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Paul TV show lover

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Posts posted by Paul TV show lover

  1. Well I read all the comments on this episode and didn't see anyone state this: I found it interesting how Luke tells Agent Prentiss not to share that he was in the 75th Rangers Regiment in Iraq with any of their other coworkers so that intrigued me & I decided to google it. No one has posted here in 2 years however I'm catching up where I left off, but I clicked on 2 links that came up when I googled "75th Rangers Regiment Army Iraq" the first one I clicked on led me to what I'm about to show you and the second one mentioned criminal minds & brought me here so I decided to create an account. I also love the historical quotes at the beginning & end of every episode, the end of this one was: "3 things cannot long remain hidden: the sun, the moon, the the truth" -Buddha


    But this is what I found out about Luke's army regiment in Iraq:



    Army Rangers Accused of Abusing Detainees

    The Associated Press
    Monday, November 7, 2005; 3:12 PM

    BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Five U.S. members of an elite Army unit have been charged with kicking and punching detainees in Iraq, the military said Monday.

    The charges were issued Saturday against five soldiers from the 75th Ranger Regiment in connection with a Sept. 7 incident "in which three detainees were allegedly punched and kicked while awaiting movement to a detention facility," the U.S. military said in a statement.

    The military said officials had immediately launched an investigation after discovering the abuse allegations, leading to the charges. Names and ranks of the five soldiers were not released and the statement gave no further details.

    Allegations of prisoner abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad gained international notoriety in 2004 after a number of U.S. military personnel were charged with humiliating and assaulting detainees at the facility. Nine Army reservists were convicted in the scandal.

    The announcement came as President Bush vigorously defended U.S. interrogation practices in the war on terror and lobbied against a congressional drive to outlaw torture during a visit to Panama.

    © 2005 The Associated Press


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