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Posts posted by SideofSlaw

  1. 4 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    Just because someone has lots of family members doesn't mean they are worth anything. And her parents have shown that they are only interested in furthering their Gothard agenda and they have favorite children. It's like the Christian version of Hunger Games, "who will win the parental seal of approval and support?".

     I think they favor Lawson and a few others. Not stellar parents by any means.

    And as far as her meningitis diagnosis, her parents were away on vacation? Vacation from what? Her parents don't work anymore do they?

    Who knows? That’s what she said in her YouTube video. It struck me that there was no mention of any siblings (except Erin who briefly took Layla) and it was always his family that stepped in to help. Of course things aren’t what they seem on TV, and I’m not sure Carlin is aware that she is exposing that or simply doesn’t care. 

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  2. On 8/18/2020 at 1:10 AM, 3 is enough said:


    Interesting bit of info:

    "We recently tested positive for COVID-19. Of course, our first concern was for our little Layla, as she has already had some breathing difficulties since birth. Fortunately, Layla was already visiting Evan’s parents when we found out we had the virus. We lengthened her stay there, continuing to stay separated from her through the majority of our quarantine," the couple explained.

    "Unfortunately, some of Evan’s family members also tested positive, so we felt it best for Layla to return with us, where she could at least continue to get antibodies from nursing. We had mild cases, and are thankful as we are on the final leg of recovery," they continued. "However, it has made us so much more mindful of the many who have already faced the threat of exposure or who have dealt with fears in some manner. We will continue to pray for healing for our country and we are grateful for those who have sent such kind messages to our family."

    Why was she staying with her grandparents AGAIN?  When they went to visit Joy Carlin made a big fuss over how hard it was to leave her baby, and then she turned around and did the same thing a couple of weeks later. 

    These two are definitely not mature enough to be parents.  Poor Layla.

    Isn’t it interesting that Carlin has 6 million “close” family members, yet the baby is always with his family? And she whines about being in the hospital all alone with Meningitis and apparently none of her family visited? This was pre-lockdown. Her parents couldn’t be bothered to come home from vacation to make sure their daughter and granddaughter, both hospitalized, were OK, but did send a gift basket with stuffed animals. 🙄 Makes me wonder just how close this family is off screen. 

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  3. Anna did great her first weekend, and from what it looks like, her first year. Good for her!  I don’t know how Amber says the things she does about her in National TV.  No matter what happened behind the scenes, she and Trent adopted her and vowed to raise her. It’s shameful to speak about her the way they  (mostly Amber) do.  I don’t know how Anna can watch episodes like this one and not feel bad about the terrible things her family said about her. 

    • Love 12
  4. Kaci did NOT look like she wanted to have a tea party. Even though I think Zach is a decent father, it was so cringey how he assumed she wanted a tea party (DUH, she’s a girl!) when she looked less than interested, and then didn’t even give the kid any damn tea. I thought it was funny that they were out of tea because he’s trying to lose weight. Ummm, tea parties usually involve HOT tea, not your southern sugary sweet iced tea. For a family that is so focused on tea parties, they don’t know much about them. I almost puked when he poured tea into her play teapot because I’m SURE he didn’t wash it before hand and who knows what all lives in/on that thing. I need to take a long look in the mirror and figure out why I continue to watch this shit show. 

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  5. I thought it was a nice glimpse into their lives. I think Jephte and Shawniece are the real deal. They haven’t hid their struggles, but it’s obvious they care for each other very much. I like watching them and their cute daughter.  Jamie and Beth, it’s harder to tell what’s really going on. They are both so “showy” when they are on camera.  I don’t mind Jamie O and Doug, but if you follow her instagram, you already know how her storyline plays out because she’s a chronic over-sharer. I think it would have been funny if they included Johnathan and Dr. Jessica! Who wouldn’t like to be a fly on the wall of their house? Psychologists lead the craziest lives behind closed doors!

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  6. 11 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

    If anyone needs to go away to college to mature, it's Jonah. He seemingly has no issue with flunking out of community college, on his parents' dime, staying at home, having his room cleaned for him, etc. 

    This! I have been dying for them to give a clear answer as to why Anna needs to leave to grow up, when she is already a workhouse. They alluded to social immaturity, which yes, all your children suffer from that (see: Alex).  Meanwhile, Jonah is so immature that he refuses to make his bed, help with house projects, wear properly fitting shorts, and fails his classes but NBD.  Jonah would benefit from having to live on his own- and if he failed out, he can get a job and live on his own. 

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  7. I think Anna and her parents need on-going therapy. I enjoyed when the counselor commented that she was being “shipped away” while Jonah was allowed to stay at home at attend college. Are her parents really that dense that they don’t see how it would look to her? Or can’t they admit to themselves that having her gone is what THEY need, not necessarily what Anna needs? She’s a home-body. She has attachment issues from living in Siberian orphanage until she was 4. That’s not going to magically go away. I think Anna got the nail on the head. Her parents think she will develop independence by going away AND they want their home free of her. The whole situation was sad. Why did she not get any say in her college choice? Are they going to choose for Elizabeth, too? Probably not. 

    • Love 11
  8. On 5/6/2020 at 9:41 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Jonah is an insufferable young adult. I would have left his ass at home, he is very disrespectful i think to his parents. Hopefully he continues therapy.

    And he needs to wear a size larger pants and shorts. He has the equivalent of female camel-toe and it’s not a good look. 

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  9. 7 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

    Zack should learn a simple proverb. It is better to remain quite and let others think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.  Benjamin Franklin

    “To a sense” was my fav. Not in a sense. TO a sense. Like it’s a destination.

    • LOL 2
  10. 31 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    I fully believe that Katie told Derek not to mention this on TV and she was caught off guard that he did, and that's why she's so mad. She's not used to being defied. She was caught off guard and embarrassed about being outed as a cheater on TV. That's why she was trying to justify it with her "we were on a break" shit and when Derek broke down the timeline (come through with the receipts, Derek!), she reverted to calling him fake. I liked Derek more in the last 15 minutes than I did all season (and I liked him this season).

    The only hope for Katie to change her behavior is to get called on it more, so I'm thrilled that Derek did this. (And that he's no longer married to her. She SUCKS.)

    Yes! She couldn’t believe he did that! I guess he’s more assertive than she banked on. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

    Michael gets on my nerves but I like how he's handling this situation with Brandon and Taylor. It's not fair that they're putting him in the position of speaking for Brandon and I think he's handling it well.

    ... These are some shitty people (Michael, Brandon, Taylor, Zach, and Katie). This cast was really a bust.

    The one time I agreed with Michael. He’s not Branden’s representative and it’s not his job.

    • Love 22
  12. 15 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

    Elizabeth was totally inappropriate at the improv class. She was prodding Emma along because she felt uncomfortable, instead of letting her sister figure it out for herself. I did not like how she wasn't letting the teacher lead and do his job. He could see that Emma was getting it, and he was helping her, but, Elizabeth kept jumping in. Irked me to no end.


    I agree. They all speak for her, even when they are discussing, right next to her, how she needs to speak up more. They explain how she feels and why she does or doesn’t do things, while she stands idly by. How about- ask HER why or how she feels, etc. instead of literally talking FOR her as you explain why she needs to learn to talk for herself! And Elizabeth, no one cares if the awkward silence makes you uncomfortable. Stop reinforcing her lack of speaking by saving her. 

    • Love 5
  13. On 4/6/2020 at 6:56 PM, nytonc said:

    I refuse to watch this show any more. Is Amber is as insufferable as always? I feel sorry for Anna, the family scapegoat. The other kids will start hate Amber if Anna moves out bc she’ll have to focus her criticism on them. How many tImes has Alex cried this season? 


    On 4/6/2020 at 3:47 PM, ShortyMac said:

    Episode 2:

    Trent and Amber say "the rules are the same for everyone," but, I'm not seeing that.

    It's a double standard and more proof that boys are coddled because Jonah got to live at home and go to community college, where he has flunked out in his first year, and pissed away $6,000 of his parents' money, and still has Amber clean his room, etc, while Anna "needs to get out of her bubble, grow up, and be an adult." What about Jonah?

    Being so lenient, in comparison, with Jonah has enabled him to be lazy. They kept him in a bubble of living at home, etc. Coddling boys makes lazy and irresponsible men. From what we have seen, Jonah was not employed at this point. Guess what? Stress and time-management is part of school and balancing responsibilities. It seems he did not give a single fuck about the money and sacrifice his parents made when they paid for his tuition. It shows a total lack of respect for them. If school was his only job, he should have given it 100%. There is no excuse. He's over 18 now; Anna is irrelevant. Trent and Amber were correct that Jonah does use Anna as an excuse, which is wrong.

    Could not agree more! If Anna, the hard-working one, needs to grow up on her own, certainly the immature and lazy Jonah does as well. Their disdain for a young woman who probably suffers from Reactive Attachment Disorder is really unnerving.

    • Love 9
  14. Michael is very deliberate in his actions. He very purposefully ignores Meka’s questions and comments.  He is “punishing” her for however he feels she wronged him that day.  Then when she goes off on him, he sits there saying nothing and looking somewhat innocent. It’s gaslighting in its most simple form. 

    Katie is very critical of others. Not just Derek. Remember how scathing she was towards her mother? Nothing wears a relationship faster than constant criticism and belittling.  She has serious issues and rather than be a mental health professional (with a bachelors degree so take that with a grain of salt), she needs to start visiting one regularly.

    Jessica is controlling like Branden, but in a much more socially acceptable way. Branden has some scary tendencies towards control and revenge. This whole cast needs therapy.

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    OMG Katie knows I called her turtle face.  She was fucking with me when she picked up that turtle!  Heh.

    I was thinking the same! “You’re a turtle.” And her “tuuuuuuuuuurtle” screech was just painful on the ears. Her voice really does remind me of nails on a chalkboard.

    • Love 12
  16. On 4/5/2020 at 10:36 PM, Temperance said:

    I'm sure being super special fundies with a tv show and everything, the Bates don't understand how everyone does feel blessed that their daughter has been chosen to be a broodmare for one of their studly young sons.Money or not how could any young lady not jump at the chance to be the mother of their son's quiver? 🙄🙄



    On 4/5/2020 at 10:36 PM, Temperance said:

    I'm sure being super special fundies with a tv show and everything, the Bates don't understand how everyone does feel blessed that their daughter has been chosen to be a broodmare for one of their studly young sons.Money or not how could any young lady not jump at the chance to be the mother of their son's quiver? 🙄🙄

    The Kahle family surely paid for go-carting for all 10 of them, and treated them to a dinner at Joe T. Garcia’s which is pretty nice place in Fort Worth. Kelly was thinking of all the ways to grift from these wealthy folks! 

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