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Jul 68

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Posts posted by Jul 68

  1. 3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I thought for sure Nurse Jenny would be the one to have the affair, but it was actually Nurse Joe! This is all pretty bad, especially considering this woman is his son's caregiver, its going to be a mess no matter what happens. Is Chris so perfect and lacking in flaws that everyone else has to suck extra hard to make up for it?

    Crap like this is why I gave up on A Million Little Things.

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  2. How are Brie and Roger going to explain their abrupt (for that era) return?

    Because it never happened in the book, will the writers ignore it?

    Nah. They'll just do a minor time jump on the show (1 year later...) and it will never be spoken of again until the new baby comes along. 

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  3. On 1/29/2019 at 2:59 PM, BitterApple said:

    I'm curious to hear how everyone would grade this season? Good? Bad? Middle of the road?

    I'd give it a solid B+. Started out a little clunky, but picked up steam and the finale was decent. I don't think S4 was as good as S1 and S2, but I'd put it even with S3. 

    I don't know if it's still true, but you used to be able to message the moderators and request a poll. I did it several times a year or so ago. As long as you give them a question with several response options and they agree that it's a good question, they would post it. This way you could hit both the book readers and the non-book readers.

    I hope they still do it. We had lots of fun with them back on the OUAT forum.

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  4. 20 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    I don't know if you're aware of this or not but through 1998, the Oscars were held on a Monday night at 9 p.m.  In 1999, they were moved to Sunday night at 8:30 p.m.  Sunday was the compromise, specifically because it's not on a workday which means no L.A. traffic jams, but even that was not a preferred night as producers feared a Sunday night telecast would cut into weekend box office.

    Sorry, but they're not changing the night of the awards.

    Thanks for the info. I didn't remember all of the changes over the years. But hey, a girl can dream. 💫

    Maybe it would help if they simulcast it in theaters. They really need to toss some actual creativity into the broadcast to keep it relevant. This idea would bring people back into the theaters (which they've been begging for) and get them off the couch/streaming (no offence to Netflix and Roma intended).

  5. The book was called Juana the Mad, hence the episode title.

    Loved Jack and Phryne on the motorcycle. 

    Fun way to get Mr. Butler out of commission so that Phryne could be the one to confront the intruder and lose (which I still find highly improbable). The scene was poorly staged. 

    What condition do we think Beatrice has? Asperger's perhaps? Just the really quirky and really smart trope?

  6. While I agree with most of the above sentiment and I don't trust the networks anymore regarding quick cancellations, I'm going to give this show a shot.

    Both the trailer and sneak peak have me interested beyond it being a Josh Dallas vehicle (which is the only reason I looked up the show and watched the trailer in the first place).

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  7. On 11/16/2014 at 11:02 AM, Lawgiver said:

    Perry Heslop! One of the things I love about MFMM is playing spot the Australian actor! At least two former Muriel's Wedding actor's have shown up in MFMM, the second is Roz Hammond who was in first season's Away with the Fairies.  

    True! Belinda McClory (from Dr. Blake) was in the previous episode, Murder Most Scandalous. It drove me crazy for a couple of minutes until it hit me how I knew her.

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  8. I have to admit that I haven't read this entire thread, but did anyone bring up the old rusted bathtub that was turned into a coffee table? These people clearly never owned a fish tank. The only way to feed the fish or clean the tank would be to remove the entire top. I guess they figured no one keeps anything on a coffee table. No wonder they never sold it.

    On a separate note, I too had many questions about how the show works and found this article that answered most of them. I was disappointed, but not surprised by some of the items in this article.

    The Truth About Flea Market Flip

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  9. On 10/3/2017 at 5:21 AM, afrocorgi said:

    Anyone else find it inconceivable young Alex turns into old Alex? And I'm not talking about their looks either. Bobby Moynihan plays him so goofy and self-deprecating whereas there's a weird coldness and almost hostility coming from Jack Grazer's performance. I get that kid actors tend to be hit or miss, but Grazer is missing so much of the sweetness and warmth that's inherent in the older Alexes. 

    Give them  a bit more time to organically integrate all of the characters into all of the timelines.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Curio said:

    I'm trying to wrap my head around a series focused on Regina, Rumple, and Hook. These are specifically the three villains who hate each other. It's been six seasons and Hook still wants to skin himself a crocodile, Regina still can't stand Hook and makes fun of him all the time, Regina blames Rumple for turning her into a "monster," Rumple hates Hook and wouldn't care if he dropped dead, and Rumple is more than willing to manipulate Regina to his needs. How do these three become a team? They can't exactly just split all three of them up and give them their own storylines for the entire year.

    Well, they could have them constantly battling each other and the new guy or the little girl could have the job of making them get along and let the past go. Maybe they finally figured out that a grasshopper doesn't make for a good psychologist.

    Oh, better yet. The new guy could be a pharmacist who hands them Prozac while giving everyone else Xanax.

  11. 1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

    I think they're going to kill off Emma and the Charmings and make Hook Regina's True Love.  We've talked about how Emma and Hook haven't had TLK but Regina hasn't with either Daniel or Robin and, since she's sticking around, I can absolutely see them giving Regina this one thing they haven't given Emma.  And having it be Hook will be further proof at how much they hate Emma.  I don't know how they're going to kill Emma and the Charmings but I bet it's awful and insulting.  I'm feeling very bitter about this renewal and I can't wait to see how bad the ratings are next season.

    OMG! Why would you put that into the universe? The thought makes me shudder.

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