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DC Fan

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Posts posted by DC Fan

  1. 16 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    You watched Icicle blow a cold wind from two miles away, outside, with the wind blowing, and a minute later, knock a playing card out of the hand of a little boy. But you find if hard to believe that Icicle can blow a cold wind ten feet, in an enclosed environment, and hit a metal doorknob?

    I keep thinking that Barb is going to be attracted to the pink pen and Pat maybe Green Lantern since the Lantern already glowed for him once and Mike will choose something else, possibly sugary food related, like the "Pop Tart Kid". Then I will get my "The Thundermans" reboot.

    You have a point.  Still, I only noticed him LOOK toward the door handle, not blow at it.  Wasn't the guy between Jordan & the door?  A breath would have hit him first.

  2. 20 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    He's of course right about keeping secrets from Barbara. I wonder if the show will have this play out differently than we expect. Maybe Barbara knows more than she lets on and won't be completely shocked when the truth comes out. The shocked/angry mother is a bit of tired trope so I'm hoping for something different.

    Nice team-work by the junior JSA getting Beth out of Stepford mansion.

    Several good points!  Barbara's gonna be furious with Pat & Court both, but I think Courtney is selling her short.  HOW she would take the staff away from her is a mystery to me, since it has a mind of its own, but that's not really the point.

    COURTNEY WAS NEARLY KILLED!  When the people that pose a threat to her daughter (& the family; let's not forget how Brainwave forced a showdown by threatening Court's mom) are still at large, disarming her would make her a sitting duck!  Barbara's gonna FREAK when she learns that she escorted the girl who nearly killed her daughter to her room & left them alone together!  And that Courtney didn't dare object, fearing for her mom's safety.

    Maybe it's dumb to bring it up, but... did Pat change Courtney's clothes before getting her to the hospital?  It's kind of a big deal; I'm surprised she didn't ask.  Surely he checked her in.  Yolanda and/or Beth could have been called, but wouldn't the kids have stuck around to see how she was doing?

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  3. 18 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    Not necessarily, Rick's parents' "death" occurred when their vehicle hit a tree. The fact that a monster pushed/deflected the vehicle into the tree doesn't change the cause of death. Is a small town police department able to tell that the accident might be suspicious and/or related to supervillians depends on if the ILA covered their tracks.

    Chuck said the tires reported in the accident were not the ones on the vehicle.  It was the anomaly that got his attention.  Did GRUNDY stick around & change them afterwards?  Lol.  This is the ISA's town.  They would have made sure a long time ago that local law enforcement were at least no issue for them.  More than likely, they control the police.

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  4. I hope Jordan DOESN'T pursue Barbara romantically, for the record.  It's too trite.  Cameron's mother shared his mission to change the world; hiding that from a new partner would make for a pale shadow of the marriage he had.  I think Jordan's smart enough to realize that.  Besides, if his son is interested in her daughter, his interest in Barbara would make things pretty weird.

  5. On 6/30/2020 at 8:47 PM, mxc90 said:

    I wonder what would happen if Henry ever decided to breakup with Cindy. It's Cindy's job to be with him.

    Cindy seems to have everyone's cell number. Must be her other special power.

    If Cindy is not allowed down the basement, why was she given the security code to the door?

    Cindy believes the kids in the high School will do anything she says? She is delusional.

    Courtney little lesson from the end of last week to listen to Pat didn't last long. 

    I had to laugh at Beth for being pissed at Courtney for not training that day. If Pat can make a fighter out of her, he is a genius.

    Cindy killed her mother?

    Icicle said he killed the man pursuing his wife. Pat you better watch out.

    It was daytime when Pat, Courtney and Mike were in the stands. Kickoff was at night.

    Just last week, Mike didn't want Pat or anyone to come to the exhibit. This week, he is complaining to Courtney for his attention.

    Did Artemis' parents scare the opponents to not tackle her.

    Cindy just leaves the game to go home because Courtney declined Saturday??? Does she live next door the high school to get back so fast? When was it established Cindy is a cheerleader?

    Where did the principal go? How many exits can that secret passage lead to in that town (ISA headquarters and the villain's homes must be real close).

    I guess Mike is really going to be pissed at Courtney now that he had to home from the game alone. 

    I would love to see a good little friendship between Cindy and Courtney before they fought. This fight came too quick.

    So the ISA adults couldn't kick Stargirl's ass, It took Cindy to accomplish this. Give the girl a seat at the table and make sure she has a mask ( Courtney recognized her immediately).

    What exactly knocked out Stargirl? At the end, her hands were burnt and she took maybe one serious blow. So did she pass out for being out of shape?

    The comic staff couldn't jump in save Stargirl but it had energy to fly away to get Pat. Unreal! That's the second time someone had to jump in and save Stargirl from doom.

    The blue filter was way too heavy in auditorium fight.

    Pat running in the room yelling "Courtney" 3 times, is Cindy going figure this out?

    No one wanted to answer the question of how many seconds in 45 minutes for extra credit. Not even the smartest one in the room? Henry has the greatest power if he wants to cheat on a test!

    So the parking lot, cars and school buses were damaged a few episodes ago and now the school auditorium. When is the police going to get involved?  

    Pat has a nice clear picture of Tigress. Can Beth's googles see who she is?

    Good luck Pat explaining Courtney's bruises to Barbara this time.

    Courtney does seem to show symptoms of attention deficit.

    Don't think Pat will make a fighter of Beth, but Chuck might.  His patience seems infinite & she listens to him.

    Dragon King called Cindy "his greatest experiment."  Is there any real family dynamic there?  How human is she, really?  Without emotional supports, thinking herself superior to everyone else & having no respect for human life, she's a volcano waiting to erupt.

    How have the ISA NOT recognized Pat?  He didn't wear a mask, especially when he carried Starman out of the trap that destroyed the JSA.  Gambler doesn't wear one, nor Icicle.  Apparently, recognition only happens when it's in the script!

    To be fair, Shiv blindsided Courtney & never let up.  I think Stargirl gave a pretty good account of herself, under the circumstances.  Sir Justin also blindsided Shiv; he might not have fared so well, otherwise.

    One good blow, or for that matter, one injury (like a concussion), can bring a sudden end to ANY fight.  Stargirl's reckless cockiness can't help resulting in some hard lessons.  The miracle is that she survives long enough to learn them.  Then factor in the ADD...

    The police report on Rick's parents' "accident" was at least tampered with, if not outright falsified.  Local police have apparently been compromised by the ISA for a LONG time.

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  6. 1 hour ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    I am not cool with Cindy/Shiv being abusive to her stepmother (still not sure if she's a robot or a brainwashed human). I don't care that her father is a tool- it's not an excuse.

    Domestic violence is crossing a line.  

    Sadly, I think the character is a series regular, much to my disgust, but I would be fine if she was written off the show immediately.

    Cameron has got the cute/broody thing down pat- he checks all the boxes.  And I wonder how the janitor (who is he?) knows Stripsey. 

    Spoiler;  I'm pretty sure the janitor is the Shining Knight, one of the 7 Soldiers of Victory.  Pat was part of that team, back when Starman was still the Star-Spangled Kid, so of course Sir Justin recognized him.  Wonder why he's in Blue Valley, though?  

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