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Posts posted by 4merBachAddict

  1. 12 hours ago, buckboard said:

    In the "Meat Puzzle" episode many years ago,  Agent Todd asks, "What did Ducky look like when he was younger and Gibbs answers..."


    I remember that episode...... and I laughed out loud when Gibbs said that!! Just like I laughed last night when Ducky said the last name was 'something from an old TV show'! Too funny!


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  2. On 3/19/2023 at 10:37 PM, shapeshifter said:

    This was much better than I expected, although Giorgianna and the gay Duke's fake interest in each other for the purpose of driving away other suitors, to me, seemed too derivative of season 1 Bridgerton.
    But then they squelched it with the return of the ne'er do well artist still trying to claim Georgianna's inheritance, which feels unoriginal. I thought that was all over. No? It's been a long time. Did I forget something?
    Hopefully they'll do something a bit different with this old story too.

    Rose Williams/Charlotte looks more like her fresh season 1 self than she did last season. This and all the other improvements might reflect the pandemic being mostly manageable now. 

    Just FYI: Seasons 2 & 3 were filmed back -to-back during the pandemic.


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  3. Don't know if I missed it,but did anyone mention hearing Tariq (at the end) looking for a ride back to NY? And then BACK to Philly after he packs his stuff? Did anyone else hear that or am I losing it?  

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  4. 1 minute ago, cinsays said:

    i guess i am glad i never read the books, so i can just enjoy the show as it is.

    true, audrey didn't need to interfere, but she really just hovered, thinking she might be needed to ease things along and that's what she does a lot, so i didn't mind it.


    You're really missing out then. I would urge everyone - especially   if you're an animal lover - to read the books... at least the first 3! And if you really aren't a reader, then watch the original series - you won't be sorry! 


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  5. 16 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    I guess I'm the lone voice of dissension here but I thought Eve was a breath of fresh air and she worked really hard to learn Noel on the piano so she could bring some Christmas cheer to the party, I also thought her reaction to the orange was understandable. I didn't think she was rude. Maybe she will go to stay with Mrs. Pumphrey, she seems lonesome.

    I didn't mind the girl Eve at all but she is totally a creation of the producers or whoever wrote S3: she was NEVER in the books. Just FYI.


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  6. 8 hours ago, Llywela said:

    The cat was a stray that Mrs Pumphrey had taken pity on. As a stray, it was probably very young and malnourished, which was why it was unable to care for its kitten. I saw plenty like it when I was a child, when there was a colony of feral cats living on the railway embankment nearby. My family acquired several kittens that were abandoned in the garden by mother cats who just couldn't support them.

    Rationing was not yet in effect.

    The ACTUAL cat/kitten story(fr/ the 3rd book) was much more touching even though bittersweet. And it had nothing to do w/Mrs. Pumphrey.


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  7. This won't be a popular opinion here, but this season was the worst! It strayed so far from the books, it should barely share the same name! NOTHING from last night's show was in the books EXCEPT the cat/kitten part & even THAT wasn't done as it was in the books.  Plus SO much of the veterinary details are SO wrong!The first 2 seasons were more in line with the books - but the original series was much closer! AND better -  IMO! The one thing they do WELL in this series is always showing the gorgeous Dales countryside -  J. Herriot  mentioned many times how beautiful it was & how lucky he felt to live & work there. The books are truly classic - don't know why the producers thought they could re-write perfection.😢


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  8. 19 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

    I didn't say she did it out of the kindness of her heart but that doesn't make her a bully. She wasn't a criminal.  And she might have been a bully to Eliza as a child but I don't think, as an adult, getting one over on Eliza was even a thought.  She was just a woman who liked a man who wanted the same things in life as she did but who clearly was in love with/distracted by another woman...a woman she could clearly see was not going to ever give him what he claimed he wanted in life. She was jealous and miffed but I don't think saying something true is poisoning William's mind. If so, his mind is pretty weak.  


    I 100% agree with everything you said!! In spite of Eliza's past with Arabella - when she(Arabella) WAS a bully! - I don't think that she is the 'villain' now. She explained her behavior as a girl: she was envious of Eliza's loving relationship with her father. It doesn't excuse it- but let's not forget E's admission to Ivy that she often instigated things. I do think Arabella believed E & W's relationship was just friendship/business - at least in the beginning. As she got to spend more time with W & Eliza's name kept coming up, maybe she suspected otherwise. I believe that was what the 'tea' incident was all about - Arabella trying to gauge for herself what the truth was - even if E & W can't/don't see it. And I see her last scene the same as you: a woman who is hurt - but trying to keep her dignity as she ends a relationship with a man she has come to care for. Don't get me wrong - I am TOTALLY on board with Eliza & William as the 'end game' ! I'm just not sure how that will be achieved while being true to the  characters we know.


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  9. 11 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    I guess... but when she swooped in William's office with all those cakes, it felt to me like she was shoving Eliza out the door and saying "don't let it hit your a-- on the way out". 

    But hopefully, she is now gone. 

    I disagree: Arabella had absolutely no way of knowing Eliza was was going to show up with a cake at that day. It was just a very unhappy coincidence. That said, seeing Eliza so crestfallen & deflated was heartbreaking. 

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  10. In the minority here but, frankly: watching Stabler try to kiss Olivia made me feel extremely uncomfortable! It was just icky for me. I don't think a romance between them was EVER supposed to happen - it's all 'fan' driven. I really enjoyed seeing the real friendship between them: true friends who loved & respected each other. It doesn't ALWAYS have to be a romance (and I really LOVE romances!) - I just never saw that kind of chemistry. It will be tough to watch the show if this continues. 

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  11. On 12/14/2022 at 10:59 PM, HappyHanna said:

    Having seen the trailer for season 3, it seems pretty clear that Colbourne is the end game, and I am not surprised but I hate it. I hate his face, I hate his attitude, I hate everything about him. From the two seconds we saw of Ralph, he at least has looks on his side. And is a farmer, so has skills beyond moping and torturing wives with his boringness. 

    Yes - AC will be the 'end game'..... unfortunately. I accepted that long ago. But I won't be watching. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, StaceyNotStacie said:

    The Italian lady did resemble a younger Italian version of Olivia. I’m just wondering if they had a fling when he was in Italy or if she pined for him from afar ala Olivia. My guess is the latter since he was married when he was in Italy and the detective decided to see if she had a chance now that his wife was no longer in the picture. 

    I’m curious as to how they will save the department since the show is called Organized Crime and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. 

    The actress - Ayelet Zurer - is only about 4/5 years younger than Mariska Hargitay - and is actually Israeli. I didn't notice a resemblance between the women but that's just me. Also, I prefer  Olivia and Stabler as just great friends. Again, JMHO.

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  13. On 11/15/2022 at 4:39 PM, taanja said:

    ^^^ that never occurred to me!

    I like Fitzroy! The little actor is killing it! His cute little facial expressions are adorable - especially when he sees Eliza walk into a room! He just lights up! !

    He's a geek from the 1800's! Spouting Shakespeare! Being all weird and awkward.

    Don't kill him!

    Even better when he - Fitzroy - starts singing " I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" from Gilbert and Sullivan 's 1879 comic opera 'The Pirates of Penzance'. Too cute - I LOVED it.

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  14. 15 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    Aw, Duke...

    I liked that both Eliza and William were able to use their words, apologize, and get over their annoyance/ anger with one another fairly quickly. I feel like last season there would have been a lot more raised voices and slammed objects. They're growing up!

    I'm wondering this, too, and trying to think of various possibilities...

    A) Duke quits and joins forces with Eliza. (Very unlikely, but potentially entertaining!)

    B) Duke leaves at the end of the next episode, but they find a way to bring him back at the beginning of next season. (Could change up the dynamic of things a bit if they do a time jump.)

    C) Fitzroy, Sr. dies or is proven crooked in some way. (Seems too similar to last season's finale...)

    D) Duke or Fitzroy, Jr. find a way to persuade Senior to back off in his hatred of Duke. (Blackmail of some kind?)

    E) Duke does something heroic next episode and is begrudgingly allowed to stay.

    Great minds think alike!! But I only thought of 4 scenarios - you have 5!! No matter what, we KNOW William isn't going anywhere...... at least not for very long. 

    3 hours ago, nora1992 said:

    Would a Hattie/Fitzroy union make everyone happy?

    Absolutely!! I mentioned this after last weeks show - glad we're on the same page!! 💗

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  15. I really enjoyed this episode. Loved that Eliza not only figured out who the true blackmailer was, but also managed to outwit & embarrass the oily Basil and sneaky Nash!! Also have come to really like Fitzroy! I could see him meeting Eliza's 'assistant' Hettie & perhaps a romance might bloom there? Her beastly aunt is trying to marry her off.......

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  16. I wish I could say I found this week's episode better/funnier than last week's - but I didn't. Are there new writers this year? Maybe it's just me, but not finding season 2 nearly as good as S1. And I'm sad because I looked forward to this show every week. Not saying anyone else is wrong if you are finding it enjoyable, but I keep waiting for those 'laugh-out-loud' moments like last year & so far it hasn't happened. I will keep watching & hope it improves for me. 

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  17. I want to first say, I really, really like this show! But I didn't think the season 2 premiere was up to S1 standards: didn't have me laughing out loud like previous episodes. I will keep watching, but was a bit disappointed last night. JMO. 

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  18. On 5/13/2022 at 4:33 PM, Ilovepie said:

    I find this fascinating because I never saw any chemistry between the two of them and it made zero sense to me - Sidney seemed so much older and sophisticated compared to Charlotte. I can understand missing the eye candy that is Theo James, but his character was kind of unlikable, so to me no loss. Only was disappointing that it ended on such a cliffhanger, but after it got renewed, I wasn't upset that TJ didn't return. I don't see much chemistry with this season's love interest for her either, so maybe it's the actress?

    It is definitely a Austen/Bronte blender at this point, and quite frankly, many period piece tropes. It is definitely not the same quality of some of the other adaptations that I've watched on PBS, but it's harmless fluff and I don't mind that either.

    Always SO surprising how people can watch the same thing & see it so differently. I thought the chemistry between Charlotte & Sidney just jumped off the screen. I didn't even like him at first because he was so rude, but I began to see his admiration for Charlotte develop because she gave as good as she got. As they interacted more - helping the injured man, playing with the children, even going after Georgiana -  you could see his character soften in general & especially towards her. And when they were dancing the chemistry was off the charts!! Not saying you're wrong - just funny how people see it so differently. 

    But I was not impressed with the the S2 love interest - no chemistry AT ALL! The best part of S2 for me was Alison & Fraser - as rushed & unrealistic as it was. Really enjoyed them! 

    Don't care about S3 one way or another.


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