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Posts posted by night39bird

  1. 10 hours ago, Emily Thrace said:

    I wonder about his liver results. As recovering alcoholic and addict Bobby's not great results aren't shocking but it could be a symptom of a larger issue. I could see this show going for a transplant storyline. We would probably end watching Michael and Buck fight over who gets to be Bobby's living donor.

    Wow! I hadn't even thought of that! Brilliant and filled with drama. Ooh what an emotional rollercoaster. Bring out the popcorn 🙂

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  2. I thought this episode was well done, although I'm troubled about the situation with Bobby. Just looking at the research (thanks, Dr. Google), he could be in for a very hard time. If the writers wanted to create an illness, I'm not sure radiation is the way to go.  I am a die hard Bathenashipper, and have consistently been annoyed at how the writers portray their relationship. I get that they're older but geez, turn up the heat a little bit! LOL!!!  As an African American woman myself, Athena is a shero to me. I think that she feels things deeply but has had to shield those feelings for a variety of reasons-- her job, the death of Emmett, and of course her mother Beatrice! Yikes, she is scary.  Athena's breakdown in Bobby's arms at the end of episode 7 was powerful acting!- Cue the waterworks!

    Was Athena mad at May? Hell yes! To those who want to bash her for her initial reaction-- give her a break.  No parent wants to be compared to the enemy. Rather, let's congratulate her for being willing to process Michael's comments and approach her daughter with grace. I love that she affirmed for May that she (Athena) was proud of her job, herself, and wished her daughter the same.

    I thought the way that they semi-resolved the Hen situation was good. Bringing back the life coach was smart.  I read an interview of Aisha Hinds that stated that there will be residual that Hen will grapple with from time to time. How can she not?

    Agree with the thought that the Tara situation is shady.  Something/someone definitely not right.

    As for the "Buddie" romance storyline-- not a fan but then I'm not really a fan of Buck.  I find him immature and annoying. I am more partial to the character of Eddie and Christopher is utterly cherishable!

    I can't wait for the fall finale, although it really will piss me off that we will have to wait to find a resolution to Bobby's exposure to radiation.

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  3. There is much about this episode that I found wanting.  I agree with a previous post it would have been nice to  know how Captain Cooper is back on duty.  I, too thought that an amputated limb would have prevented him to returning to his station. I also would have like to seen a scene between him and Athena.  

    The ice skating scene was funny and the crews reaction to Bobby's ability to figure skate and play hockey -- hilarious.  I am wondering if Bobby will face repercussions for calling Athena, especially since the finale press release states he will receive shocking news!

    One of the cool things about finding this forum is that there is a lot of passion, analysis that takes place here. It's been fun reading it. On the other hand, it's television and poetic license is taken all the time -- divergent from reality.  I hope that Hen will remain with the show and that she will emerge from this current trial relatively unscathed!


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  4. I am curious if the "shocking news" is going to ruin Bobby's sobriety. I would hate for that to be the case. I know it doesn't make for great drama, but I hope that the writers allow Bobby & Athena some measure of a happy marriage.

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