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Posts posted by Dr Mama

  1. On 2/25/2024 at 11:04 PM, Surrealist said:

    Oooooooooooo. 😶

    The AnneMarie offers her opinion part has me curious. 

    Some of her best friends are VERY wealthy, apparently.

    16 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    I thought the most shocking reveal of the episode was that Sutton’s alimony of $300,000 per month was after taxes. I’m too lazy to look up tax brackets of the uber elite in California—and,  you know, do math. But let’s just say her alimony is ~$500,000 per month. She could just buy herself a whole new esophagus for $6M a year—first esophageal transplant.

    I thought the reveal was on WWHL, and it was actually ANDY who brought up the $300,000/month, and Sutton just added the information that it was after taxes.

    So it wasn't Sutton AT ALL who brought up the alimony numbers. Sure, she didn't say "I don't want to confirm or deny any specific number," but that doesn't mean she was the one who started the conversation about the number.

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  2. 3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    ally kept their hair the same for a very, very long time.

    Dorit’s Memorial Day jumpsuit was so ugly, I looked it up. Chanel indeed actually produced it. I think there are two divisions at Chanel: one is tasteful, elegant, and clever; the other is tacky, bougie, and loud, and the Chanel design team is laughing hysterically any time one of these reality TV cast members wears one from this division. 

    I roll my eyes every time I hear Dorit's intro tagline--"My language is fashion, and I speak it fluently."

    When all I see is her wearing an endless parade of logoed clothing items from high-end fashion houses. None of it ever looks like really high-end fashion, despite the price tags.

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  3. On 2/10/2024 at 6:22 PM, ButterQueen said:

    How does Erika afford a traveling glam squad? 

    I saw a TikTok Bethanny Frankel made, and she said that--at least as far as she knew--Bravo only provided a set amount for hair and makeup for the TH filmings and for reunions--and they may also provide some money for reunion dresses and shoes--but it was never enough to cover the full cost for a great hair or makeup person for the amount of time needed or for the clothes they wanted, so the women would often have to pick up part of the tab.

    I have no idea what the arrangements are now--I wonder if they pick up part of the costs (maybe flight, accommodations, and a portion of the cost) and the HWs pay the rest. I have to think if they were covering the full cost, Kyle would have had a squad there too, and she's one who I think could easily afford to pay the full cost if she wanted to.

    But I agree, I don't know how Erica could even cover part of the cost if she can only afford a few hundred a week for a housekeeper. I'd guess that Bravo covers their expenses and maybe the people she brought did the work for free to get the credit?

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  4. 1 hour ago, ZettaK said:

    Sai also said that he is retired. 

    For some reason, I thought maybe he had started a company and then sold it for a bunch of money, which is why he could be retired now.

    Or maybe he made a bunch of money on Wall Street and then retired, at least for a few years.

    I can't believe she earns enough as a content creator to fund the lifestyle they depict on the show.


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  5. 22 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    So we find out that Pivot has been to Vietnam two other times (obviously prior to being on this show) so for Jessel this is nothing new but it is to the others.  How much would it have been to just buy additional points or use the airline credit card and buy everything on it?

    Taking flights only for the purpose of earning airline status is very much a thing. I've done it several times--including one international trip. It's not just about earning the miles/points. Most programs require a certain number of flights and/or miles flown to achieve the highest status tiers.

    The different airline programs have different methods for earning status, and I'm assuming he must be a member of one that requires a certain number of miles flown to get status--so credit card spend and/or buying points is not enough.

    There are many websites and newsletters targeted precisely at people who want to earn or maintain airline status. I subscribe to a few.

    Maybe Sai and Erin just buy first-class or business-class seats when they fly, so they have no idea what airline status is or the perks that come with status.

    I have status with a couple of airlines, and I love the free checked bags, early boarding, and WAY better customer service I get with my preferred airlines.

    A $900 first-class flight from NY to Vietnam? If it was on an airline I had status, I'd definitely be taking that deal as often as I could get away!


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  6. On 9/27/2023 at 7:03 PM, mbaywife123 said:

    Sometimes you lay back just to rest your eyes and then bam! You wake up an hour or more later.

    This has happened to me.


    And I thought Heather made a really good point--if they thought she was coming right back, and she didn't show up, why didn't they check on her to make sure she was OK???

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  7. 11 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    I don't see Jenn and Ryan lasting. Once Jen's alimony is over, Ryan is going to be out IMO. And getting married means no alimony,  so there is that. Ryan can't afford her lifestyle.


    Have they ever mentioned what Ryan does for a living?

    I started to wonder about that looking at what he wears on the show.

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  8. I guess I’m sympathetic to Shannon, although I agree that she should probably not be on the show, but she didn’t actually say “CPS was coming for Gina’s kids.”

    What she did say was that Gina was about to be arrested (and I seem to remember that was potentially accurate because Gina missed a court date related to her DUI). And IF the cops had shown up at her house to arrest her AND there was no other adult who could take the kids, CPS may have been called.

    To me, those are very different statements. 

    But I would also say that it’s way past time to keep bringing that story up—and is that Shannon’s doing or the producer’s doing? (I mean, ultimately Shannon is responsible for what she says, but is she being pushed/coached by producers?

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  9. Full disclosure, I've always liked Shannon, and I've seen too many times when she was the target of bullying behavior at the hands of the other women--it was so awful I almost could not watch. [Thinking especially of that last season with Heather.]

    I do think it's unrealistic for her to expect that her relationship won't be discussed on the show.

    But I've seen enough mean girl behavior directed at her by Heather, Gina, and Emily that I was not entirely convinced Shannon really does call them late night and drunk to divulge her relationship issues. Maybe she does, but I don't believe it just because they say she does.

    I'm sure I said the same thing several seasons ago, but I don't think this show is a great fit for someone as sensitive to the drama as she seems to be. Unfortunately, I think she needs the money, so I think she wants to stay on the show and fears being let go--but these regular statements about not wanting to continue or not wanting to talking about major aspects of her life make it less likely she will be asked back.

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  10. 21 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    Maybe Elaine was trying to do a mashup of competing styles herself? Unrestrained vs controlled? Exuberant vs sophisticated?


    That's exactly what I thought when I saw her hair--a mash up of slicked back and full

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  11. For me, Prajje had the worst look of the night. The dress itself looked pretty boring, and it also looked to me like there were some issues with the seams in the front. Side note: When did they stop doing those up-close inspections of the clothing after the interviews?

    I thought his color choices [both the dress and the scarf] were pretty boring, and while the origami features could have been edgy, I think he needed an entirely different color palate (and maybe fabric choice) to really highlight that feature.

    I did not think Korto's was the worst--I hated her fabric choice on the pants, but the style seemed very interesting. I would have loved to see them in a different fabric. I won't miss her complaining, though.

    I like Rami, but I didn't think his dress this week was super flattering to his model. And while I loved the overall look of his "Freedom" dress, it looked to me like he had some stitching issues.

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  12. Although we didn't get to see too much of it, I thought Kara Saun's dress (without the jacket) looked pretty impressive, and I could see it on a red carpet. 

    At the very least, I wish she'd had the model remove the jacket on the runway so everyone could see the dress underneath, but I thought that her dress was more impressive than Praje's--or most of the others. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    My guess is the park wouldn't close for filming during the daytime, so they had to have the filming at night.   I'm just glad that no one fell, and that they were inside during the lightning. 

    I was thinking they had planned to film during daylight but then they tried to wait our the weather (or maybe they had to if there was lightening), and then they finally just went ahead with it after dark.

    I don't understand why they didn't change plans when they could actually see what the weather was like.

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  14. 7 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I thought the fabric she chose was doing all the work.

    Yep--it was a basic black shirt and pants with a beautiful coat--she did great work selecting such a beautiful fabric, but it was the fabric that was so impressive.

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  15. On 5/23/2022 at 8:58 AM, RoseAllDay said:

    And no, I don’t believe she and Harry HAMLIN are great buds with Elton John. Sorry.


    It's a sold-out FUNDRAISING dinner--does Elton really need to invite anyone as his guests, unless it's people being honored by the foundation? Certainly not a couple of B-list celebrities.

    I wish one of them had asked Lisa why she and Harry didn't just buy a ticket. It's a charitable contribution.

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  16. On 5/11/2022 at 8:10 PM, Pattycake2 said:

    The get together at Kyle’s house definitely was not the night after the robbery. There were plenty of flights from London to Los Angeles which would’ve gotten PK into LA earlier that day. 

    Actually, I think the timing here is plausible, even if I'm not sure the filming actually happened on the date that they are claiming.

    PK said he got the call from Dorit around 6-7am London time. He probably did not have time to book a ticket and get to Heathrow in time to make a late morning flight (and he said something about sitting in the lounge at Heathrow, so he had time for that). The early afternoon flights from London would arrive at LAX late in the afternoon California time, and by the time he cleared immigration and got to Kyle's, it could be dark outside--this all happened in October.

    [Pre-pandemic, I was flying from London to California about once a month, so I got VERY familiar with this particular journey.]

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  17. On 3/2/2022 at 7:15 PM, NJbutNoHousewife said:

    She must be book smart only - her education is impressive, check out her website: https://www.armstrongmd.com/dr-jennifer-armstrong-cosmetic-dermatologist/  I don't know how she could have accomplished all of that and still say some of the things she does. 

    Very interesting to see her educational background.

    I did my undergraduate work at a very highly rated, ivy-league level university with a lot of friends who were pre-med. Med school admission was tough even for them--my impression was that the most successful of my classmates were nearly 4.0 with top MCAT scores. By comparison, a 3.75 at Concordia would not have been a strong application, but she was able to get into a science MS program at Georgetown and complete it with a 4.0, which would have boosted her admissibility to med school, and it did.

    She mentioned at one point that she is not licensed to do plastic surgery--she also does not seem to be a board certified dermatologist. In fact, she does not seem to have any board certifications (not required, but interesting that she doesn't have any.)

    It looks like she has built a practice in aesthetic dermatology, and has done notable academic research in that area, but it is a more limited practice than either full cosmetic surgery or full dermatology.

    My sense was that she angled to get her practice on the show because she thought it would help her business--and apparently she offered to give Gina some free treatments at Branwyn's vow renewal. My guess is she made that offer hoping to get her business on the show.

    Somehow, she was then offered a spot as a cast member on the show, and my sense is she really didn't think about the full implications of being on the show as a cast member. I know production does some test shooting with potential HWs, and maybe that went OK, but to me she seemed uncomfortable from the beginning with the full expectations of being a cast member.

    My feeling about her is that she's behaved like an average person being put on one of these shows--not super into revealing their whole life to the cameras and these new "friends", not super interested in diving headfirst into the drama, etc. It may make her less interesting as a character on the show, but, for me, far more relatable as I'm not sure I would be spilling my guts to any of these women so soon after meeting them.


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  18. 9 hours ago, Riplet68 said:

    No one has said anything about the crickets when Jed walked out.  It was funny and cringeworthy.

    I was at the taping! The guy who was there to encourage the crowd was joking with some of us that we could not boo him when he walked out. I joked that what could they do if we all booed him.

    In the end, I did not hear any boos, but only a few people started to clap, and then they stopped quickly when they realized almost everyone else was silent. It was better than booing!

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  19. 18 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    I've seen this comment multiple times last night and I really feel like it's a strawman's argument. The difference here is that Luke signed on for a show where the lead would be dating and yes, having intimate (intimate doesn't automatically equal sex) relationships with multiple people. He knew this.

    He wasn't being led on, lied to about those things. And then despite that, felt within his right to say what was unacceptable to him in terms of Hannah's behavior as the lead. And also, as was the common behavior of Luke, he didn't stand behind it because when called out, he claimed that's not what he meant. 

    Jed came on the show and presented himself as something he wasn't, i.e. single. I liked that in their taped "break up" (since per Hannah we know the actual break up happened over the phone), Hannah brought up Scott from the first night and asked Jed what he was thinking when she not only sent Scott home but then did address the men and made it clear that if anyone had any secret girlfriend, was dating anyone to be honest or leave now. And he didn't. Hannah I felt in many ways almost suggested that if Jed had explained the situation to her before, she might have been more forgiving for his being honest.

    Absolutely spot on!

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  20. 18 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    I disagree actually. Based on many comments on this board and around social media, many are already convinced that Hannah's interest in Tyler is solely because Jed turned out to be a complete lying tool. That in other words, if Jed didn't have a secret girlfriend while on the show, she'd still be happily engaged to him. 

    So acting like she's all in with Tyler immediately would seem disingenuous to many considering they think she's being disingenuous now. Not to mention that as many have pointed out, the last thing Hannah probably needs is to jump right back into any relationship because girlfriend clearly still has some growing up to do. So personally I thought keeping it casual and light and just "let's just have a drink and see what happens" was the right way to go. 

    I think she could do both. Give him a better explanation of why she now realizes her judgement was clouded during filming, and then keeping it light by asking him out for just a drink to catch up.

  21. 19 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

    If Hannah really wanted Tyler, what she should have said was: "My whole relationship with Jed was based on a lie I had no way of knowing about until the very end. I was already struggling, and if not for this lie, I'd probably be happily engaged to Tyler. So I resent Jed for clouding my judgment for so long and I regret losing the opportunity to go all in with Tyler and get to the point where we could be engaged."

    . . . 

    I am not a Hannah hater - she was always too young for the lead. 


    I was at the taping last night, and this is almost exactly what I said to one of the women sitting next to me after the show. 

    My hoped for explanation was slightly different . . . "I was caught up in the bubble of the show and had trouble really seeing clearly while I was in the middle of it. Everyone could see how much I struggled with the decision even then, and now that I've been out of the bubble and able to reflect, I can see just how much my judgement was off while we were in the throes of filming."

    Something, anything, that would have acknowledged that she made a mistake and could see that now.

    But I'm also not convinced that it was all a bit of an act for both of them so that the ending was not a complete downer.

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