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Posts posted by Grams

  1. On 10/22/2019 at 5:44 PM, ellenr33 said:

    Am I the only one a little weirded out by Uncle Dale's obsession with Hazel? 

    I have always found Uncle Dale's connection with Hazel to be at best "weird" and at worst "concerning".  And it has nothing to do with  "favoritism", though that is at the very least  inconsiderate of the other girls.  It's more than just that, however; it's uncomfortable and odd, and sometimes generates an "icky" feeling, if you know what I mean.

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  2. On 8/19/2019 at 2:11 PM, MissT said:

    All the girls are beautiful, but I think Hazel totally stands out as the prettiest.  JMO of course.  Blayke looks very grown up. 

    I actually think Hazel is the least attractive.  I think Riley is the cutest by far, in both appearance and behavior, and Olivia and Ava are beautiful.  Parker looks like an athlete-to be.

    Blayke is sweet, and seems to be doing ok, though I would not be surprised is she grows up with issues around confidence and self-esteem, for obvious reasons.

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  3. Wow, that episode was close to being unwatchable.

    First, I have always tuned in to see the little ones, that goes without saying for most fans.  Last night, however, all we got was endless dialogue between Adam and Danielle, ad nauseam.  And, seriously, could someone please tell Danielle that not every sentence has to contain the words "I mean …" and "like", repeated over and over again.

    Second, there is no way the Busby experience aboard the Disney Cruise Ship was even close to being typical.  Did they  buy out the entire ship?  Just seeing and possibly meeting the characters even once is a huge challenge for most families.  Yet the Busbys seemed to have them at their disposal all the time.  And being able to spend time with them privately on a beach alone?  Seriously?  Then there was the walk/talk between Danielle and Adam along the deck where not another person was in sight!  People save up for years to take their children on a Disney Cruise, and their experience, while it may be fun, in no way resembles the high end, elitist vacation that the Busby family had.

    And as far as the offer to be "partner" given to Adam after one shoot, that is simply ridiculous, and even insulting to people who work years within a company to qualify for such an offer.

    As I said, almost unwatchable.

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  4. The show was cute for a while, but it's rapidly becoming annoying.  

    All Hazel all the time.  Too much Hazel.  Also, what's with the uncle coming right out and saying Hazel is his favorite?

    Riley and Parker get some time, but we never hear about Ava or Olivia.

    Also, how can this family afford the lifestyle we are shown?

    Huge home, tons of clothes, and that vacation to Hawaii must have cost $50K.  

    Real American families don't live like this one.

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