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Yes it's their way of saying they are racist sexist bigots without saying they are racist sexist bigots. Although I hate the word woke my definition of it is being respectful of people who aren't like you. It's not a hard to understand concept. Everyone should be given the same opportunities regardless of race gender sexual identity or religion. Just be a nice person.
Every year i see comments whining about Black History Month. And I'm always tempted to respond don't the other 11 months celebrate White History?
And this is one of the biggest problems with Trump. Once he decides something he will not back down. RFK Jr is not only woefully unqualified which he showed yesterday but also dangerous. But Trump will forever say he is the best person for the job and if he is confirmed and he fucks up and you know he will Trump will be telling all of us he is doing a tremendous job. Remember when we had presidents who handled disasters like an adult? And now we have Trump.
And so many of these people consider themselves "Christians". "I told you once that I was searching for the nature of evil. I think I've come close to defining it: a lack of empathy. It's the one characteristic that connects all the defendants. A genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow man. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy." ~ G. M Gilbert It's the lack empathy that is going to kill us all.
If I'm not mistaken Trump told that same story.
When my son was little I would hear people say it's so hard for biracial kids and I thought yeah because of people like you.
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This was probably his plan all along.
I'm rooting for Philly. Actually I would have rooted for any NFC team against the Chiefs. Can't stand them and one big reason why is that offensive tomahawk chop. How in 2025 are they still doing that? Although I did notice networks don't show it during the games anymore. They went at him hard. And he was so in over his head. If he gets confirmed I shudder to think how fucked we are.
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I don't think it's a reach to call them the American version of the Gestapo.
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This is yet another way for them to scare immigrants, documented and undocumented. Could you imagine how traumatized a child would be if some ICE agent showed up and removed them from school? We heard how Trump refers to them. He doesn't care how they are treated.
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And we all know they will only ask children who aren't white.
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Same state that wants bibles in class rooms. Do they ever get around to actually teaching?
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I do agree Trump was most likely told SCOTUS won't have your back on this. He is like a toddler testing his boundaries. Let's hope he keeps getting his fingers burned by touching the hot stove.
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I feel like Musk ordered the freeze. And once Trump found out his base was mad he rescinded it. Trump doesn't like his base mad at him. Remember when he supported vaccines and his base turned on him? He quickly stopped talking about vaccines after that. It's nobody's business why someone is getting assistance. And I would think that cashier's boss would not like her judging their customers.
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