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Posts posted by Kikiki


    Impulsive borderline personality disorder is among the four subtypes of BPD. This particular subtype of BPD is the most charismatic of all four. The impulsive subtype is said to have much in common with histrionic personality disorder, according to psychologist Theodore Millon.

    Signs and Symptoms for Impulsive BPD
    A person with impulsive borderline personality disorder often displays the following signs and symptoms of the subtype:

    • Flirtatious with others, sometimes without even realizing it
    • Captivating, able to act with a natural magnetism
    • Elusive and mercurial
    • Superficial, easily entertaining others on a surface level but avoiding more meaningful interactions or relationships
    • High levels of energy and easily bored
    • Thrill-seeking and risk-taking behaviors without regard for consequences
    • Attention-seeking behaviors
    • Charismatic and charming
    • Dramatic
    • Highly manipulative of others, particularly in order to position oneself as the center of attention
    • Complaints of chronic or recurring illness

    These signs and symptoms of the impulsive subtype overlap with or complement some of the more general BPD symptoms.

    (Source:  https://www.google.com/search?q=personality+disorder+poor+impulse+control&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA912CA912&oq=personality+disorder+poor+impu&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j33i22i29i30l8.14161j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 )

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Doesn't this sound like Steven?  People with this sort of psych disorder have zero impulse control.  Usually these types spend most of their lives in-and-out of prison.

    This young, naive Russian girl should pack her bags and RUN, RUN, RUN!  I wonder if she is looking to launch some sort of social media or influencer "career" out of her exposure on this show.

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  2. This is just some ideas that I have... I am NOT a mental health expert:

    An initial understanding of these individuals might be explained by examining Borderline Personality Disorder.  I am by no means a mental health professional, but the following BPD link *might* provide some insight and understanding as to why these people are acting the way that they are. It doesn't excuse the behaviour, though.


    If anyone is actually interested in the possible psychological  "why" for these people's behaviour, reading about Narcissistic personality disorder is also helpful.



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  3. image.thumb.png.8b909c4eaf376d6758c70702f58f4881.png

    On 11/20/2020 at 2:37 AM, Hgirllooking said:

    I could not agree more. This is such an accurate posting.

    Yes, very accurate.  I wonder if Britt's appearance & behaviour in Jordan would have been more comme il faut if she had known that she was often in real danger of being a victim of an acid attack (having someone throw acid in your face).

    See relevant article:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3664532/

  4. On 11/22/2020 at 12:31 PM, itsadryheat said:


    "Ariela and Biniyam have now decided to cash in on their experience on the TLC reality show by starting their own online store. They are selling various homeware items, such as bedspreads, tote bags, clocks, bath mats, shower curtains and clothing. Each item is emblazoned with a cute image of the couple and marked with the logo “Love Without Borders.”

    This can't be real, right? Website shows 4 items. Who would want anything with these two imprinted on it?  . . . asking for a friend

    They could sell toilet seats emblazoned with a cute image of the couple and marked with the logo “Shit Within Borders"

    A perfect gift for any North American squatters!  And, it's doctor approved!  And, this will all work out fantastic until they get sued for trademark infringement violation on the use of "Love Without Borders" -- although "Shit Within Borders" hasn't been snapped up yet!


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  5. There is something else that I found *weird* about Britt's background with regard to her first husband.  So, he had lived illegally in the US for most of his life, then he marries Britt and a few months later he is deported by ICE.  That seems rather convenient and coincidental.

    I can *possibly* see "forgetting" about a really short marriage... but not when the marriage basically ends with a dramatic deportation.


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  6. Is there any chance that Jenny and/or Submit are closet alcoholics or drug users?  I ask because their relationship (or whatever it is) reminds me of Brigitte Nielsen and her fifth husband, Mattia Dessi. 

    Brigitte did some reality telly work in the mid-2000s (eg Surreal Life, Strange Love) where she began this weird friendship/fake romance with has-been rapper Flavor Flav.  During this time it was obvious that she had serious mental and substance abuse problems (esp alcohol).  And, in between her weirdness with Flav Flav, she was interacting with a young man, Mattia, who she referred to as her boyfriend.  Mattia was about 20 years younger than her (and about half a foot shorter).  His boyfriend duties seemed to consist of being almost like a manservant, errand-boy or nurse.... or ENABLER.

    Like Submit, Mattia had no money, education, job or prospects and lacked any real talents or skills.  And, it seemed that Mattia was just looking for an easy way to live a comfortable lifestyle (off of an "old lady") without having to actually work for it.

    Anyhow, the messed up dynamics of both of these May-December relationships seem similar to me. 


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