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Posts posted by TVFANNO1

  1. I won't be watching - this season did put me off a lot -but Rinna and Eileen were annoying then we get Erika  (boring), Teddi (pass me the sick bucket), Denise - (sick bucket again please).   I think the series has ran it's course and this season with Kyle wow - she really let her mask slip so much it was horrible to watch.

    • Love 18
  2. 16 hours ago, Dutchgirl said:

    This irrelevant brat has no reason to be on this show (or any professional qualifications to give health advice, but I digress) and her head is definitely big after her newfound "fame", but um, can we talk about the size of John's head? Maybe she can't help having a big head? It's clearly genetic.


    Whoa his head is big - I know he can't help it but wow it's a big head for sure

    • Love 4
  3. 9 hours ago, film noire said:

    Smart move on his part. When they divorce (and they will) Denise might pull the same creepy shit on Aaron that she pulled on Charlie Sheen:  accuse him of molesting their girls and downloading kiddy porn.   (Thank god she wasn't a greedy bitch looking for a settlement, though - in a divorce case, that would've been beyond the pale!) 

    Yes - Kyle's charitable treatment of the bums of Beverly Hills immediately springs to mind as one of her greatest qualities - nothing says "decency" like lording it over the destitute. 

    Poor Kyle, being tricked and set up by her own tongue.

    I watched some of that video - I was shocked at them Kyle, Kim and Kathy - how snobby - then the video which was on youtube was deleted?   very bloody weird.

    • Love 9
  4. 53 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

    I cannot call Rinna, Erika, Kyle or Dorit "normal". In fact, I can't call any housewife on any franchise "normal".

    They are all very thirsty individuals that live for, and would do almost anything for camera exposure, likely to sell whatever they are selling, or whatever their husbands are selling.

    LVP is included in that bunch.

    Have to agree.

    • Love 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

    I don't even believe that note was sent by Aaron. He isn't on SM. Are we supposed to believe this was a text or a tweet by Aaron to John Sessa as opposed to some sort of note directly to Vanderpump Dogs?

    If this was a text how exactly does Aaron have John's cell number?

    I'd like to know exactly - from looking online it appears that Aaron texted John Sessa through Denise's phone I think???   How do we know though - Denise has been tagged in on twitter so all she has to do is deny it.  Which I would do strenuously if it wasn't from her/him.

    • Love 3
  6. 7 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

    Says Erika Jayne.

    Oh and...



    "Dear Erika - Ken and I were saddened to hear of your Pretty Mess tour's passing. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Sincerest Condolences, Lisa.

    Doesn't appear to be any upcoming concerts for Erika:


    • Love 5
  7. 11 minutes ago, dosodog said:

    "This is Denise's husband" cracks me up.  I don't know why, but it does. 

    And Denise has now tweeted that she's always been supportive of VanderPups.  But she's just getting trashed by people for waiting until being called out.

    Denise is also tweeting veiled reference to Camille about racism.  That Eloise is half African American and Camille is lucky stuff got edited out.

    I think Denise may have misplaced her bong.......

    All these fools have only made people dislike them every time they post on SM.   I remember Teddi at the start of the season - posting every bloody time to justify her behaviour on SM and in her blogs.   It just made her seem worse.

    The lot of them should avoid SM then we wouldn't realise how disgusting they actually are.

    • Love 12
  8. 19 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    She has said it ON CAMRA since season ONE she uses her friendship with Kyle like a weapon. She’s like a battered wife it’s like Stockholm syndrome. She really loves me she really is my friend I’ll do better. And Lisa gets off on it. Kyle grew a backbone and look now they arnt friends Lisa wants someone to control and that was Kyle for a very long time it was a symbiotic fucked up relationship now that Kyle isn’t as doormatty the friendship is done. Kyle get back in your place. Notice how Lisa always goes after the weaker unsure ladies. She couldn’t do that with Erika because Erika is a cunt and doesn’t let anyone control her and speak to her the way she does to her “friends” ...... but then she found Dorit, then Teddi 

    Oh well at least Kyle will be happy with her new friend.

    • Love 7
  9. 7 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Because Kyle has said it since season 1. Are we pretending that she hasn’t brought this up for YEARS? She even said it when Lisa was bitching at vanderpump dogs because Kyle couldn’t make it to some party but Teddi did. I guess she’s my real friend. Cut to kyles talking head ONCE Again saying she knows this hurts me. Then cutting back to the conversation with Lisa and tells her to her face she does this. I watch the show are we watching the same show? 

    Kyle - hurt by Lisa - I don't think so.  Every time she talks about her she says something about Lisa - she finishes it off with BUT.

    I don't believe for one second that Kyle is hurt by Lisa.

    • Love 11
  10. 5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    That wasn’t joking to her she especially knows how it fucks with Kyle. She gets off on the control. There’s always a touch of truth in every joke 

    How do you know that it fucks with Kyle?    Seriously you sound like you're very close to Kyle?

    • Love 7
  11. 10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    She went on a warpath because they were being used to set up a spin-off (like Brandi was with vanderpump rules) 

    She pitted them against each other it’s on film. Then she told them both maybe I’ll like Teddi bear better she’s my real friend it’s on camera. 

    OMG you're kidding right?   She was joking oh dear.

    • Love 8
  12. 10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    I want proof of this jealousy that keeps getting thrown around. I think them being jealous is just an excuse to defend lisa’s Shitty behavior oh it’s not her the girls are just jealous. Mmmm we’v Seen more proof of Lisa being an asshole then the ladies being “jealous”. No one wants Lisa’s life no one wants to be banging ken.(hell I don’t think Erika wants to be banging anyone but a mirror of herself) Kyle and dorit wanted to be her bestie and she pitted them against each other a nonasshole wouldn’t do that. Then she tried to Pitt them against Teddi bear. She’s a narcissistic asshole who likes having control and feeling superior and cutting them down with jokes is part of that. 

    Disagree with this whole post.

    • Love 4
  13. 9 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

    Oh hell yeah, Kyle has mean spirited mean girl jabs especially in her TH's. I take Lisa's jokes just as you described, As her being clever or cheeky (for when she's being a bit mischievous) but I've never received any of her little quips as completely nasty or mean spirited. Her reactions usually tell you what you need to know as well. You can see a bit of confusion behind her eyes when someone takes her to task about one of her quips. I think as the seasons have gone on Lisa's reactions are less and less gracious because over the years it's been a running trend to be "offended" by one of LVP's jokes and to me it looked like she was being tired of then constantly overreacting and her having to constantly smooth shit over.  I get it, if you do get Lisa by now and still manage to clutch pearls at every turn then I'm not surprised that Lisa's reactions have gotten a little more gruff over the years.  She has seemed less inclined to give any fucks over their overblown analysis's of her commentary at every other function. I'd be drained too.

    What I've noticed is the automatic response to ANYTHING LVP says is offense. No giving the benefit of the doubt. No, oh she didn't mean any harm... Nope, at every opportunity it's rehashed among the others in such an aghast way. "Can you believe LVP made that comment, oh me, oh my, you know that was a jab meant to hurt you to your core..." but ummmmm no not really, that didn't really seem at all harsh. Catty maybe but when these women discuss it they up play the hurtfulness of a pretty basic comment. It's in those conversations they have with each other afterward that assign a cutting edge to it and imply what LVP's intentions "really" were with whatever comment. You look at the exchange and it's nothing more than a cheeky exchange but when you here them discuss is when they've revved it up to 10  on the offense meter. Then THAT narrative is what ends up sticking and growing bigger and bigger and extremely out of proportion.  

    It's a recipe they've utilized more than once on LVP. 

    It's funny how 'sensitive' they are isn't it.   

    • Love 9
  14. 1 minute ago, Happy Camper said:

    Yup. She could barely stand afterward, she was totally leaning on Fredrik and in slant mode. He did not look impressed.

    I'm more disgusted that Lisa Vanderpump took 8 of her dogs during the fires - VPD neutered them and vaccinated etc - where is her acknowledgement of the help - apparently VPD had too many dogs but they still took them for her.    What an ungrateful nasty woman she is.  I would post it but I don't know how to post from twitter.

    • Useful 4
    • Love 9
  15. 3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

    When Camille first appeared on the franchise, she was still married to Kelsey - and all she did was brag about herself, what she had, how famous her husband was. One of the many brags was how she produced many shows and how she was a "writer".

    Watching Camille on the reunion - I'm beginning to believe Camille wrote herself a script for the reunion. Camille can't act - she flubbed all of her lines or only remembered some of her lines - when she was stumped she started crying.

    Yes Camille was a right show off to start with in Season 1.    Do you think it was all an act then from her at the Reunion?  I thought she was gonna have a breakdown.

    • Love 3
  16. Don't know if this is the right place to post this but it's a woman started a petition for getting Kyle ad Teddi off the show.  On the one hand - people are mad - but on the other hand - it's going OTT.   I was disgusted with them at the reunion though.   


    • LOL 2
  17. 2 hours ago, langford peel said:

    Of. course it was a setup. By Production. Just the way the attacks on Lisa and Camille are setups.

    Kyle and Rinna were doing productions bidding when the kept bringing up the puppy dumping. They forced the issue and destroyed the season and this franchise.

    Production had to be involved otherwise how would Kyle have known that Lisa did a lie detector test.

    • Love 10
  18. 1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

    He can't be found guilty because it's a civil lawsuit. I'm still uncertain if Mauricio ever owed a fiduciary duty to Obiang. I think it might have only been owed to the DOJ. And this is the precise reason why lawsuits have no business being in the show. Their lawyers won't let the women discuss the matters with any real details and the fans start spinning convoluted stories based on half-assed understanding of the situations.

    People still think the goddamn stolen house in Palm Springs/Indian Wells was their primary residence and paid for with Kim's earnings when it wasn't built until Kim mostly retired from acting (1985), was purchased in 1996, was purchased with money from Big Kathy's 4th husband, and Kim only moved there to care for Big Kathy in 2002 (Big Kathy died in March 2002). Kim had been living in Arizona for years. All of this stuff is fairly easily verifiable using newspaper articles and property tax records, but I see people get these details super wrong constantly.

    Sorry I didn't realise you weren't found guilty in a civil lawsuit - is it just that you lose the case?

    Regarding not owing Obiang a fiduciary duty - how does that work?   Don't you always owe your client a fiduciary duty?   If not what would be the point in getting an estate agent to sell?

    Regarding it being on the show I have to agree that  it's kinda boring in any case - show me a juicy tidbit regarding infidelity.   

    However talking about it online is interesting as people can read things like this and make their own assumptions.

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