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Posts posted by CaptainIrony

  1. The Right Stuff has been cancelled. 


    They are trying to shop it around, maybe to HBO Max, but lets face it the show wasn't very good, it's probably a goner. It's a shame, I had been really looking forward to it before it started, but they took a really interesting story, good production values, a decent cast (arguable but I've seen a lot of them in other things and with good material they are definitely capable of better) and managed to suck the life and energy out of everything. The whole thing felt flat.  

    I hope the cast are freed up soon so they can move on to other things.

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  2. I haven't seen the movie and I don't really have any interest in searching it out, I'd rather judge this show on its own merits. So far its pretty bland.

    I don't have any problem telling the characters apart - well the main three - the other four are that guy from Mad Men, that guy from One Tree Hill and two others! 

    I do think that we're half-way through the season and I don't feel we've really gotten to know any of the characters. And since we're not getting much space or training to keep things interesting that's a huge problem. Everything is very superficial or soap-operish. 

    My eyes were seriously rolling at not-Martha wanting to change her name to Alan!

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  3. I liked this episode more than the first one. Patrick Fischler is great and its nice to see Danny Strong on screen again. So far Gordo and Trudy are the most interesting characters - at the moment John Glenn is sanctimonious and Alan Shepard is an ass. Hopefully they'll start fleshing out all the characters soon. 

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  4. I liked it. It certainly looked great and evoked the period. I've never seen the movie so I can't  make comparisons. I thought all the actors did well, although I struggled with some of the accents - I couldn't catch half of John Glenn's dialogue. I'll probably keep watching. 

  5. Nicole Beharie on 'Miss Juneteenth' and her ordeal on Sleepy Hollow


    For me, six years ago I was on a TV show. My co-star and I both got sick at the same time with the same illness and had different treatments. He was allowed to go on leave for a month and I had to continue working. There was a smokescreen of me getting my own episode titled “Mama.” By the end of that episode, I started to fall apart.

    They shut down production for two weeks because I got sick. They sent in lots of doctors, and I had daily checkups to make sure I was actually sick because they had to get the production going. Every doctor said I wasn’t doing well and that I needed to rest. That is not what they wanted to hear.

    Months ensued and I got a lawyer. I got my hours down and worked through it. But then I developed an autoimmune condition. I had C. difficile [a bacterium that causes a range of symptoms], which had me on eight different prescription medications.


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