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Everything posted by Adgirl

  1. THIS! I've been struggling to say the exact same thing. I'd like to add that I HATED Elena during the discussion of Vagina Monologues. Mia is leaps and bounds more intelligent and well-spoken than Elena but all she sees is a poor, homeless woman. I can't remember the book but I immediately assumed Mia was an abused woman running from a relationship.
  2. I don't know...Mia didn't enter their home under the pretense of friendship. She only agreed to be the maid so she could keep an eye on Pearl. I should be able to leave you alone in my home and even if you poke through my medicine cabinet I would expect discretion. While Izzy is a teenager, teens better than anyone should understand a person's desire for privacy. I wonder if what Mia said to Lexi will sink in. Lexi didn't put her name on that piece of paper because it could negatively effect her future but what about Pearl's future? What if she runs for president? Middle America wouldn't vote for a black woman who'd had an abortion. The fact that Lexi did't even consider how her actions affect others is exactly why the lecture was necessary and her mom isn't self aware enough to deliver such a message.
  3. Randall's comments to Kevin fit his image of Kevin in his "What If's" last week with his therapist. Note in none of the scenarios was Kevin as successful as Randall.
  4. Just came here to say I hate Annie and every time she complained about Beth's leadership I screamed at the TV "you fucked an FBI agent!" Also, Rio's neck tattoo is different now. New makeup artists?
  5. Wow. I thought they had sex in Mexico! They definitely seem like the best matched couple. Their parents are great. I actually felt bad for Jessica when she tried on the last dress. She can't be honest with Mark or herself so she seems miserable. Amber is a lazy individual.
  6. Carlton is such a jerk. He kept this big secret then acts like she's the jerk for being taken aback. Jessica and Mark aren't going to make it. She chose him out of desperation not out of any genuine feeling. If she cared for him at all she wouldn't be talking about superficial stuff like she's used to dating bigger guys. Kelly and her dude are so normal I can't remember his name. I'm really over Amber and Barnett.
  7. Okay I thought that was just me being bitchy but now that you've said it I feel better. I think that Barnett is a player and couldn't stand the idea of Mark getting Jessica so he just decided to sabotage them. I think she's wasting this opportunity if she let's his age dissuade her.
  8. If Toby told me looking at our son made him sad, Toby wouldn't live in the same house with me anymore. I agree that both Kate and Toby need therapy but I'm not married so I could be completely wrong but...would it be bad if they aired out their feelings to friends sometimes?
  9. If the quality of education is still the same then it's still something to brag about. Brag Sterling you deserve it! This show reminds me of British Bake off in how supportive they are of each other and how good it makes me feel to see these kids (with these tragic backgrounds) smile and celebrate. How come Morgan's father didn't go to jail? Child abandonment is a crime.
  10. Isn't this show on the internet tho? Sorry couldn't resist.
  11. Holy bad ideas Claire and Adolfo! That lingerie looked like cut up drapes. Angel and Minju lack sexual experience [very high voice]? They kept saying they didn't know what 'lingerie' meant and I don't think the explanation really landed.
  12. I thought she was a flake at first too but I also wondered if maybe she knew she was sick by then and figured a big vacation with her daughter would be a better use of her money.
  13. Rebecca has said the same thing though, that Randall was just easier, calmer. Jack also told Kevin that he's the big boy he didn't think he needed to worry about when they were at the pool. I think Jack and Rebecca used this as a device to motivate the kids to behave. Unfortunately in a child that imprints like Randall this was detrimental psychologically. I wish I could care more about who's in Kevin's bed.
  14. There are too many "bits". I kinda want to punch Suzi. What was the point of asking that old woman whether she still needed tampons? What an incredibly crass joke. The gambling is obviously going to get bad. This show has lost its charm.
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