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Posts posted by kushka

  1. 37 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:


    I really hate Callie. And I think she's going to win next week and that makes me angry. She is awful. I wonder if Shonda is writing her this way and thinking people are actually supportive of the character at this point? She..can't think that, can she?

    A lot of us do support Callie at this point.  I certainly do and I know many others.  I won't go into all of the reasons because of fear of rabid Arizona lovers.  But let's just say that I find it hard to believe that some people who post here can see the same episodes I do and come to so extremely divergent opinions about the worth and goodness of certain characters. 

    • Love 3

    So Riggs is a cheater and a liar?  ok...cool, whatever I kind of don't care, this story is boring and has been dragged on for way too long.  At least Owen's hatred of him makes a little more sense now.  April/Arizona and the case was just trying too hard to be symbolic.  And, since when does a 14 year old get to make their own medical decisions? How was it even a question whether to tell the mother about the girl's pregnancy especially since it directly related to her necessary care.  I assumed April telling the mom was supposed to mirror April teling Jackson because they both "needed to know", but it was not at all the same.  I also thought the same thing about the patient's mother looking too old to have been a teen mom with a 14 year old.  


    HIPPA privacy rules state that if a state or other law prohibits disclosure of information or records to a parent without the minor's consent, the rule does not allow a provider to disclose without the minor's permission.  Washington state law allows pregnancy treatment, STD treatment, birth control etc. rights to minors without parents permission, so do many other states.  The reason for these exemptions from parental notification is that minors will usually forgo necessary medical treatments if their parents are informed, and parents will often force a minor to either have an abortion or continue a pregnancy based on the parents, not the child's beliefs. 

    • Love 3
  3. April did not sign an affirmation stating she was not pregnant, she signed the divorce agreement presented by Jackson. Standard divorce decrees do not have the person affirm pregnancy or lack thereof. Neither Jackson nor Catherine have cause for fraud simply because April is pregnant. Nothing has been asked of Jackson at this point, and there are no laws regarding a person becoming pregnant in the midst of a divorce, especially one filed by another party. If April denies paternity or visitation after the child is born, Jackson could sue for his rights as a father; but April cannot be accused of fraud by becoming pregnant.


    In some states, including Washington,  standard divorce degrees DO include an affirmation of pregnancy.  I just copied the following paragraph from the Washington State "Petition for Dissolution of Marriage" form I downloaded from the the Washington state forms page:



    1.13 Pregnancy

    [ ] No party is pregnant.

    [ ] (Name) ______________________ is pregnant.  Note:  Under RCW 26.26.116, the other party is the presumed parent.  If either party believes the other party is not the parent, this presumption may be challenged up to four years after the birth of the child or as otherwise provided in RCW 26.26.500 through 26.26.625.

    [ ] Other:



    So it seems that in signing a divorce agreement in Washington state - she did knowingly commit fraud, if that paragraph was checked "no party is pregnant"

  4. I just googled some sites on Washington state divorce law to see if they were one of the states that do not allow divorce while pregnant.  It seems they do allow divorce, but the Revised Code of Washington explicitly states that you must inform the court if you are pregnant, so that may be where the fraud comes in.  Also it seems that both parents rights are given equal weight as far as rights to child residence are concerned, and that they must work out a parenting plan between them, if they can not agree then both parties must present a parenting plan to the court etc.

    • Love 3
  5. I was basically just board with this weeks episode.


    I did like that they had the small focus on the fact that Stephanie was a cheerleader, which hearkened back to episode after Heather died where she mentioned that she went through collage on a cheerleader scholarship, and did a cheer.  I like her but she has had no major story in years, not since she was dating Jackson, which is why it was such a sour note when they had her complaining to Penny about Ben and Jo getting special favors for their relationship to attendings - for not only was Penny dating Callie, but Steph dated Jackson and he is the Chairman of the Board of the whole hospital (at least I assume he is still Chairman, but that is another story line they seem to be ignoring this year in hoping we will just forget, since it seems the fact of who owns the hospital has not been mentioned all season.)

  6. Meredith didn't call Amelia a child for asking about Owen's secret. She called her a child for the ensuing temper tantrum Amelia threw after Meredith refused to disclose Owen's secret in which Amelia told Meredith that (1) Cristina was a shitty friend who abandoned her, (2) Meredith is a hollow shell, and (3) Derek would be disgusted with Meredith if he could see her now.


    No, I just re-watched this scene - Meredith called Amelia a child after Meredith said that Amelia was not her sister, that Christina was, but before Amelia told Mer that she was a hollow shell and that Derek would be disappointed in her.  Those last 2 points of yours happened after Meredith called Amelia a child.   The argument before that had mainly to do with Meredith refusing to tell Amelia what was going on with Owen and saying that the reason it was Meredith business and not Amelia was because Meredith had promised Christina she would look out for Owen. Meredith seems to see herself in the role as "best friend to ex-wife" as a good reason to delve into Owens private matters, while Amelia in role as current lover as no role in his life or in any need to be concerned.


    This reasoning of Meredith’s is so sick to me.  My ex-husband lost any right to be concerned in my life with the signing of the divorce papers, and if any friend of his dared to poke his nose in my affairs, I would call the police and report a stalker.  While my current lover does, of course have a legitimate interest in my life.

    • Love 3
  7. I think that Amelia has every right to think of herself ad Mer's sister. Just think about how many hours she has spent taking care of Mer's kids.Of course, no one will bring this up, but if Mer called her when she found out that Derick was dying, Mer's kids would have been spared a bit of trauma, having a known caretaker being with them while their father was dying. Is Amelia wearing Derick's other surgical cap? It does look familiar.


    And at t the end if the first episode of this season Mer saId to Amelia  "Your family, and I love you" - it seems particually cruel of Meredith, knowing just how vulnerable Amelia is, to take that back.

    Also, last week, as soon as Amelia walked into the door from talking to Owen after he had told Bailey she had made a mistake, Meredith was waiting and started questioning Amelia on what Owen had said to her, but she acts so offended when Amelia questions her the same way.


    A problem with Meredith is that she really does believe that she is the sun, and everyone should revolve around her.  She can't stand it when she is not at the center.


    Dang it, I am about the same age as Owen's mom, why can't I find a boyfriend just like him.

    I feel the same

    • Love 6
  8. I thought it was a bit odd how everyone clearly went out of their way to avoid terms like "race", "racism", "black/white" and instead kept referring to it as "the thing". Since I'm not American (or living in a multiracial society) I almost missed it when Maggie and Amelia first started talking about it. I actually had to rewind the scene to check if that really is what it's about. Do people really talk like that?


    I live in a very diverse lower middle class neighorhood on the edge of Atlanta and we don't talk like that, but I have the impression that upper-middle class white people do, it is a way of ignoring a problem exist - by making it rude to overately mention it.

    • Love 1
  9. Why is Jo seated on the far end of the table and not next to Alex, her boyfriend????!!!!


    This show is nonsensical.



    I thought everyone knew that one never should seat couples together. 

    To check this - I did a quick google and got this quote from Miss Manners:

    "It is not only at state dinners, but at any properly run dinner party that couples are seated apart from each other. This heads off the irresistible temptation to break into the telling of family stories with remarks like "No, dear, that was the second time we went there, not the first." When Miss Manners is told of couples protesting that they can't bear to sit apart even for the length of a meal, she does not take it as evidence of marital devotion. On the contrary, it sounds mighty like distrust. If they have no social interests or skills, they can always stay home."


    And from Martha Stewart:

    "Couples and close friends should not be seated next to one another; after all, they talk all the time."

    • Love 3
  10. I have read post where some people are saying in effect the Jo’s and Stephanie’s behavior was not in keeping with their established characters.


    I have to disagree.


    Remember in S10 ep,14, when they instituted the non-fraternization  policy Jo and keeps accusing Stephanie of logging and anonymous complaint that brought it about, and Stephanie refuses to deny the accusation, even though it was Leah.  It seemed to establish that Stephanie refuses to defend herself against false accusations and Jo is quick to see the worse in people, another example of Jo seeing the worse in people is when she was given the chance to take down lesions during an early surgery with Alex during the episode on the day of Bailey’s wedding, and she failed at the task, she went to Arizona and complained that Alex had set her up for failure, so that if something went wrong he would have something to blame.  


    Stephanie Both Jo and Stephanie are highly competitive and Jo has been feeling that Stephanie has been pulling ahead of her this season, and has seen Stephanie lie to get an advantage. Stephanie says in earlier in this episode Jo was so lucky to be able to go to the party and make friends with the heads of the departments and she would kill to get an invite.  Thus when Amelia tells Jo that both she and Stephanie are invited to the party, she believes that Stephanie has just lied her way into taking away the one chance she had begun to see she had to pull ahead, so just like she reported Alex to Arazona, she reported what she thought was Stephanie's lie to Amelia.  I think both of their behavior this episode is typical of their established personalities. 

    • Love 8
  11. If Bailey injects that kid, she is deadtome. I don't care how many papers the mom signed, Bailey knows she rescinded her permission. If I felt like she was doing it for the kid, that would be one thing, but it's all. about. her.



    I disagree - I think she will inject the kid - but she will be doing it only for the kid.  She cannot tell anyone she injected the kid - because legally and ethically she is in the wrong.  So, she will inject the kid, the kid will get better, the parents will believe they were right to withhold treatment, and the Avery's will cut Baily's research because there has been no progress.

    • Love 2

    This episode has also reminded me to make an appointment to sign up with the bone marrow registry.

    When the father said that about not many African-American's are signed up for the bone marrow registry to April, if the way this case place out, is that April persuades Jackson to register, and he ends up being a match.

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