of their relationship. Danielle just seems so annoyed at everything he does. It's becoming uncomfortable to watch. Also just look at the kids and tell them to clean up their messes. If you have to get out a whistle and get your kids to do things then you need to really let your kids know that you are in charge. Also if its that hard for you to get your kids to do a chore then don't reward them. Reward them when they start getting things done on their own. 

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  10. I watched season after season of Maddy hitting and bullying her younger siblings. Maddy you do know that plenty of moments of you tormenting those kids are on camera right? So for her to say that anyone is abusive is beyond me. I truly think those who lived with Kate were fed a certain story and taught to believe it. I think they truly believed that Collin was a "monster" who had to be put away when in reality Collin was the kid who didn't want to play along with the big happy family that Kate alone was raising when that truly wasn't the case. How dare Kate go to Hannah's graduation and cheer for her and not for Collin. How dare you make something that in a young persons mind your biggest day such a sad moment to see one of your parents not "proud of you". Kate is a monster! I really hope one day these other kids discover their own truth. 

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