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  1. We know that bomb testing & neodymium magnets have been discussed, but there hasn't been much discussion about natural gas or byproducts of fracking, so here is some interesting information for anyone willing to put some time in & consider possibilities other than aliens. I know this would not cover even a good portion of the phenomena experienced in this area, but I'm of the opinion that most of these can be explained if we remove our bias. I also want to point out that there could possibly be a conflict of interest where this property is concerned, whether that is in regards to billionaires or the government, as there could be the potential to profit from extracting natural resources here. Also consider that the surrounding areas are reservations, so fracing could only take place on this specific property within this area, possibly making it worth even more. So, this area is a part of the Uintah Basin, which is a natural hotspot for fracking due to shale formations. Fracking has occured in Utah since the 1960s. [https://ballotpedia.org/Fracking_in_Utah#:~:text=to%20Utah%20Gov.-,Gary%20Herbert%20(R)%20in%20December%202014%2C%20fracking%20has%20occurred,recover%20oil%20and%20gas%20resources] You can see in a graphic here that most of the fracking occurs in this Northeastern area of Utah. [https://www.fractracker.org/map/us/utah/] However, the smoking gun is here where we can see that most of the facking actually takes place here in the Uintah Basin. https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey-notes/energy-news/energy-news-hydraulic-fracturing-and-shale-gas/ If you don't know anything about fracking, it can cause serious consequences to the environment, many of which can then effect humans. During this process "[w]astewater containing chemicals, brine, naturally occurring radiation and mud is injected directly into basement rocks or into overlying formations that contain crevices into the basement rock." [https://kutv.com/news/local/fracking-in-utah-other-states-linked-to-earthquakes] Yes, this is absolutely as bad as it sounds. The video below is a documentary about the consequences of fracking & the harm that it has caused people. It really is the best way to explain the issue. [https://youtu.be/6mp4ELXKv-w] There is also something to be said about the sinkholes on the property, which can be caused from fracking. [https://sciencing.com/what-is-the-relationship-between-fracking-sinkholes-and-earthquakes-13400292.html] "If a....massive sinkhole were to open, [for example], it could endanger lives, stop road and rail traffic, and pollute groundwater with gasoline from ruptured pipes and storage tanks or saltwater from the well." [https://www.hcn.org/articles/climate-desk-energy-industry-new-mexicos-oil-fields-have-a-sinkhole-problem] I wanted to point out that one of the cast members had some natural gas symptoms near a sinkhole during the beginning of Season One, & they don't always check their equipment. There was also a very high level of carbon monoxide in the basement where the "hidden room" was found. Also, I have been able to find a possible link between natural gas exposure & the stress induced pneumonia that was found in the dead cow toward the end of the season, which seemed to be experiening lethargy & laying down just before it died in the surveillance video show. [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0300985813502821] Perhaps we need to be looking into more scientific explainations for some of the occurences here as opposed to jumping to conclusions that we really have no logical evidence for. It is possible that many of these occurances have geographical &/or atmospheric explainations, which I happen to find just as interesting! I'd love to hear your thoughts below. Thanks for reading!
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