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  1. Even later to the party..but man, what Even was this? I don't even mind st. Olivia doing St. Olivia things but we need not just an opposing view which we had from Rollins,but someone actively asking. WTF do you mean in your gut, and even if she was right how is that a pass on what she did. I've been re-binging and I don't think I ever actually saw the remember me episode, so I honestly was thinking Olivia was just playing along to diffuse the situation. I mean I could tell the girl had been traumatized but I had no way, and was shown no evidence that led me to believe the guy was the guy..except that of course he was. It's the only way you can even try to excuse any of the behavior because dude was a monster..but she caved that other guy's head in. And Olivia just zoomed past that and started talking cartels. I'm good with characters having biases and blind spots...being over zealous at times as long as it's addressed
  2. When I saw they were tanking Nick and Nancy and drifting towards sparks with Axe..I was upset but not surprised...but it's season 4 and I know the idea is they are endgame..but it's starting to feel like they haven't actually worked for it..and if we're gonna have to slog thru a few episodes of her waffling with Tristan only to get a HEA with Axe ill feel they didn't do anyone justice unless they do an okie doke and the two of them realize..we were just really good friends who assumed this was the logical next step....but I imagine that type of outcome may cause a riot...not that I'm a huge fan of obvious things endgames...Bones still feels the worst for me..
  3. I had already taken a step back when the show did the oh so predictable move of having Nick and Nancy only to inexplicably end it and start foreshadowing Nace...and I really like Ace..but as it's happened to me before seeing the black guy shuffled off to the side as a love interest for well a handsome white bloke..I shifted in and out of paying attn to the show..but it's wild that all of this from Nancy and Nick in his garage to now has been like a year and change
  4. Only caught the 1st few minutes before I had to head off to work...that opening with day and Demerezel was..off putting....when I get home I'll finish epi 1 and 2
  5. It sounded like she herself wasn't dirty...but allowed things under her to get too outta control so when will investigated it brought her down
  6. I think the show felt familiar because it reminded me of how to get away with murder....just the tenuous connection between an older woman and the boy she takes under her wing for reasons to do with his past and her guilt...and Amanda Keating was also Bi...so while it never clicked while watching the show and they are different in almost all the ways as I loved HTGAWM and of course viola...I loved will trent and Sonja did a great job
  7. They're kinda leaving it mum on Amanda's preferences...she seemed flirty with that reporter but she didn't really back away from reaching out to James... So She could be BI...either way a half blk half Korean single woman cop prob wasn't getting a kid in 86 Atlanta
  8. But she's also the stepmother to their 2 granddaughters... And Daemon is their father.. So protecting them is siding with Rhaenyra... And all of this is before luke.. Who.. Even if Rhaenys wasn't particularly grandmotherly to.. Corlys did seem to care for.. Apart from "Names not blood"...So this really was the only play.. May as well not be dragged in when the threat comes... Better to help lead.. And u saw how quickly ppl perked up when Lord Corlys walked in
  9. But they have been... An heir doesn't need to do much but inherit... The hightowers and by extension the greens have been actively antagonistic to Rhae, anything short full throated support, knowing the realm is uneasy with a female ruler, helps create this atmosphere..if they say.. Hey we stand with the kings decision.. Make it known they are united.. Who's really even strong enough to take them on.. Targ, Velaryon, Hightower and all the lords and bannermen who follow the kings command... They nkt only didn't vocally support.. They didn't even stay quiet... They worked to sow dissent so when. Visy finally dies... Aegon and their house takes the throne
  10. I can't find it understandable because she's done nothing to remedy it.. In fact she's been aggressive in making it so they will have to fight
  11. I see that.. My thinking on that is.. Her Targaryens.. Are more westerosi.. They'll have the hair and the dragons., sure. But are taught by Hightowers and oldtown and the faith of the seven.. An on a more practical level.. Those kids will listen to us.. Compared to any kids rhae produced ( even ones that did come from Laenor).. Which would be in the hands of Targaryens like Rhae, Dae, Rhanys and house velaryon... Old Valaryia... Viserys seems to have been an accommodating King... Rhae and her children may not( who am I kidding...of course they won't)... Kind like some of the European countries and how they assimilated some of the northmen who came to their shores.. No choice but to accept them or it's war.. May as well fold them in and change them to our way.
  12. Not actively reinforcing to all those around that Rhae and her line will be on the throne is sowing dissent it's tacitly saying.. Sure she's heir for now.. But after visy is dead we got these boys ... Teaching your kids that rhae and their nephews are threats is sowing dissent.. Replacing a Lord and his heir in a major westerosi house.. Who happen to.. at the very least.. Plan honoring the kings decree that Rhae is heir.. With someone who most def plans to be against it.. Is sowing dissent.. Protecting the man who murdered a Knight allied with house velaryon( and thus rhae) in cold blood.. Is sowing dissent... Wearing your house war colors to the pre-wedding celebration of the heir( a move meant to solidify her claim )in plain view of many Lords and Ladies of the realm... Is sowing dissent.
  13. I have no idea up to this point in the show if Rhae would be a good Queen... But she's the heir.. Cersei passed off Non-Baratheons as legitimate... Any child of Rhae that would take thebiron throne would be named Targaryen.. Which is exactly what they are... If anyone has a right to be angry about the boys.. It's house Velaryon... I've always believed this was just the most convenient cudgel the old westerosi lords and ladies could use... Their problem is.. They grow tired of these foreign Velaryians with their hair and "queer" customs and dragons.. And now they want to put a WOMAN in charge... A step too far.. The foreigners don't look like them.. (Just look at house velaryon.. And their racially diverse army) they speak some other language.. They still honor their "pagan" past.. And the westerosi are looking for a chance to really quell some of that power... To bring it to the real world... Look at the reactions to any of the race-swapped characters in recent years ( well white to non-white... The opfather... went on for decades without much broohaha) do I think that all these ppl are tru blu racists when they're freaking out?... No but just seeing something that's outside their norm makes them uncomfortable and they start to look for reasons to prove their uncomfortableness is warranted and not just bs....i think part of why alicent is so pressed is her own internal misogyny mixed with jealousy... It's wild enough that they want to make a woman ruler.. But.. At least to alicent and her way of thinking.. If it's gonna be a woman.. How is it right that it's a woman like Rhae.. Who looks to buck the system all the time.. Who has extramarital sex.. Owns her sexuality.. Who disobeys her father etc etc.. It should be a woman like me.. Who obeys her fathers command.. Who let's her husband bed whenever no matter if she wants it or not.. And produces "legitimate " heirs
  14. I don't remember seeing Rhaena or Baela there.. And the main instigator of that embarrassing scene was Aegon
  15. I guess.. But how exactly has Rhae doing whatever she wants actually hurt Alicent?... If she's all about duty.. Alicent did hers.. And became Queen... And gave birth to two princes and a princess... Her family is stronger... Nothing Rhae has done has stopped that... And sure Rhae has skirted some conventions.. But her actions are not that different from any other Heir... She married into a powerful family ..which helped stabilize the realm.. And she gave birth to 3 targaryen princes of the blood... So what is the issue?
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