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Posts posted by Billhodge

  1. On 9/14/2020 at 4:58 PM, Wiendish Fitch said:

    Hard pass from me. My husband said it best: it looks like a total nothing, a snoozefest.

    I agree with the leads being miscast. I like Lily James, but she is all wrong as the second Mrs. de Winter. For one thing, she's waaaaaaaay too beautiful, and they don't even try to dowdy her up (They didn't even go the bun and glasses route!). The point of Second!Mrs. de Winter is that she's plain or, at the very least, pretty in an unspectacular sort of way. Joan Fontaine fit that mold perfectly, and she captured Second!Mrs. de Winter's insecurity, awkwardness, and girlish naïveté. 

    In fairness, Laurence Olivier was also too young (at 33) to play Maxim, but they aged him up by greying his hair, and he did a great job playing an older, patriarchal asshole. Armie Hammer always strikes me as hopelessly bland and unthreatening. He couldn't intimidate a guinea pig. 

    I'm sure Kristin Scott Thomas will make an okay Mrs. Danvers but, come on, can anyone really top Judith Anderson's delectably evil portrayal?

    If I'm going to check out a Rebecca remake, I'll take my chances on the 1997 version with Charles Dance, Emilia Fox (Georgiana Darcy from the 1995 Pride & Prejudice), and the recently departed Diana Rigg. 

    I agree but, unfortunately, we live in the age of anti-ambiguity. If they can show the Once-ler in the 2012 Lorax, what's to stop them from showing Rebecca?

    You are wrong about Laurence Olivier. He was 43 when he played Maxim, not 33.

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