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Posts posted by CherryFerry

  1. 37 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    I so didn't know about the sharing of hormones through saliva.

    It seems Kody still had it wrong though. He was saying the sharing of saliva increased the desire for sex, which is not true. We all know, and as you included in your post, physicals closeness releases our own happy chemicals in our brains. As does emotional closeness. 

    So for sure, kissing can make one horny, but the cause is not due to swapping spit.


    'Salivary hormones exchanged in a French kiss, such as testosterone can boost libido. This effect can be meaningful when even small amounts of testosterone in men’s saliva  kissing are transmitted to women. In women, testosterone controls all aspects of sexual function from libido, to arousal to orgasm. So do as the French do- open mouth kissing could be good for your sex drive and your hormones" 

    Sorry, Kody is correct.

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  2. 9 hours ago, invisiblegirl12 said:

    This is the same guy that told his teens that hormones pass through their mouths when they kiss someone. Not sure their Homeschool Science curriculum can be trusted.

    They do! He was right on the science. Kissing can exchange certain hormones like testosterone or oestrogen and also increases dopamine and oxytocin in the individuals. Same as holding hands, looking into each others eyes and cuddling. 

    Oxytocin is called 'the cuddle/bonding hormone'. It's a major factor in intimate romantic/sexual relationships and in bonding parents to newborns. Women naturally have a flood of oxytocin during and after childbirth to bond them to the newborn and skin to skin contact for both parent is designed to promote oxytocin production.

    Dopamine is also a 'reward' hormone for the brain. So the individual wants more of it. 

    Which was what he was cautioning against - intimate physical activity creates hormones that promote bonding to the other person.

    He's annoying as hell but not wrong in this regard scientifically.

    He did say 'people can look it up' but it seems most people didn't bother lol.  

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  3. 14 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    😂 OMG. Meri flirting. She’s not exactly what one would call beguiling, interesting or alluring. There’s someone for everyone, of course, but Meri seems to act silly around men she has no chance of getting. And it’s AWKWARD. Meri has been stuck with Kody so long, she doesn’t seem to know how to flirt without being clumsy about it. I *almost* feel sorry for her.

    A lot of Meri’s problem, IMO, is her brutish personality. She’s demanding, selfish, has tantrums and puts up “walls” when challenged. Those might be barriers to possible relationships for her. Let’s also add non-stop bragging to the list.

    That said, there’s probably someone out there who will love her for who she is — It’s just not he guy in the commitment ceremony band (or a handsome, vegan, well-traveled, cultured millionaire). 

    Meri has a lot of fans, male and female. Not that I get it but she does. Not all watch the show. What we see as awkward would be really appealing to some men. Not the kind of men I'd be into, but she wouldn't find it hard to find a partner if she wanted to.

    More likely now to be middle aged or older men who are widowed or divorced but making a generalisation, men from those demographics are far less comfortable with being single than women may be.

    There are few, if any, middle aged or over single men being kick-ass living their best lives social movements like there are for women.

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  4. 17 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    I believe Meri has been through some shit, especially early on with Kody and additional wives popping out baby after baby while she experienced secondary infertility. And based on the small part of their book that I read, I think Meri has some serious self esteem issues and trouble making real friends and relating to people. And I think that during the pandemic, Kody, Robyn, Janelle, and Christine all abandoned her and made no attempt to see if she was okay. And they're assholes for doing that. 

    All that being said, I think Meri is also an asshole who is difficult to live with. She deals with her insecurities by blaming everyone else for everything and constantly making herself out to be a victim. She is controlling and a liar. Meri was shopping around for another relationship when she ran into "Sam." She was trying to leave the family, and if Sam had been real, she'd be long gone. She should just admit that. Christine has greatly benefited from admitting her issues with Kody, but Meri refuses to take the leap. So instead she's just unhappy and horrible to live with and listen to. She's the ultimate martyr. I'm not surprised that Leon fled the whole situation to Colorado, although Leon seems to have many of Meri's personality traits too.

    Meri was flirting online for an age before she was caught by Sam. She was all over the guy from the band that played at the commitment ceremony on Twitter and people were wondering if something was going on but it really just seemed Meri was making him uncomfortable. But other men on Twitter did seem interested in her.

    She wasn't manipulated into divorcing Kody by Kody or Robyn. She was getting attention online, going for it and making the way out of the family clear. 

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  5. 12 hours ago, Sandy W said:

    This is what I recall of Kendra's involvement with the Brown bunch. 

    Kendra is the mother of 7 or 8 children who somehow found the time to accompany the Brown wimmen folk when they went dress shopping in San Francisco(?).

    It seems to me that her initial involvement with Robyn was when she supplied blank t-shirts to be emblazoned with Sister wives uplifting messages but that went sour after there was an issue over payment.

    When "Sam" was at the peak of posting over the catfish business, Kendra claimed that she had visited Sam in person and vouched for "his" authenticity. I think Kendra is a fame whore who saw an opportunity to gain some attention by attempting in insert herself in the drama. 

    It has been widely speculated that there was collusion between Kendra and Robyn to snare Meri into the catfish debacle.  I don't believe this to be true, but I do believe that Kendra filled Robyn in on real or imagined details of the whole fishfry.

    I'm not believing Kendra and Robyn colluded either. Kendra was a freaky fame whore who started a lot of the rumours about the sister wives family. Kody taking a 5th wife, Mindy going to be the  5th wife, Robyn sleeping till midday all came from a sister wives source which was Kendra.

    Kendra saying Meri had a physical affair with Sam and that she met him discredit her as Sam doesn't even exist.

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  6. I really don't think Kody is more in love with Robyn than the others as a whole. I think he spends more time with her because she has younger kids. So she can use that as leverage, she needs more support etc and he loves younger kids.

    Because they're still in that phase where they make him the centre of attention, which he loves, and still in that phase where Daddy is the greatest man that ever lived. The hero. He loses interest once they start to have their own opinions and lives and aren't always interested in doing what Daddy wants to do. Robyns 2 youngest will still be excited to do whatever Kody wants to do. We saw when he was trying to force Truely to ride a bike how pissed off he was that she was asserting her own will and didnt want to do what he wanted her to. Unless you're interested in what Kody is interested in; guns, wrestling, manly pursuits etc then he's not too bothered. Thats the only reason he found it easier to 'bond' with his boys. If they'd have been interested in cooking, online gaming or a million other things, he wouldn't have got involved.

    I think he was smitten with Robyn originally but shes not the hot, younger new wife anymore. Shes now approaching middle age; ageing and widening rapidly and becoming more disagreeable and miserable year on year. She also doesn't view him as her hero rescuer anymore.

    He HAS to be the centre of the universe, the best man in the world and the hero. The only people giving him that feeling anymore are his youngest kids and Grandkids. Thats why he's with Robyn more in my opinion.


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