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Posts posted by Dmags21

  1. Poor Jared… umm, I mean Cordell.  Jared said he was actually hurting because he was on the floor and no pads or mattresses or anything.  

    That water looked cold, too.

    I enjoyed the episode.  The scene with the mom and the head Ranger was good. Especially the end when the mom lets herself feel scared and concerned. I almost cried there with her.  🙁

    • Love 2
  2. Walker has been renewed for a third season.  
    Since Batwoman  and Legends  of Tomorrow have been cancelled, the network will need shows.

    Maybe this means the Walker prequel and the Supernatural prequel will be given orders beyond the pilots.  

  3. One of the most glaring, truly horrible evidence of Lorelei’s selfishness was on display:  when dear old Fran dies and Sooki and Lorelei are bugging one of the nephews, WHILE HES CARRYING HER CASKET! about the inn!!   They’re insane!

    They’re truly, truly horrible people.  

    Also glad Dean told the golden child the truth about how horrible Jess treats her.  Dumb cow. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

    I would say that apart from getting pregnant so young (don't get me started on unplanned pregnancies on this show), she was relatively happy with her life. S

    I guess you’re  right about that, but we really didn’t get her thoughts about that, I mean, she was really freaking out when she found out she was pregnant, with twins. 

    I’m comparing her, unfairly perhaps, to the golden child, heck,  and even my life in that school was the most important thing, 🤷🏻‍♀️

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  5. On 4/29/2022 at 10:06 PM, iwantcookies said:

    Paris was insane. Not one person would be friends with that control freak.

    Well, to be fair, she was probably the only one in the entire show to get exactly what she wanted.

    She was going to be a doctor and she was.  An apparently super successful fertility doctor at that.  Two adorable kids and she ended up with her true love.  I call that a win in my book. 

    I think another massive failure at life was Lane, my god that women couldn’t catch a break.  Her mother, in trying to keep her in check, only did incredible damage.  A musician? A rock band?  Really?  Gets pregnant (with twins!!) right after first-time sex? Did she ever graduate college? She’s a waitress forever now?  

    Ugh, I guess every other character in this show was an afterthought.  It was always about the spoilt golden child and her even more self-centered mom and grandma. 

    • Love 2
  6. Walker had good chemistry with Twila. Maybe she can come back. 

    He has a really good working relationship with Cassie, too.  

    I wonder if any one  of those houses by the lake belonged to Jared (or Jensen) 😛😛



  7. Just watching right now and in the early episodes Dean was certainly a reader.  He and Rory read all sorts of things.  Hell, they got into massive trouble when they fell asleep reading a book.  

    Then, when super special Jess comes into the picture he becomes the super smart reader that has so much in common with the golden child.  

    Such bs. I hate that Jess asks Rory what her and Dean talk about, such retconning. The fact she doesn’t answer and just hems and haws is even more ridiculous 😡😡

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  8. I’m sure it’s nothing that hasn’t been known before: how both Graham and Bledel treated the background actors horribly, worse than trash.  At some point when lunch was called, Graham said something like look at the roaches, going strait for the food  something to that effect, referring to the background actors. 
    Graham bitching out the hair dresser because her hair wasn’t quite right on a horribly humid day. 

    how there was a blind item, yes, I know, not very reliable, about someone acting so, so horrible to cast and crew on a show they were guest starring in that at the end she was written off in a most horrible way, even though she was contracted to film several more  episodes. 

    stuff like that.  😬😬

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  9. On 4/13/2022 at 11:53 AM, SJC said:

    If* there is a 2nd part of AYITL I firmly believe that Lorelai & Rory's relationship will be as bad or worse then Emily & Lorelai's in S1. 

    I think that that would bring the story full circle for sure.  Their relationship is massively unhealthy.  Lorelai taught her daughter to be as self-absorbed and selfish as she is.  Which, of course, she learned from the master: Emily. 

    I don’t think they would go for another few episodes. Unless there’s no work for Lauren or  Alexis.  Which, judging from some comments I’ve read elsewhere, it’s a wonder both ever found jobs in the industry again. 😳😳

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  10. Leave it to director Jensen to bring out Jared’s puppy eyes 🥺 

    He looked so adorable when talking to Geri during that ending scene.   
    The green cooler!  How cool was that. 

    i did get a bit teary-eyed hearing Kansas and that song. 


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  11. Hello, new poster here.

    I’ve been watching the repeats on Up and the more I watch the more I hate all three “girls”.

    Don’t know if it’s allowed to bitch and moan here but well, I’ll give it a try.

    One of the most ridiculous scenes for Lorelei to make was the scene where she seems shocked and appalled when Rory tells the Thanksgiving crowd that she had applied to multiple colleges.  Didn’t she know it was pretty much a given to apply to many colleges?  How dumb can you be?  I know she didn’t ever go through that process but it seems a huge overreaction.  

    Anyway, there’s load of situations to plumb from, given their complete self-involvement.

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