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Posts posted by JP100

  1. On 12/12/2018 at 10:37 PM, LucyEth said:

    the actress is always whispering, sometimes I can't hear what she is saying.

    I usually turn on the closed captions and it's great! I don't miss a thing.

    On 12/12/2018 at 10:37 PM, LucyEth said:

     I think Gary saying "I can't believe she is gone" in the coming attractions is probably a fake out making us think he is talking about Maggie.

    I think he's referring to Sophie who I believe is going to leave home after she finds out that Jon is not the father of the baby.


    On 12/13/2018 at 2:33 AM, topanga said:

    True, but how stupid was Delilah for not knowing anything about her family’s finances? She hasn’t met with one lawyer or financial planner since Jon died? I suppose that adds to the drama of the show, but I find it horribly unrealistic and irresponsible. 

    And, what happened to the spectacular job Jon did at setting everyone up financially before he died??


    I did not understand Gary's lline about the old man taking out his checkbook at the tree decoration place. What did that mean??

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