943 -
5.9k Excellent-
Good opening to a new season...however...a few critques: #1 Nina looks anorexic...she's stick thin. Also, I wish this show would be a little more realistic with how Nina dresses. No FBI field agent would be wearing a low cut designer blouse and boots with heels. Comfortable low heel shoes that an agent can run in are required. Tight skinny jeans, the aforementioned blouse and heeled boots are strictly Hollywood wardrobe outfits. I guess she's the sex symbol for this franchise...disappointing and a WTF??? I live in a neighborhood outside of DC and many of our neighbors are FBI, CIA and Secret Service. None of the women I know that work in these agencies EVER dress like this for work especially in the field.
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Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
I have to disagree with you...I remember their meetings with Dawn before and after Carlie was born. She did go over in detail the expectations and guidelines for an open adoption. She was overly nice and never spoke down to them once...she often times had to talk both of them off a cliff when they went rogue and were demanding that Brandon and Teresa give them more time with Carlie. She also had to explain to them for the billionth time what an open adoption is and to abide by the legal agreement as set forth before Carlie's birth. C&T would calm down and obey the rules for awhile then they would do something stupid like put up photos of Carlie on Instagram or complain about Brandon and Teresa on other social media sites. Again...Dawn would have to step in explain shit all over again to these two. In their minds C&T feel like they should have open access to Carlie because she's their bio daughter. They feel very entitled and their obsession with Carlie and the belittling of Brandon and Teresa on social media as monsters that are keeping their "daughter" from them is detrimental to not only Carlie but to the two people who have given Carlie a great life as well as loved her unconditionally. C&T don't seem to understand legal issues that they signed off on when Carlie was born...they can't litigate this stuff anymore. Get over it and take care of the bio kids you have now. When Carlie is 18 she can decide whether she wants to visit them or see them at all. There is no need to badmouth Carlie's adopted parents who have tried to give her a good life that both C&T knew would not possible at the time when she was conceived. Be a little thankful for that instead of acting like spoiled brats with huge entitlement attitudes. -
All Episodes Discussion
Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
This was disturbing to watch on so many levels...Amber is a mess. First of all...she puts herself out there on dating sites looking for hook ups or a husband...not sure which it is but still...why not use your abundance of free time and $$ to go back to school and LEARN something that can help you get a job or have some sort of career? Start with a community college. Sitting around the house all day is definitely not a life plan. Or how about going outside, putting on gardening gloves and do some lawn work and clean up of the overgrowth of weeds and tree branches! It looked Grey Gardens the other night. Why is she so easy to manuipulate? This guy she was "engaged" to was obviously a little dysfunctional. Running away was weird and concerning. But getting engaged to Amber without doing your homework on her past issues with ex fiancees is on him. Amber should be let go from the show. She needs to get herself together and frankly, this show is not healthy for her or Leah. I guess Maci's new job is to babysit Amber. Cate and Tyler are delusional and obnoxious. Yes, they have an open adoption but that doesn't mean that can demand to see Carlie. They do not have open access to Carlie and any kind of vistation is at Brandon and Teresa's discretion. I really can't stand Cate and Tyler....they are so entitled and spoiled. I'm sick of seeing them with their ugly tattoos and lazy ass life. Perhaps if they had jobs or a career they wouldn't be obsessing about Carlie all the time and harassing Brandon and Teresa online and elsewhere and trashing them on MTV. I really hope that B &T get a restraining order on them...enough is enough. And not to sound rude or catty but Cate really could use her spare time to get healthy and lose some weight. She's morbidly obese and her weight is going to present a lot of health issues and problems as she ages. Lord knows she has ample free time to go to a physician and a trainer. As for Ashley...remember when she and Bar ran off and got married and how beligerant and arrogant she was about it? Sorry...I don't feel sorry for her...she knew what this guy was all about. I do feel sorry for Holly...she's a sweet girl who has been through some trauma. She loves her Dad so this whole incident has probably been hard on her...along with all his incarcerations. -
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Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
ALL OF THIS! Does Zach even have a high school diploma? He doesn't even have a Community College diploma and he certainly doesn't have a business degree. And why are these two trying to have another kid?? The MTV $$$ must be pretty good...both of these nudniks are going to have a rough go when MTV pulls the plug. -
All Episodes Discussion
Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Gary will never quit this show. He makes too much money from it. But he should quit it for Leah's sake. And he needs to quit being Amber's babysitter. He owes her nothing. She has trashed him and Christina on social media, embarrassed Leah over and over again and is really just a passive aggressive narcisstic mess. She does nothing to improve her life...same patterns of behavior that we've seen since day one of this show. she has no job and never has, no skill set to make a living off of, continues to seek out men online that clearly are in it for fame and fortune...she acts as though she can ignore her teenage daughter for months on end because she's dating someone new and then just reappear and want to be in her life again. Gary is enabling all these behaviors by being her crutch. -
All Episodes Discussion
Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Cate and Maci need to mind their own damn business. Amber lying on her couch with a new Gary who proposes to her after only seven months of dating? In front of two other women he just met like five minutes ago??? Seriously...this girl/woman has some issues that really need to be dealt with. And...what happened to her college classes to be a shrink??? Brianna and her sister could be a little more compassionate. Maybe hire a sitter and take her out for dinner and start to rebuild and repair their dysfunctional family? Or go to a family therapist as a threesome? I mean Brianna seems to be a little more sympathetic than her sister who is just mad and vindictive. Their mom needs ongoing therapy. You don't just come home from rehab to zero after care. -
S14.E14: Off the Rails
Hedgehog2022 replied to Salacious Kitty's topic in The Real Housewives Of New Jersey
Agree with everything you said...but here's some great news...Andy Cohen said yesterday that this franchise is going to be retooled and probably an all new cast will be recast. Maybe he reads this site? They must have seen a drop in viewers and heard from viewers that they are tired of seeing these women so visciously attack each other and get paid for it! All of them should be canned...if they only get rid of a few and keep loudmouths Teresa, Jennifer Aydin, Jackie, Delores and Marge then I'm out. -
All Episodes Discussion
Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
THIS!!!! Zach has zero ambitions and zero motivation. I don't understand why she married him at all. All these guys don't work...Tyler works out at the gym and then has his wife take photos of him for Fans Only. Corey just does MTV The Challenge...and he's getting a little old for that now. He brings zero to the table for his common law wife and kids once MTV gives him the boot. Taylor has his T shirt business but that's it and I would imagine sales are down at this point. Are people really buying those t shirts anymore? Not one of these guys has a solid 9-5 job or a career plan. I think Jade's husband is at least trying at this point. Time will tell. -
After watching this trainwreck of a season finale I really think Bravo should put this show to bed for good. It is just a mess of a show. The women all seem to dislike one another and can't find a way to get together and have fun like they used to many seasons ago. All they do is knock each other down, bad mouth one another and act like high school bullies. It's boring and sad. Either end the show or fire the entire cast and recast the show...these women are yesterday's news...especially Teresa who has become quite the diva. These women can't even have lunch together without an entire security team standing by to break up a cat fight. It's just embarassing and I don't understand the point of this show if all it is a bunch of women fighting and trashing one another all the time. Face it Bravo...this show has run its course. The nastiness and dysfunction of these relationships is frankly embarassing...not just for them but for their children and their husbands. Watching this show is like getting a tooth pulled without anesthesia.
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I agree...Luis thinks he's a tough guy and he seems to want to impress Teresa with his tough guy "tude". He's really just another Jersey ahole glomming on to a low IQ woman with zero talent and a lousy personality. As long as she believes all the flowery daily affirmatives he spews out she's sold on his particular brand of BS and he'll just keep doling them out while he's probably taking her to the cleaners since it looks like he doesn't have a job.
that was totally out of line and just plain nasty. Jennifer Aydin is a bully and the most wretched woman on this show. Her role as Teresa's suck up best buddy is going to her head. As a mother of two girls, one of which has experienced being bullied, you'd think she wouldn't be exhibiting this behavior in her own life. What a terrible role model for her kids...yet Teresa and her kind of deserve each other.
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Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Mackenzie's only option I think is to use a surrogate. It's way too dangerous for her to embark on the IVF journey. The IVF place she went to sucks.- 335 replies
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Hedgehog2022 replied to StatisticalOutlier's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
I so agree! I have a daughter (who's 34 now) but when she became a teen at 13 I didn't take her to OBGYN. I had the "talk" with her and made it clear that she could come to me with any questions or problems whatever they were. I did not take her to an OBGYN at all..our primary care doctor (who is excellent) saw her when she was 15 for gyn appointment as well as giving her a full physical. She put her on the pill at 16 to help regulate her menstrual cycles. I certainly would not have had these discussions on national TV! I'm sure Leah thinks she's performing some sort of public service message on TV...and maybe she is but still...I felt her daughters' uncomfortability.