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Touch the Star

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Posts posted by Touch the Star

  1. 7 hours ago, Uk-Eve said:

    And some of the cut dcc in the last few seasons have accused Kelli and Judy and Charlotte of that on instagram. Because didn't one of them post their actual solo performance on their IG and yet on the show you see and hear Charlotte accusing the same girl of using a song that isnt matching their choreo and Charlotte was heard making some nasty remark about it. I cant be bothered to rewatch that season because it is too cringey to watch (pandemic season if anyone need to know which season I'm talking about)

    Yes, that was Kristin in season 15. She wasn’t cut, but she did post a video of her practicing it on her insta with the real music. Charlotte (and possibly Kelli and Judy) said that the music didn’t match her dance at all, but the music they would have been listening to would be the song Kristin picked (Selah by Kanye West). She wasn’t just upset that they dubbed over the music, she was upset because the song was picked and the dance was choreographed as a response to systemic racism and social injustice (see her post here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJZuxIbhw6D/?utm_medium=copy_link). 

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  2. 3 hours ago, PomPomPom said:

    It could be that each team is sending a Rookie and a Veteran. She must be doing well at Broncos to have been considered.

    I’m happy for her! Schedules/PTO for the cheerleaders’ day jobs could also be a factor- I could imagine it’s hard to get a week or more off in a row in some fields, especially without a lot of notice. 

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Blue hues said:

    I can’t tell...  who is this?  

    Madeline M (4th year)

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  4. 8 hours ago, BullInChina said:

    It's probably been mentioned many times before, but somehow I never realized that Sunni Cranfill was Miss Texas back in 2003. If you'd like to see the pageant, video is here

    She's also quite fun to watch as the reigning Miss Texas the following year

    I don't have any footage of her at Miss America; she didn't make the top 15 but did get a nonfinalist talent award. 

    I has no idea either, that’s pretty cool! The 2004 pageant was the most fantastically early 2000s thing I think I’ve ever seen 😂

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  5. Sorry if this has already been posted, but the squad reveal video is up on Instagram. I like how they featured each one of the group leaders at the end with what looked like their respective groups - it also got around the sticky issue of picking just one point like the 2019 reveal. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, StellaCL said:

    My eyes zoomed in on that couch. Where or where do three young 20somethings get a brand new couch like that? It made me feel their home was staged for them right before they filmed that segment. 

    Madeline S. and her mom as a legacy were not featured that much in Season 14 either. I chalked it up to Madeline's mom being more reserved and chose not to be on camera until Madeline was truly on the team. The 60th anniversary of DCC was this past weekend - from that, I am guessing ageing and looks do not have much to do with it - most returning alumni haven't maintained their glamourous DCC look - they all look like "regular moms." I noticed Madeline's mom had her almuni jersey on at the meet the team event, so did she dance as well at the anniversary event? All the alumni at the anniversary had on that same jersey with their rookie year as their number.

    That’s totally possible that it was staged for them. But as someone who just spent months couch shopping, I saw dozens of ones exactly like the blue velvet one for $300-400 on wayfair- split three ways, that’s pretty affordable. I think it’s also worth noting many (though maybe not all) of the girls come from solidly middle class or wealthy families. I wouldn’t be surprised if their families helped with the initial moving costs or deposits for apartments - I know this was the case for many of my friends right after graduation. 

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Uk-Eve said:





    Hmm funny thing was there was another girl from Yuko's area who was on the same 2 cheerleading team as her in Japan (the one where the Former Japanese DCC was the director/coach coaches) and she never made it even tho she said she was on those two team that Danskio (spelling?) coaches and knows her and Yuko.


    Tho damn Yuko and her family is cute tho.


    Christina, she actually looks nice with longer hair, if done right, if you ask me.


    Has anyone touched on the fact that VK seems to have removed all traces of her BF from her personal instagram?

    Yep, I think someone said earlier in this thread that they broke up in the last couple months 😕

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  8. 5 hours ago, Jcamille said:

    A couple of questions:

    1) Did they cut out the interview section of the selection process? I loved that part. 

    2) Did they cut out media training? That was also a favorite of mine.

    3) What happened to etiquette training? Is it gone, too?

    4) When do Marissa, Alora-Rose and Lisa leave or get cut? They were all 3 still in this most recent episode.

    5) Given that there are no on-camera mentions of weight this year, do they still have daily weigh-ins and put people on weight-warnings? Kelly used to be so obsessed with weight and I think I remember it being in their contracts. There are at least 4 Veterans who look heavier than the usual weights that they allow the cheerleaders to be.

    1) if they did any sort of group interview around finals, it wasn’t shown. Last year, they had individual interviews with staff (including Kelli’s daughter randomly, who I believe interned with CMT at one point) ahead of training camp. 
    2) media training last year was shown at the end of camp, I believe it was the second to last episode. I’m guessing we’ll have to wait a couple more episodes to see it. Considering their emphasis on the DCC being good ambassadors for the team, I’d have it earlier to be sure that the TCC are coachable and are given a chance to improve (thinking of Kat, Taylor T, and Meredith here) 

    3) if they did etiquette training last year, it wasn’t shown/might have been post-bubble like makeovers. Hopefully they’ll have it this year. 
    4) Marissa is still on the team. Not sure about timing for the others

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  9. Why are they putting off cutting TCC Ashley? Her flexibility issues are significantly worse than other TCCs.
    It’s bizarre that they didn’t mention flexibility issues with Jordann considering most of the things they mentioned were explicitly described as “coachable”. I could maybe see flexibility being an issue at this point with her, but either they didn’t mention it or it was cut for time. 

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  10. 45 minutes ago, Kamal said:

    So everyone loves Bridget. She was a star. She would've been point if she had stayed.

    What was the main reason she retired ? (Of course the reason isn't just one but a combination of reasons but I'm curious. )

    Age? Work? injury? family? Love life? 


    videos of Bridget on fire from reddit.



    I’m sure this isn’t the only reason, but she had already spent 5 years as an NFL cheerleader by the end of her second year. She danced for the (then) San Diego Chargers for 3 or so years before coming to Dallas- from her bio, I think she had been in Dallas for a year before trying out. Maybe she felt like it was time to move on.  She was also engaged while in TCC but they broke up sometime during her two years. 

    When Hannah, lily, and Brennan got cut last year, she (accidentally?) tweeted something critical of TPTB on her DCC Twitter - it didn’t name them directly, but it was pretty clear. She was already retired at that point but I wonder if there were other management decisions she disagreed with that contributed to her retirement. 
    She was one of my favorites and I wish she had stayed, but I hope she’s happy wherever she is in life!

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  11. 54 minutes ago, sATL said:

    With the exception of the push - the video seems harmless... Am I missing something - not sure why it went viral...

    who were the other cast members ? siblings/cousins ?

    Yeah, I’m not sure why it has that many views either- I don’t get it. No idea who’s in the video either. I don’t see a huge problem with it either but some people might have on first look, she cared enough to turn the comments off. 

    We don’t even know if it’s Ava that gets spoken to, I just noticed that it went viral right around (maybe a bit before?) training camp and thought it was worth mentioning

  12. 5 hours ago, Touch the Star said:

    I agree, if the social media is about Ava, she either deleted it or it’s on another platform (maybe TikTok?). 

    I would have saved Shaina- she was a great dancer and so stunning. I don’t blame her for not wanting to come back after the show tried to exploit her friends’ passing 

    Ok I was in a TikTok hole and found this on Ava’s TikTok, it went pretty viral in June (3.2 million views). https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMREfRDKp/
    If that’s what they’re referring to in the next episode, i don’t think Kelli wants the dcc being associated with pushing a little girl into a swimming pool (even if it’s for a joke or something, I don’t think it’s particularly funny) 

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  13. 4 hours ago, Manc.UK.DCCfan said:

    Is anyone else wondering what Kelli is referring to with Ava’s social media? Come on the kid just left high school. I had a nosey at her IG at the weekend when I finally got the episode and she must’ve deleted it because her IG looked fine! 

    I was also so annoyed that much more wasn’t said for Daphne or Amanda considering they respect their veterans, Daphne & Amanda deserved more - Amanda should’ve definite been acknowledged and not Erica’d out and no I’m not just saying it because I’m a fan of them both. People will notice. 

    MRS has had her day I think. They whole thing with Kya felt awkward and Caroline could’ve done that entire thing with Kya on her own and would’ve likely achieved better results. 

    late to the party on this too but there’s a few cut TCC’s I would’ve saved - LSU Kat, auto Amy, Dayton and curly haired Kyndall.

    I agree, if the social media is about Ava, she either deleted it or it’s on another platform (maybe TikTok?). 

    I would have saved Shaina- she was a great dancer and so stunning. I don’t blame her for not wanting to come back after the show tried to exploit her friends’ passing 

    • Love 24
  14. 6 minutes ago, cherryblossom said:

    I sent a complaint to Amazon as I would think they would be contractually to have CMT upload them in a timely matinee. Now if it is because Amazon is not uploading them, then that is a different matter.  Doubt if I get a response!

    Update-10:30 am Monday, still not uploaded

    Yes, I believe iTunes had it up by noon Saturday so Amazon should definitely have the file. Since there’s no customer service with Amazon I might just have to go through my bank and try to get a refund since the service isn’t being provided at this point 

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  15. 57 minutes ago, Beden said:

    I realize that this info is likely out there but I'm unable to locate it...


    Do we have any info on when/where the auditions/training camp Making the Team will be broadcast? Help, please.

    If I’m understanding the question correctly, MTT premieres on September 17th on CMT. You can also buy a season pass on Amazon prime or iTunes I believe. Not sure on how to watch if you’re not in the US (I know we have some international viewers here)

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  16. 3 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

    That's a good question. I'm going to guess maybe Alaska? I know Cianna was from Hawaii. The 2 from my state, WI were DCCs Stephanie and Kelli Jo.

    My guess would be Vermont or the Dakotas maybe? I don’t remember anyone with links there, but I don’t know of any of the DCC pre MTT

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  17. Just now, DCCFan123 said:

    Jalyn definitely posted an R train. Manhattan bound I think.

    She’s definitely in NYC

    She got out of dodge fast if she’s the one who quit! I’d be so sad to see her gone but at the same time I wouldn’t fault her at all 😞

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  18. 12 hours ago, EricaShadows said:


    Christina should never have made the squad and I always wondered why Alexandria even bothered to audition given that her entire life was back east.  Granted she might not have been done dancing, but there were other options in her area that would have been better fits for her, her family, and whatever else she had going.  

    I totally agree on both points! At the very least, I’m shocked Christina wasn’t cut in S13 or 14 when she botched the interview (something about what the star on their uniform stands for??). 

    I’m not sure about how much she uses them now, but Alexandra used to heavily use pictures of her short time with the DCC to advertise her dance classes. It struck me as odd since she’s teaching in MA, I’d think that her experience with the patriots is more marketable here, especially since she didn’t even cheer in Dallas past September or so. I get that DCC is a good marketing tool to get people in the door, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. 

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  19. 2 hours ago, kalibean said:

    For sure looks like a combo, like they photoshopped the Stockyards in FW.  It's been a minute since I lived in Fort Worth, but I legit don't recognize half of those buildings and some of the other ones don't look like they belong where they should.

    That said, there are some amazing locations that could work for a calendar shoot within an hour drive of DFW.  And there are plenty of gorgeous sunrises and sunsets to be had too.  And on top of that, it's not like Texas has many covid restrictions at all, and I've had multiple friends that have traveled to the Bahamas and Mexico both from DFW this year (they're nuts, but YOLO I guess.)  So this seems like pure optics but they're shooting themselves in the foot too IMO. 

    Totally agree- it would be cool to showcase some of the unique landscapes Texas has to offer! I think the SI swimsuit edition did some photoshoots in Wyoming in recent years that could be good inspiration. 

    I found this video that makes it look like the bulls and cheerleaders were all together- they may have edited the skyline though (I’m not from Dallas)  

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  20. 23 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    I knew they had to do kickline twice but I didn't realize it was right splits one time and left splits the other time. Do they still do this?

    I’m curious about this too- Heather H. accidentally started with the wrong leg during kickline when auditioning for her second year (when she got cut) and I always thought it was a bizarre mistake to make. If they do kickline on both sides during auditions still, that makes it seem a little less out of left field. 

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  21. 1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

    Her retirement announcement thing put out says it all she loved the sisterhood aspect of it all !! Sounds to me she didn’t get along with k and j 

    That wouldn’t surprise me! Plus, she had quite a few years with the Atlanta falcons (she was their PBC). Her bio mentioned she had a major injury while with the falcons and she finished her masters in nutrition not that long ago- maybe she felt it was time to move on to different things? 

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