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Posts posted by Jenyfurrr

  1. MisterBluxom - the comment above from ItalianGuy... covers much of it. But yes, in the SeaOrg most do not have access at all, or if they do, it’s highly filtered. Also, years ago Scientology sent CDRoms to members so everyone could “have their own profile webpage on the Scientology website” and requested everyone to be part. What they didn’t share was that they also included “net nanny” software that blocked and/or tracked access to sites critical of CO$ as well as searches for terms that might lead them to negative info. 

    Public scientologists (the ones who attend an org but aren’t in the Sea Org) generally self-police to “avoid entheta” (negative info) about CO$. But Sea Org members can occasionally gain access and many exes have cited the internet as the beginning of the end for them. The other caveat though is that many exes say those who remain in at this point are either the super hard-core kool-Aid drinkers or are “under the radar” but likely online seeing the other side and just remaining in because they are scared of losing family/friends/employment due to disconnection. The Aftermath website has a template for business cards w/Aftermath information that we all can leave in public places, especially in areas where still-in members and/or SeaOrg members may find them so they have the info when they are ready. 

    I feel that’s why this show (& everyone here) is so important. When people are ready and they go online to research themselves, they’ll see there’s not only a safety net to help, but that so many people in the “dangerous WOG world” are aware of their plight and want to help. Watching the “Emotional Aftermath” episode helps to describe how much help one requires after leaving in getting in touch w/personal emotion again, gaining social skills and how much of a mind-trap (even beyond all the other terrible suffering) this horrid “church” creates for people. 

    Many who are getting much older (but have been in for 25-30+ yrs!) are discarded to group homes & such because they’re no longer useful (look up stories - they break your heart - of the most dedicated people being shunted off to waste away w/cancer or other health issues) so I hope we can find a way to get Aftermath cards and support info to those in that situation to reunite w/family. It’s terrible how CO$ will discard them, to an extent, yet go out of their way to keep these people isolated from family, etc. in hopes they just go away quietly and no one finds out till it’s too late. 

    (Geez Jen... tangent much?!?! Sorry - this stuff really gets to me...)

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  2. MisterBluxom (& others)-

    Another great way to offer support is to support The Aftermath Foundation that was started this past March:


    Many people had discussed the best way to move forward in supporting those who leave with no resource, education, job skills and having been cut off by family and friends alike. The Board members consist of many who’ve shared their stories in the show and been through their own harassment. I’d recently read a story on Tony Ortega’s excellent blog The Underground Bunker (another GREAT place to read as he keeps up with the many investigations and many posters there will list protests or organize letter writing campaigns, etc.) https://tonyortega.org/ about someone who’d been helped by the foundation. They’ve located counselors who specialize in recovery from high-control organizations and have a lot of resource to help. The young gentleman reported help w/getting emergency then longer-term housing, employment and counseling. That, to me, is incredible!

    As the more people leave and can share their stories with the FBI, IRS, etc. and those still in can see that the outside world isn’t bad/scary but that many of us care and want to help them get out and have a good life. I feel like the recent surge in interest and people speaking out (watching social media on the nights of the shows is encouraging!) The number of messages flagging the LAPD, DA’s office/Jackie Lacey IRS & FBI re: Danny Masterson rape investigation & Shelly Miscavige investigation was unreal!!! I’m hoping this will have a similar effect to the MeToo movement in forcing law enforcement to take action somehow. 

    Also, regarding Anonymous - they had a HUGE impact! It was thanks to them that Scientology stopped individually going after and suing every single person who attempted to speak out. The level of harassment preceding that time was so oppressive, very few would even consider it. However, they were so overwhelmed by the organized protests, Internet awareness and sudden loss of MANY members who were finding out the truth, they could no longer stem the tide of those speaking. 

    Anyone with ideas of things to do, people to write, etc. I’m in and happy to support and be part!!!

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