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Yes, he did pass a few months ago. Everyone may remember him as the actor who guest starred on 'Designing Women' (1986-1993) as Mary Jo's ex-husband. That's how he and Smart met, and married in 1990.
How I wish Joy would challenge Sunny (and Whoopi, and Ana) whenever they quote Angelou. Joy is smart enough not to go by this philosophy, but she will catch hell for opposing Maya Angelou by all three ladies, Oprah and the media (no doubt). I have my friend 'Tina' whom I've been friends with for close to 40 years, as we met in College. She is the sweetest, kindest, most charming, most polite woman you would ever meet. More often than not, when I introduce her to my other friends whom she never met before, they always tell me later on, "I can see why you two have been friends for so long. She's a lovely person." About six months ago, right before the holidays, she lost her only child unexpectedly at the age of 23 to an undetected heart disorder (they discovered the cause of death in an autopsy). Her son 'Tommy' meant the world to her and her husband. The three of them were rather inseparable, as she had him in her late 30s after years of not being able to start a family. Needless to say, his death has destroyed her and her husband. Their lives have been turned upside down and sideways, grieving over their son and suffering through depression. Now if you were to meet her today for the first time, you would not be meeting the same 'Tina' you would have met a year ago or twenty years ago. She's changed - she's more withdrawn in public, she's not as 'charming and optimistic' as she once was (she's become rather angry at the world, which is understandable), she's not as friendly to new people, she's rather bitter and edgy around others. Of course, it has everything to do with the circumstances she's under. If Sunny, Whoopi, Ana and Oprah based their impression on her today after meeting her for the first time, they wouldn't like her at all. And that's not fair to Tina. She's not showing her 'true self' that everyone has known (me for 40 years) - she's showing her circumstantial self. And this goes against what Angelou has preached, and is now being repeated by 'everyone'.
You really hit the nail on the head. The three hosts that are left are continuoudly struggling to keep this show afloat for the full hour. None of them are good at moderating, as their is no chemistry among them. Even 'considering' Jerry O'Connell as a host is a horrible idea smacking of desperation. The recent May '21 ratings sweep proved this show is on life-support at this point, so who knows what CBS will do with this.
The ratings have been released for May '21 sweeps. Of note: ALL the daytime talk shows were down in total viewers, compared to May '20 sweeps. Of course, this is because were in a pandemic a year ago, when everyone was afraid to leave their homes and were watching TV (especially those working from home). This May, the worst of the pandemic was over as everyone returned to work and left their homes. In the ratings for the current May sweeps, soap operas and game shows were actually up in viewers for May '21 compared to May '22. This is explained because since mid-April '20, soaps and game shows went into 'rerun mode' due to the fact they had to cancel all tapings of new shows by mid-March '20. No one was watching repeats of soap operas or game shows in May, June or July (soaps and game shows didn't come back with new episodes until August). Talk shows were live last May, though remote - and viewers were at an all time high. So this May '21, viewers dropped considerably across the board. 'The View' lost around 500,000 viewers compared to last May, but remains on top as the most-watched network TV talk show on daytime television. Yup - still #1. It's closest 'competitor' (format-wise) is 'The Talk', which was barely still alive during May '21 sweeps, the first real look at the show with long-time host Sharon Osbourne gone (she was fired in March). The show picked up a slightly small amount of viewers in certain demographics, but is solidly in very last place in the ratings. Another talk show of note which saw a huge drop in ratings from May '20, is the ABC show "GMA 3: What You Need to Know". It was a solid hit a year ago, when it dedicated each show to the pandemic. Now that the pandemic is over, the show is sinking in the ratings.
Looking forward to Monday's VYD of course, and Jean Smart on Friday. The rest of the week ? Ehhhhh.
Personally, I think a lot has to do with the fact that the very famous, well-respected Maya Angelou once said "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." A quote which Oprah has repeated in public frequently, and Sunny has repeated continuously throughout her time on the show - most recently, the other day. I, myself, think it's rather unfair, limiting and even dangerous to live by Angelou's philosophy, as it allows no chance for self-improvement in the future or 'learning by mistakes' as time goes on. Once two strangers meet for the first time, that's that...you have each shown the other person 'who you are' ? I don't buy it.
Since they're discussing when white people dismiss the conversations of black women and how they feel (Meghan started this in the first segment, and Sunny picked up on it in the second segment) maybe now is the time to talk about Sharon Osbourne dismissing Sheryl Underwood's feelings in March on 'The Talk' which led to Osbourne's firing from the show ? She very publicly told Underwood 'don't pretend to cry' and used other dismissive remarks about her and her feelings on public television. Now is a good time to remind everyone of this (especially with the similar situation with Harrison on 'The Bachelor').
Harrison's $25 M payout What they're completely ignoring about 'The Bachelor' is that Harrison demanded a $25M payout from ABC to leave the show after 20 years, and threatened to spill the beans on what has been going on at the show from the first season. He did get a hefty payout from the show (he was earning $5M per season), but not quite the $25 M he was holding out for. It's been a mess for the past few months, and 'The View' is not talking about this (of course, ABC doesn't want them to on the show). And Sarah's reasoning why the show should have a female host instead of a male host was mind-boggling at best. (Viewers can't relate to a male host when it comes to dating and relationships? Really ?) This from the woman who's hosting the rather intellectual game show 'The Chase'. Ironic, at best.
Thanks for the clarification. The whole year has been so scrambled together with the pandemic, I thought this happened a few months ago - not a whole year ago. Time has slipped by me the past 12 months.
I wish they would rehearse Whoopi on what she will be saying to introduce each topic in each segment. They usually talk about one topic between the endless commercial breaks, so can't they rehearse what she says ? As an actress can't she memorize her one or two lines ? I know she has dyslexia, but I find it very uncomfortable to watch her struggle while she's reading the prompter in front of her, with that befuddled look on her face, and not knowing whether to end the one sentence as a question or a declarative statement. She looks uncomfortable and confused, and makes the viewer feel the same. If she can memorize a script, can't she memorize one or two sentences tops before the camera goes on her ?
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It would be great if one of these UFOs landed in Arizona, right smack dab in the center of McCain Village. As soon as they step off the spaceship, they best pay respect to MyFather, or else they will suffer the wrath of Meganutz like no one ever has before.
To lecture students how unfortunate they are to go to college, and not as lucky as she is to be born into Republican royalty with a hefty dash of white privilege thrown in, and her future as a political analyst and political influencer was set in motion for her the day she was born. So who needs college except for the under-privileged, whom she doesn't include in her social circle, anyway ? And that is why she gets booed off the stage.
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No, her biography is titled "Her Father, who art in Heaven..."
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Didn't she say a few months ago that Gabe got accepted into Harvard for this coming September ? Did he skip a year between high school and college ?
I sincerely doubt Carrie Ann is coming back. She has a good 'out' for an exit at this point. Why would she return to a sinking ship ? It will be interesting to see if this mess gets renewed for September.