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Posts posted by mcacc2018

  1. My very first memory is of my Dad carrying me up the stairs at Pilgrim Monument. I was two years old and I remember looking through the barred windows.

    (Whole family was there with mom and my 3 year old sister, thinking now, my mom had to have been pregnant w my brother, likely why my dad carried me. Brother was born mid November,  so mom was between 6-7 months pregnant at the time wow. Possible she didn't do the climb just dad and us two lil girls.

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  2. Danielle is so pretty to me. She's conventionally attractive and glams up well. She looks polished day to day because she has the gift of natural beauty. She's much prettier than her twin sisters,  and it looks like they put significantly more effort into thier day to day look.  Nevertheless,  Danielle's wash n wear casual looks outshine them. She's also quite a bit more beautiful than her mother.

    Danielle is a kind woman with a very big heart. That said,  I've known women like her who have had the privilege of effortless beauty since childhood.  They take it for granted and are blind to the ways it has made there lives easier, better,  and tend to have high self esteem because society treats the beautiful well.

    Unfortunately, this seems to have the effect of making them tone deaf/clueless when it comes to raising an daughter of average or especially of homely appearance.  They won't understand that the world doesn't welcome the plain/less attractive girls with open arms. The world can be cold place, every day for a young child,  as compared to the acceptance Danielle most likely took for granted.  

    Not saying Danielle's life was perfect growing up or she never encountered insecurities or friends drama. But I don't think she conceptualized just how brutal the school yard will be for her daughters, pretty =popular it's the unfortunate truth.

    I think Danielle is naive to this due to growing up pretty. Not sure how she'll handle it if/when the quints face rejection on the playground. Especially hazel, possibly Parker though I see her as either a bully/mean girl or emotionally special needs depending on how she matures. Riley I see as the classic queen bee popular girl, despite some of her difficult behavior at home, I think she'll thrive in school socially and academically. I also don't see her as a mean girl, she's seems more like a mini Danielle, pretty, popular, but oblivious to the fact that it's not so easy for everyone. 

    The twins, I see as the sweetest natured, theyll find a niche and I think will give Adam and Danielle the least headache.

    I mostly worry about hazel. She's quite bright and verbal, loves to play, but I just imagine her being shunned due to her usual appearance. Kids are brutal even in the young grades and it seems unfair that she'll be low man on the totem pole. And I really don't think Danielle will have a clue how to handle it,.

    My aunt grew up as a popular blonde. Everything came easy in her life. Her daughter was homely and awkward. My aunt had no concept of the emotional pain and exclusion my cousin faced. She just blew it off and just acted like oh well, she has love at home , just forget school people. She just didn't and couldn't get it.

    I think the quints elementary years will be a rocky road. Mainly for hazel. I hope Danielle can get out of her bubble a bit and see hazel the way her peers will, and offer the support she needs so her self esteem doesnt nosedive.

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  3. Imo with the good, the bad and the ugly,  Big Ed is the breakout star of this franchise. Babygirl Lisa being the close runner up.

    Big ed has A LOT of strikes against him in this life. Yet he still chooses to put himself out there socially, professionally, and romantically despite the way he must know he will be perceived just based on his looks alone. I admire the positive, optimistic attitude he seems able to sustain. It would be very easy for a man like him to just resign himself to the fact that he is unlikely to be held in high esteem socially by male peers, and will be at the bottom of the totem pole as fr as attracting women. 

    However,  I don't see him acting with a chip on his shoulder, or engaged in self pity. He seems to take life in stride, and his positive can-do behavior projects a confidence that seems to earn the respect of those around him. Also, he really seems sincere in his positive spirit , not an insecure people pleaser pretending to be confident to get people to like him. 

    He's also honest with himself and others about his obvious lacking qualities, namely his stature and weight. I think that's the real reason why he immediately asked Rose  if she  found him 'acceptable ' appearance wise (awkward as it was), because he's aware his physical appearance is far from the standard of the ideal or even acceptable male attractiveness . In asking her I feel he was kinda acknowledging that, mentioning the elephant in the room as it were, and tacitly implying that he knew Rose would likely not be super excited about his look, but hoping she 'liked' what she saw enough for it not to be a deal breaker. I actually think facially, he's kinda handsome, although the chubbiness through lower face and neck takes away. He has photogenic facial features.

    Reality is, most women in the U.S., in his age group, above his age group, and below his age group would not likely give him a chance romantically. Case in point,  his 20 year dry spell. I do agree with other posters that he could expand his search to include women who shared physical differences which makes it hard for them to find a partner. It's definitely an abelist bias on his part. I do get the impression that he was raised to believe he was just the same as the 'other kids', and not to focus on his limitations. This was common for a gen x upbringing.

    Sorry for the novel btw, I just have a liking for Ed, he seems to have made lemons into lemonade and I admire his can-do approach to life, he seems to have a big heart, a genuinely appealing personality, and free from a cynical attitude considering the hard knocks life has thrown him.

    Babygirl Lisa, all I can say is omg those 'bedroom eyes' she's always throwing him are more nauseating than anything else 'intimate' they show between them.

    Honestly, she makes Ang seem both attractive, likeable, classy, and fun in comparison.

    Lisa's one positive is I like her wardrobe so far. That lace-edge long sleeved white top with the light jeans actually looked pretty on her when she arrived at the airport. She also pulled off the red dress at breakfast, it looked good on her and I didn't see her pulling off that color so kudos. Also the white floral top she wore in the car after breakfast was pretty, slight ding for the almost off shoulder, but overall a win. Big negative points for the 'sexy' silk negligee she had on 'the morning after' it just accentuated her gut, big no (shudder).

    Other opinions will have to wait although I'm mystified as to how Geoffrey obtained a passport as a multitude felon?

    Also, kinda mean but I feel YouTube girl is about 2-4 years away from a transition from thick(currently) to being big girl and then continuing that trajectory upwards. It's just a figure I've seen that happen to. 

    David seems delusional regarding Lana in that he doesn't want to believe he's been played for a fool. Especially for so long, therefore he doubles down on his commitment that she's genuine.

    I actually think his hair is real, though dyed, he seems to be hanging on to an older, outdated guy's hairstyle. That hairstyle would be right at home in the 90's but it looks out of place now. Speaking of the 90's,  unicycle riding was trendy for a minute then as well. I recall the summer camps I attended as a camper and a counselor having them and learning to ride was a popular activity (takes about a week of committed practice). So apparently David is stuck in the 90's. Or maybe it is a wig and he's just into eccentric hobbies.

    Since I've gone on this long, may as well cover the bases. Ash and Avery, the imo she's out of his league, they may click, but he's a player (thinks he is) and seems to like to target women with lower self esteem as conquests. She does seem a bit insecure,  but ash looks better on paper and in photos than in real life imo. So as beautiful as Avery is, she may be turned off by his slimy player lifestyle, and realize he's shallow /not worth it /she can do better. We really haven't seen enough of her to project whether she'll be vulnerable to his BS. I hope she sees through him bc he's very manipulative and definitely has his eyes on that Green card.

    No more interest really in Darcey/Stacey and that whole drama with Tom. Guarantee if he meets he in N.Y. it's to dump her in person (lets be friends ouch) I am however fascinated by twins bc it seems like sibling rivalry on steroids but the bond is more like a marriage. This dates to my huge obsession Tia and Tamera's reality show . Won't go there but watching that show really opened my eyes to the complexity of the emotional dynamic of twins where a bedrock of loyalty meets blood sport competitiveness and total betrayal/abdication of the bond all in one place. 

    Final statement, I noticed the presence of Big Ed has really drawn in the interest of male demographic, both as casual viewers(husbands and sons 'just passing through') and active commentary. Something about his very unique (some might say mockable) brand of masculinity seems to have jumped on to the radar of many guys. I have a couple guesses as to why but the only one I can really articulate is 'but for the grace of God go I'. Interesting gender theory question for me to ponder(internally, I promise, no theses forthcoming!) Lol

    Thesis ended, thank you 🙃

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  4. Actually the bottom bunk is considered more desirable bc it has more privacy and you don't have to keep jumping/climbing up and down. We had the desks but the chairs were removed in all but 3-4 cells which still had the stools not sure why? So no easy way to climb up and down. The only advantage to the top bunk is the ability to sit up straight on the bed without needing to hunch over.

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  5. Ok so I have a few things to say about this jail and the inmates and co's within.  I'll predicate this by saying I am college educated, with a professional career in higher education. However due to a DUI in 2014 (actually two DUIs 5 weeks apart), I wound up spending 90 days in county jail. This is in NJ, the jail basically looks the same as far as pod layout however this jail in etowah county looks more dilapidated, messy, than the one I was in. They were strict about keeping a clean room, and you would never be allowed to hang blankets for privacy from bunks. Also it was an infraction to be in another person's cell(the only time I ever got in trouble was trading commissary in someone's room).

    The main thing that strikes me about the 'plant's is how normal they seem. In my eyes they fit right in with inmates I have seen in real life. There are definitely girls who look and act like Ashley,  they tend to be popular girls w leadership skills. No surprise at all that they made her a trustee. I also was a trustee and the freedom is amazing, the guards treat you like a peer and rules are much less strict. Plus having a job passes the time. 

    Shanese reminded me of the many neurotic, food focused people who complained about every tray, especially if they were on a special diet. Food becomes a focus in general bc it's basically the highlight of the day. It can be very demoralizing to get food you dislike or cant/wont eat because you have no control. I wouldn't eat the ham steak or bologna sandwiches at all.  Favorite foods like chicken patty,hamburgers,  or hot dogs was a cause for celebrating. Also, we had salad on every lunch and dinner tray (more like a coleslaw) plus a mixed veggie, and apples were always available. This may not be the case for etowah county, however I did note that practically all the special tray people complained a lot, mostly bc thier trays lacked variety and it seems they felt they were 'missing out ' somehow.

    Jessica seems like your average holy roller, not intellectual, boring conversationalist, but friendly and has more common sense than it would seem. Also looks wise she blends in I've seen many girls with a similar look, they tend to get attention for a week or so then people move on,. 

    So my main conclusion is that these girls both look and act like many other inmates,they are not ' too pretty ' or groomed or refined or anything.  There are many girls ,especially younger ones,  who don't look a mess, this seems to be a strong stereotype that all 'real' inmates look like crackheads with missing teeth, no hygiene, etc..I would say about half of inmates have that really rough look, maybe a quarter have kind of a 'street' look but not missing teeth or anything, and the rest just look normal.

    I guess what annoys me is that they themselves and seemingly most viewers perceive them as so different in looks and behavior than your average inmate. While to me, they would fit right in and wouldn't raise an eyebrow. Also btw, fights are absolutely awesome, the ultimate in entertainment, it's not just Ashley(or me),  the whole pod gets hyped if a fight happens.

    Really the worst thing day to day is the grinding boredom, it really doesn't bring out the best in people. Actually the worst thing is the shame /disgrace of being there and having that be the reason you're away from family. But day to day, the boredom breeds drama.


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  6. As weird as this family is, I'm actually happy for Nathan and Nurie . They look happy together in the pics and seem 'equally yoked' in the looks department, as unfortunately neither is facially blessed, however they somehow match looks wise. Thier smiles and body language seem to show that they are happy to be together.  Strange about Nathan bc most of his siblings are attractive especially Anna and pris, but he looks totally different? 

    IMO Nurie, Kaylee, and Renee are definitely not facially blessed , makeup and horrendous styling aside, so unfortunately finding a spouse might be more of a challenge, especially bc the rod family seems to have quite low social status in the fund community. I think this marriage will be good for Nurie. Also, on a shallow note, skinny as she is, I'm somewhat mesmerized by ahem how busty she is. I don't think I've seen such a thin girl so well l endowed. In conclusion,  this basically shallow post is just expressing some of the thoughts I've had rattling around in my head regarding these folks. 


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  7. I have mixed hopes regarding Tammy's prospects for success in weight loss.

    On the plus side,  she seems to honesty desire to live with more independence, more with privacy especially.

    The fact that she's lonely and looking for a partner is a motivation for her to separate physically from her sister which will foster independence as well. It was encouraging to see her pushing the cart at the grocery store, not riding the motor scooter. Plus, she went alone, without Amy there to cosign/decision making every food selection.

    Her apartment was really gorgeous, loved those yellow window treatments especially.

    Michael's sister, although fairly obese herself,  is so positive, friendly, and likeable. She walked into that dour little party beaming a wonderful smile like this was going to be a really fun gathering. Her attitude rocks.

    Her positively helps me understand Michael a little better. Although he's introverted, he seems unflappable, stays positive, and it seems to come naturally. I would've been blowing my top with 80% of tammy'z ( typo but I'm leaving it lol) drama both at home and during the drive. He also somehow managed to stay out of the sister's bickering. I've literally never encounter a man that even tempered. A few women, but very rarely.

    All that said, I don't see Tammy as able to lose enough weight get surgery without being confined to the hospital. Her overeating just goes too far back into her youngest childhood.

    However, it seems like I'm frequently wrong about who will and will not succeed when it comes to weight loss. Which I guess means I really don't truly understand the psychology of pathological overeating. Seems the motivation to compulsively overeat varies significantly with each person. 

    With Tammy I think she is motivated to lose weight but discouraged, and thinks she can not succeed no matter how much she tries, her efforts will not bear fruit . She believes she's too far gone and that success is outside her grasp at after this many years of super morbid obesity. She definitely needs treatment for depression (medication not just talk therapy).

    Amy seems to have better mental and emotional health, plus maturity and I see an easier future for her, and not just because of her weight.  However, I think Tammy is the more intelligent sister intellectually as in I feel she would be a stronger student in school Idk she just strikes me as the 'book smart' type while Amy has the higher 'EQ' by far. Not impugning Amy just making a comparison. Unpopular opinion I'm sure!

    Liked this show I think mostly because I find the emotional dynamic between close in age sisters fascinating.  It's frequently a very complex, interesting, deep to the point of codependent, almost quasi marriage dynamic, where both unconditional loyalty and threat betrayal are always lurking in the perimeter of the relationship, as the sisters mature into their own lives. It can be extremely challenging(speaking as someone with an older sis 20 months apart).  I still think about the show Tia and Tamera. That show really got me thinking about how a set of sister's dynamics really get complicated once they leave childhood /young adulthood Even absent spouses and boyfriends, just growing up and 'apart' can cause feelings of loss/betrayal. Spouses and boyfriends really accelerate this and frequently throw even well adjusted sisters relationships into turmoil. I know this is off topic but I still get angry when I think of how Tia treated Tamera at her wedding (her 'babymoon') makes me rage even now. Then, when Tamera called her out over her behavior on the wedding weekend, Tia called her selfish! Sorry, rant over, guess I'm still salty about her audacity what 9 years later?

    Sorry for the novel btw this is my very first post😁 hope I didn't screw up by my rambling! 

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