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Posts posted by Athoughtfulperso

  1. 18 hours ago, Jennv said:

    I wonder how the facebook fans would react if they demoted Maddie from point for Victoria next year? They are both big favorites in that group

    Lol, sadly I assumed it was correct as written, which shows how little faith I have in Kelli as a fair boss

    First, thanks,  Second, I do not think that VK will be "point" next year.  VK is a strong performer, however there are vets who have more experience and are just as strong who will get preference.  I would consider Maddie and Gina as 1 and 2 for that position. 

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  2. 34 minutes ago, cgloss said:

    Yeah. Them asking TK is just bizarre. Do they ask the other DCC mothers if they can be moved up in the triangle?

    In some ways, I feel Kelli is in a tough spot. She's the boss of her best friend's daughter.  I understand trying to keep the friendship intact by offering a few more benefits, but she's compromising the team in doing so. I can't see how it wouldn't make for a difficult work environment for the rest of the DCC.

    That said, at some point Victoria will move on. And Kelli will keep having her favorites. Despite the talk of a mass exodus, Victoria is not going to kill the team. They survived Cassie; they'll survive her.

    OMG!!! I accidentally typed TK not VK!! It was supposed to be VK.  

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  3. 59 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    How do you know your inside sources aren’t telling you false info !! How do we know that the ladies are just faking it to stay in k and j good graces ? 

    I trust my sources and you could ask the same question of the person who posts comments about "how the rest of the team feel".  There is on way to know who is being truthful or who might have a hidden agenda.  Each reader needs to decide what they believe.  I would just question when someone only posts negative stuff about a specific person on the team.  I at least have tried to comment on a variety of topics and will continue to try and do that.  

    37 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

    From what I have heard from multiple sources is that VK is hands-down the most disliked person on the squad.  But of course if the girls do anything at all that VK perceives as even slightly negative toward her, she runs to TK who runs to Kelli who then disciplines the "offender" in some way or another.  And thus they're forced to kiss up to her and just grouse behind the scenes at all the favoritism one of the least talented dancers on the squad receives.

    As I have noted, this is not what my sources are saying.  It seems that you only receive negative information about VK.  None of the other 36 create problems, have issues or have disagreements?  I think you sources are over blowing the situation because they know you will post here. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Not true.  TK and Kelli discussed it.

    Ok so let me clarify:  TK was asked if she was willing to switch on short notice and said yes if needed. However the decision to switch was with Judy and Kelli.  There is a difference is being ask about switching and actually making the decision.  I will be more specific in the future if needed. 

    31 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

    It is a constant topic of conversation among the girls all the mistakes VK makes.  What you're seeing here is the tip of the iceberg.

    My inside sources says this is not correct information. 

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  5. So if you look at the very end of this with about 2 seconds of Gina, she is not using crutches her ACL injury maybe less serious than others.  Recovery if you do not need a graft is much less time than if you need a graft or have torn more than 1 ligament.  Weight bearing after the injury usually indicates an incomplete tear. So perhaps a grain of hope for a difficult injury. 

    Also just an FYI, women tend to suffer more Ligament injuries when on their menstrual cycle.  Hormones cause joints to be looser than normal.  


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  6. On 12/14/2019 at 2:16 PM, Jazzmom said:

    “This board is an example of social media and body dissatisfaction”.
     I don’t understand this sentence in the post.  This is a social media forum but we cover all topics about DCC.  I’ve never seen a body dissatisfaction topic in the forum. We dissect and discuss as K&J and many other guests do on the show...

    The point is that Body Dissatisfaction issues are increased by negative or even positive social media posts related to a person's body. There was a recent post on here about VK "hitting the feedbag" with no evidence of any change in her body.  

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    It wasn’t pulled from Twitter it’s still on there 


    Was just going to post this.  

    4 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    Actually this is from yesterday’s game bc she took heathers spot and that is heather spot in the triangle formation 

    Ok, hard to tell because there are posts of 2 "Thunderstruck" one in the traditional outfit and one in the Christmas outfit.  

  8. 14 hours ago, PattiD4DCC said:

    It's blurry, but the red arrows point to her face (not her hair.)  Or look at go4Luca 's post towards the bottom of page 11 and watch the clip @ 14 second mark of the 16 second clip. 


    This was Thunderstruck from last week not the "Christmas" game and she was not in that position this week.  So either TPTB changed the positions because VK had an error or the change was already planned.  However, VK had no control over where she was placed in the Triangle.  Also timing is part muscle memory and counting. I agree that putting any rookie in that position was a risk. 
     Finally,  this was such an egregious error that it took eagle eyes over 14 days to identify the error.    

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  9. 22 minutes ago, Jennv said:

    Interesting choice, to say the least

    As i stated a couple posts up, I'm not at all surprised that she made it about herself. I am surprised this is it, as anyone who has watched the show, and saw her cut for weight, might read this as a middle finger to the organization.

    I actually think that each of the 37 made it "about them" because each story is based on something close to them.  I think helping young women deal with body image is a huge issue.  "When a person has negative thoughts and feelings about his or her own body, body dissatisfaction can develop. Body dissatisfaction is an internal process but can be influenced by several external factors. ... One of the most common external contributors to body dissatisfaction is the media, and more recently social media."

    This is a serious issue.  The issue is not "about her" but because of what she experienced. this board is an example of social media and body dissatisfaction.  VK is not the only of the 37 whose body has endlessly been commented on in discussions on this and other sites. 

    Just now, Jennv said:

    Yeah, I read it. I doubt she meant to diss Kelli and company, but the DCC sure as heck pushes unrealistic physical standards. One could argue that they are, at least in part, the cause of her negative body image. Kelli told her she was fat on national TV. Then made a  big thing about her getting assistance losing weight from a super skinny employee. 

    This is so true about the DCC.  I have issues with the concept of a person being on the team from 18 to age 22/23 and having to keep the same weight for 5 years and the same uniform.  However a person who joins at 23 and cheers till 26 has a different more mature body and less stress to keep the "same body".  I also think they should get a new uniform every year. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, mizzhyer said:

    I'm guessing Maddie will continue to support the DS community with her "My Cause" boots.  I don't think they all have to choose a different cause.  I'm happy to see someone supporting SUDC this season. I don't think I've seen that one supported yet.  I love the My Boots My Cause campaign 🙂 It's one of my favorite parts of the season.

    that's the darn truth 🙂 

    SUDC is simply tragic and is truly "unexplained".  We do not know why some children go to sleep and never wake up. The human body is so complex and unique.  Having done peds care for 30+ years, it still daggers my heart to lose a child.  I remember each child and they have changed me as a care provider. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, chabelisaywow said:

    This was a big deal for me.  It was "leaked" and to watch it unfold on the show was unreal.  Jalyn was a favorite and then for Kelli to do a 180 on her - someone had to be whispering in her ear. There's a lot we don't see behind the scenes, but what we DO see - especially with the actual dancing - you can't hide.  

    IF someone was "out" to get VK and sully her fine reputation, then the story would be much worse.  What is the likelihood of someone's case disappearing and then VK having the same one after the fact. Come on now! I believe the phone case story - but people trying to add that it was Gina's - I don't believe. 

    I literally LAUGH at anyone who says VK is a (insert blank) dancer. She is passable at best.  Her aunt Kelli did her a favor. PERIOD.  They should have left it at that. 

    However there is zero proof that this even happened with the "feedback".  Negative comments about VK have been appearing on this site since Jan 2018 or so when VK was still a HS Senior before she first ever tried out. Again the "phone case" story is unproven and there is disagreement about the truth of that.  This board has been VK negative for over 2 years, all about a now 19 woman on a dance team. 

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  12. 33 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Posters on here: "VK has been promised a slot!"   (proven untrue as she was cut)

    (no response)

    Posters on here: "VK lied about a thyroid condition!" (Never proven and never reveled, she was cut)

    (no response)

    Posters on here: "VK lied about going to the doctor!" (never shown on the show, only 1 brief clip))

    (no response)

    Posters on here: "VK threw Jinelle under the bus when it was discovered she lied about going to the doctor!"  (Not what I saw in the 1 minute show on the program)

    (no response)

    Posters on here: "VK reported Jalyn for offering her feedback, which kept Jalyn from making SG!"  (Perfect example of the comments that I have mentioned as unproven and over the top.  This was a complete falsehood.  Also 3 rookies made SG, so why do people "blame" VK and not the other? 

    (no response)

    Posters on here: "VK stole a phone case!"



    I watched and read what you have posted. So look at you list and the focus. Very little of the above comments are "proven" but based on about 30 minutes out of some 1000 hours of an edited TV program. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

    Hi! Welcome!

    Could you please tell your friends, that are connected to the Cowboys organisation, to tell Jalyn that she is loved and adored and that she is in one word wonderful. 

    Yes, I will be glad to do that.  I do like watching her more this year then last year.  She seems "softer" this year.  

  14. 4 minutes ago, Fwcowboysfan said:

    Why did you beg to defend this story? Why not all that stuff VK’s first training camp when she chose to lie? 

    Reasonable question:  So last year, with VK,  I was like whatever,  posters were saying that she was "assured a spot" etc, however as was shown VK was not DCC material in 2018.  So this year, the posts have become outrageous and IMHO, over the top.  So when this story came up about "phone gate",  I went to my sources and ask and they requested that I not respond.  However as the posts continued to escalate in nature, I went back and ask permission to respond.  I had considered responding when the posts about "mental health" disorders were being posted and probably should have.  However being new does not invalidate my information, I do understand your questioning the suddenness of my arrival.   

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  15. 3 hours ago, Newmanbritt said:

    Hi Tina.

    Since it is against the rules to attempt to identify poster here, I suggest caution.  However I am not Tina or VK and do not work for the Cowboys organization or even live in or have lived in the Dallas area.  However,  I do have friends who are connected to or work for the Cowboys.  I have not posted before because I was ask not to.  However,  I went to my connections and begged to be allowed to post about the phone case story.  That is what it is a story and a fiction story at that.  I am going to start posting more and becoming more active, I have been a fan of the Cowboys and DCC for about 40 years. 

    8 hours ago, rl27rl said:


    Yes RIGHT!!!  I am new and I have sources.  I just always respected the information that was shared with me, however this story (fiction) led me to ask for permission to share the truth.  My source was ok with ignoring and not responding,  I was the one that ask to respond.  My sources says the phone case story is fake. 

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  16. 6 minutes ago, Amk2017 said:

    There are two other posters that said the story are true.  They are trusted posters on this site. It seems like someone is trying to save face.  Kelly and company will ruin VK.  She will never have any repercussions for what she does.  One day it will come back to get her, but she will continue to act entitled.  

    As has been noted: You can choose to believe or not believe "spoilers".  I standby my post that the story of the "stolen" phone case is not true and in fact an out right lie.  My source is directly connected with the DCC Leadership.  

    Also, I have followed this board for many years and almost replied to the entire discussion about the "mental health" of VK and TK.  However chose not to.  This "discussion" about the phone case and theft was even worse then untrained posters diagnosing a person with mental illness.  

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  17. On 12/8/2019 at 2:49 PM, EricaShadows said:

    If I'm remembering correctly, those two have sat out the most games, while others have swapped in and out so it's true enough though I could be wrong.  The "alleged" theft has been confirmed.  It's the "dozens of explanations for whatever happened with the phone case" that defies explanation.  If there were dozens of explanations, we would have heard those others explanations LONG before now and more people coming out to say that it didn't happen. 

    The only thing that HASN'T been confirmed about the phone case is WHOSE case it was.  If it truly WAS a gift to Victoria, then we would also have heard about it right around the time the story broke and we've heard absolutely NOTHING in her defense.  From ANYONE and the insiders would have said so if it wasn't true despite their personal feelings about Victoria.

    Everyone you mentioned has been at least a 2nd year veteran and Veronica was a 4th year, I think.  A lot of them have proven themselves as reliable, responsible veterans who were solid dancers.  The general consensus about Hannah was that she was focusing more on school than DCC (and that she'd let diet and nutrition slide during that time) and that Kelli wasn't pleased with her response to a question when brought into the office. 

    Again, solid, responsible vets who weren't likely to be cut.  Selina SHOULDN'T have been cut, but I can see why she was if she'd been on weight warning the entire time she was on the squad and either maintained the weight (didn't lose the weight but didn't gain any) or gained more.

    Liz Reuter was the first one that comes to mind (though she may have come in heavier than she wanted and it was more area-specific in that she sported a bit of a paunch rather than all over).  They loved her for her dancing but couldn't stand her weight.  They rode her hard for it and eventually cut her halfway through camp or sooner.  I seem to remember her not even making it halfway through Training Camp and they didn't even give her a chance to get to finals the next year.   There are likely others as well.

    I am a new poster and requested privileges to respond to the VK phone case speculation.  My sources (which have not allowed me to post before) are very upset about the rumors about the phone case on the board.  I have been told by sources I trust that the entire "VK stealing a phone case" is made up, false and hurtful.  This is the first time my source has given me permission to post because of how upset the entire team is about these false rumors.  Per my sources the Team is doing well and supporting each other and many posts on this board are upsetting to the Team members. Thanks. 

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  18. 4 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Well, I have confirmed that the story about VK and the phone case is true.  I'm no fan of VK, but even I thought her better than that.  The girls are very angry with her and with Kelli for not doing anything about it, but of course, they all have to act like they LOVE VK so as to not have their positions on the team put in jeopardy.  

    Well, I have confirmed that the story about VK and the phone case is NOT true and a false rumor made up by a poster here. Per my sources, the locker room is a positive environment, the ladies all get along well and are enjoying the season.  I followed up with my sources tonight.  I have not posted before however this false accusation is over the top and again FALSE! 

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