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Posts posted by Lynnbo

  1. 2 hours ago, kalibean said:

    Justice for Lexie! She probably would have been my pick, or her and Heather alternating. Amy, Maddie and Gina in the mix for diamond along with Tess, maybe, because that’s a blonde bouquet. Were there not any WOC that year? Sheesh. 

    I remember back when many of us were horrified that Kashara got point because she lacked the technical skill, but after the seniority first points to follow, Kashara in hindsight sparkles more 😂

    I’m here for points that are dynamic in showmanship AND technical skills, but I’ll pick showmanship every time if I have to pick. I also like 3rd years and up, tho this current group of year 3 only has two years of field experience, right? Still…could Claire kill it more than Caroline? Probably. 

    Caroline, like Amy, is a skilled and polished dancer. Very clean, likely a great teacher and group leader too. She’s just missing a piece of showmanship for me in the end. Kelsey has been point for other routines since her rookie year, so that didn’t surprise me much. I would have liked Ashlee and Kelsey to rotate, but Caroline isn’t a bad choice like I think some other points have been. 

    I’m all about the sparkle!  I would have killed to see Bridget become point. 🙂💕

    I do think Maddie had it, although it seems unpopular.  

    Caroline is cute, but I am not seeing it yet,

    I really think Ashlee could’ve killed it as point.  
    I’m on board with Kelcey though. 

    Love Claire, I really do, but still can not see her as point. 
    She probably will anyway as she is gorgeous and insanely talented. 
    But I prefer sass, and some flirtatiousness is the only way I can describe it. KaShara did it, Jenna, Holly.  Like I said, Maddie. I absolutely think Ashlee and Kat have that in spades. 
    I just don’t see it in Claire.  Maybe because I know how religious she is and the bias colors how I see her? 

    But Marissa is too, and I see more of that undefinable quality in her than Claire. I don’t think Marissa will be point though. Up front, yes. 
    I will try and put aside my bias and give Claire the benefit of the doubt this season.  

    Rachel W for example was gorgeous. She didn’t have it either.

    There is a new DCC FB group which I am sure some of you already found.  At any rate, the creator has relationships with DCC and has convinced a great deal of former DCC to join. (Like 40 now?)   Because of that it’s not at all like this forum, you definitely need to avoid hurting feelings.  But it’s just fascinating the stuff the creator has posted and some of you might enjoy:


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  2. On 8/19/2022 at 5:01 PM, StellaCL said:

    I noticed Bre more than Ariana, but they are both so good.

    I will be so annoyed if Bre doesn't make it to TC next year (if she tries out again).
    Ariana is not my favorite, so I have no opinion of her returning. 

    Melanie needs to sharpen up to be DCC style, but it is hard to judge by one video. She could just be having fun, or trying to be more relaxed, or tired. Who knows. 

    They pan off Natalie the most in this video. She seems good and can keep up next to Bre and Ariana, but she is more of a blender in this clip.

    Melanie just made the Allen Ice Angels. Happy for her.


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  3. https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChcYuNiA57u/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

    This link shows some of the girls I was hoping would make this year’s team or at least tcc. (Though I don’t think this necessarily shows their best, I’ve seen them all in other clips and generally enjoy their dancing.) I don’t know if Natalie Hillman tried out though his year, but I have followed her for some time and vaguely remember her trying out before.  Melanie Montalvo is super cute, pretty sure she did try out, and of course there is my favorite Bre, and Ariana 

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  4. 9 hours ago, Kamal said:


    I had a feeling Marissa was aiming for the 6th year title. (She would still be young on her 6th year just like Jenna)

    Marissa specifically said she would like to be a DCC for 5 years.  (Or wouldn’t mind?-I  forget what I read.) I doubt if she would want longer because she always seems to have another goal she would like to accomplish.  Or two or three. Lol. I wish I was as driven at her age. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

    I don't want to be rude or anything, but I do not like Kayla H.'s hair. It looks like Kat's old wig with the blonde highlights that almost look gray.


    I personally think Kayla looks better in her old IG photos with just black hair. If this was Kelli's makeover on her, then Kelli needs to stop giving the girls makeovers, or go to another salon. 

    As for who I think is getting cut...to be honest, I don't really know. They just threw us a curveball by cutting Ariana and Ashlea, so at this point everyone is at risk of getting cut, except for VK of course. Although I am going to place my imaginary money on Kali making the team solely because she is tall and they need another tall girl since Taylor retired. I am rooting for Alyssa, Zhenya, Marissa P. and Kali to make the team. Maybe Sophy and Karley. Everyone else I don't really have an attachment for (I am using the word attachment very loosely since we basically know nothing about these girls)

    Kylie is very close with last year’s TCC, I want her to make it for that reason, and I think she’s adorable.  Sophy and Kally are so pretty, and seem to be pretty good.   Zhenya has been very solid in what classes I have seen her in.  I’d be happy if those three made it as well.  
    But Amanda… I feel like she needs more classes and I am still miffed she made it over Bre. Or really many of the other tcc from last year that didn’t make it to camp this year.  I can’t understand it. She can dance, but I don’t see much in the way of power and she doesn’t stand out to me.
    I am surprised Ariana was cut.  
    Others I have no opinion on. 

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  6. On 7/11/2022 at 8:52 PM, HitItHarder..BAM said:

    Thank you so much for the links!! Rookie makeovers are my fav part of training camp. 

    Brunette Amanda reminds me so much of Kelcey


    And Strawberry-blonde Kylie reminds me so much of Claire


    For as much as Kelli talks about a bouquet of cheerleaders, I swear she's always finding ways to make rookie candidates look like current/former DCC

    I like Kelcey as a brunette. I don’t care for it though with Amanda.  

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  7. 23 minutes ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

    Based on me stalking their IG’s, this is who I would choose out of the rookies to be on the team. 

    Alyssa (obviously, I have been rooting for her since DAY 1)
    Amanda (previous TCC)
    Kali (cause she was a Rangerette)
    Kylie (previous TCC)

    I have Kally as a strong maybe because the videos she has posted on IG are good, but I can’t get that turn from her solo out of my mind. Everyone else I couldn’t find anything on them besides photos, so I can’t really make a decision (although based on looks Marissa, Eden and Kayla H would be strong maybes)

    I agree with all except Amanda.  I just don’t like her dancing and am kind of ticked off they took her over Bre. To be fair, it’s not bad dancing, but it never seems to be DCC style, and I don’t see much personality in it.

    Eden I saw dance freestyle to several different music selections and I hated it. It was just goofy with a lot of hand waving.  Reminded me of those blow up hand wavy things they use to advertise car sales. (If you know what I mean and the actual name of them, let me know, thanks 🙂)Hopefully her technique and choreographed dancing is better. 

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  8. 9 hours ago, Holly85 said:

    She is flying back to Texas she has been gone at a wedding 

    2 hours ago, PepperM said:

    I’ve been following lots of these ladies - a fair number have been in prep classes and a few were spotted at finals, so definitely some good finds. I’m curious how you’re figuring out recent follows since Insta doesn’t display followers by recency anymore?

     I pay too much attention to this stuff. Lol.  Sometimes you can get an idea who might try out based on who they know.  So I look and see who follows who.  Sophy and Taylor aren’t local and weren’t followed by most DCC. Now they have several. Ariana didn’t follow either but now she does and they her. Generally once everyone makes TC, all the TC candidates follow each other so that can be a pretty good indicator. 

     I don’t keep lists because that would truly be insane, lol but I do notice. Especially the ones we all think have a strong chance of making it. Last year, many of us figured out who was in TC based on who Marissa followed.  Lol. 

    Just now, Lynnbo said:

     I pay too much attention to this stuff. Lol.  Sometimes you can get an idea who might try out based on who they know.  So I look and see who follows who.  Sophy and Taylor aren’t local and weren’t followed by most DCC. Now they have several. Ariana didn’t follow either but now she does and they her. Generally once everyone makes TC, all the TC candidates follow each other so that can be a pretty good indicator. 

     I don’t keep lists because that would truly be insane, lol but I do notice. Especially the ones we all think have a strong chance of making it. Last year, many of us figured out who was in TC based on who Marissa followed.  Lol. 

    Though I did keep a list of who I thought was trying out, so I guess I am partially insane. 😂

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  9. 4 minutes ago, PepperM said:

    Okay, it’s time to play cryptic social posts  

    post 1: Janie G, formerly of the Mavs dancers, trusting the timing… good or bad?


    Post 2: Amber L “sending lots of love to her DCC fam” AFTER auditions are over. Was she just busy all day? Or did one of her rookie sisters get some news they didn’t want to hear?


    I’m going to say Janie’s post is she made it.  It looks more positive to me.  
    Who knows? Everything is so vague. But I was right about her several others here so maybe I will be right now?  Lol

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