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Everything posted by RockYou

  1. I’m praying that Christie is playing him. I actually think she’s going in for the kill and he’s her biggest target!! 🤼‍♀️
  2. Uhhhhh basically this is a win yet again for the Jack Asses
  3. Yeah I think Kats in a better position to not be HOH. She fell immediately after Jackhead. Pretty good move. Yay Kat
  4. Unreal. So it’s Pee Boy and Kat Holly and Anal
  5. What was the vote totals? What does Kats vote play out like?
  6. I’m one of those who can’t get CBS. Please post live updates here as they unfold just like the live feeds!!! Oh my god who knows what will happen tonight.
  7. Yes Bridgets got spunk and will dance with a cute little fire. But she looks like a high school cheerleader!!! For god sakes this is pro dance and the look needs to be a polished woman . Not spunky cute high school look!!! Goodness she’s on the team but she’s NOT point material
  8. I dont think Lily is great or pretty or good enough. I hope she’s cut. How she gets as far as she has is baffling. Dont care for Taylor vet or Taylor candidate. Hope at least one Taylor cut. Shaina Kelcey not memorable as are vets Alana and old Rachel Cut, cut, cut
  9. Everyone might be but Jackhole!!! Sick of the unfairness and yet it’s okay with the HGs
  10. I’m pleasantly relieved to see they softened Hannah’s look from “stripper” to mature NFL dancer and professional ambassador for the Dallas Cowboys. Wondering who will be the new stereotypical “stripper” look for the dirty old men fanzone?!
  11. Brennan’s look and HAIR is exacta mundo Heather. Like c’mon .
  12. As soon as you first glance they look like bad editing over several rolls. And yes we all know she prob doesn’t have any. If I had a pic of myself like that I wouldn’t even post out of embarrassment . Terrible editing. Hashtag #Armoverheadshots ALL. OVER. THE. PLACE.
  13. Erin’s a tiger? Still cannot get that image of her falling down during a combo that time they were helping the girls get style or power I forget which . With all the pro dancers in Dallas area how can you get to that level and not execute technique, style or power. Too much photoshopping, but great for the male fantasies and that Cowboys followers I guess
  14. Why is Jack ALWAYS running the show? Why do they allow him to . I hope Kat sneaks in there and exposes them all one by one. I want Kat and Christie to be my final two!
  15. I wish she’d just go like NOW!! Mess up their minds. I can’t stand her
  16. I agree!! (and I loved all his dancing js)
  17. The show was good I thought. The producers do throw in little subtle clues on the HG true selves. But not enough. They always make Tommy look so sweet and fun and genuine to everyone. Uhhhhhhhhh
  18. It’s looking like Cliffs just not got enough in him to do the ugly work to win at the game. The 6 would not flinch for a moment and have already voted him off so why does he still wNt to stay in their good graces?? Wow jussssst wow!
  19. Christie has a gift of telling a bold face lie and make it sound just like what the person she’s talking to wants to hear. I’m telling ya she’s playing the game better than anyone! SMDH 🤦🏻‍♀️
  20. Good lord.....nobody wants the veto! Then what if they all try to lose 😂😂🥴
  21. If Jack goes up he might punch Cliff. He’s gonna go apesh*t
  22. How do the producers choose “Have Nots”
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