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Posts posted by RaspberryRoses

  1. Me and my girlfriend watched the first two episodes of this show together. We've enjoyed watching it together, but personally, I don't think I'd manage to stay invested without her.

    We both found Olga very grating. She got on my bad side with her bland wrapping of the cactus - she should have been in the naughty list for that, IMO.

    I thought she was really catty in episode 2, though. Talking about how she thought she was the "real" winner of the swift gift challenge and that the other person didn't deserve it. Ma'am, you didn't even wrap your gift! And she was really dismissive of Mia in the team challenge, despite the fact that Mia does this for a living, and kept wasting the teams time with ideas that made no sense. I still don't understand what her galaxy idea was all about.

    As for the Joe/Elf thing - I don't like Joe much either, but I think he was in the right. He was in the middle of working, and they were already behind on their wrapping IIRC. Olga, a member of the other team, decided to bring in a kid to their work station, without consulting them. Joe was then put in the position of "talk to the kid, lose precious time in the competition" or "ignore the kid and focus on the competition, but look like a total asshole".

    But as much as I dislike Olga, I agree that the Christmas stripper thing was a low blow. 

    Personally, I'm rooting for Gigi. 

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