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Friendly Lurker

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Posts posted by Friendly Lurker

  1. Binging this show and loving it. Just wondering if the lady fan from season 1 features again. She was a club volunteer, has long red hair with a fringe and in the last episode (where they miss out on promotion) they show her packing away her wrexham jerseys and saying something like 'there's always next year'. I liked her, but she seemed to disappear in season 2.

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  2. On 4/24/2018 at 8:45 AM, humbleopinion said:

    Michelle Dockery's gun shooting, horseback riding, well digging, American accent in Godless is worth the watching in the 7 episode series on Netflix...

    Just finished watching it. She was awesome. At first I was all "N'awwwe Mary escaped to the American midwest and found her cowboy!" But she quickly became "Alice" and not "American Mary"

  3. Just watched this again last night and one thing ("one" thing, ha!) that bugs me is at the end when Mycroft is explaining to the family why he continued to do Uncle Rudy's work and they're trying to figure out how to move forward, Mummy Holmes says to Sherlock "You were always the grown up". Gah bah wah? In what universe?

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  4. Double post because it's been a week, and since the above posts I have bought the DVDs, watched the extra's, discovered: the fanfiction, youtube, pinterest, and tumbler . Holy shit, this fandom is fucking insane. I am kindof glad I missed the waiting period between the seasons. (also, I totally ship Mycroft/Lestrade)

  5. Hello! Late to the Sherlock party, and still have season 4 to go. Not sure if I should ask this here or in the media thread, but I was wondering if anyone has some recommendations for recaps of the show. I read the three on TWoP via brilliantbutcancelled and I have read the ones here. 

  6. On the one hand I think Abby must actually be a pretty terrible person, for real, to have so many people - including old friends - rejoice at her prison sentence. On the other hand I think these people are just a bit twisted.


    This! Hot Damn, Jeannie, build a fucking bridge. I think I find her the most annoying, and self righteous of the lot of 'em. 

  7. Have you read The Outlandish Companion? The revised version goes up through Drums of Autumn, and according to Amazon, a second volume covering the books since then is due out in October. It  has lots of stuff in it, including genealogies.


    I second this, I found the Outlandish Companion informative without being long winded. I'm pretty sure I read it online at my desk at work, so maybe if you do a google search you can find the .pdf version (I just tried but the first 3 links I clicked are firewall blocked at work. Rude!)

  8. I'm re watching the first season and think it would be cool if there is a flash forward and Sybby is being walking around Parliament in the 1960s. Next thing she bumps into an older lady who is clearly someone important, possibly a minister, and introduces herself. Older lady then replied "My name is Gwen, I knew your mother."


    It makes zero sense, would tie nothing up, and would quite possibly make the Downton Abbey corner internet implode, but I think it would be cute.

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    Cora: I hate to lie.

    Mary: I'll do it. I don't mind lying.

    What I love about this is the disapproving look Cora gives Mary, and the obnoxious "What? it's the truth" Look Mary gives back. Credit to the actors for saying so much with out words.


    I re-watched the first episode last night and still love this quote:


    Lord G: What do you think? I've given my life to Downton. I was born here and I hope to die here. I claim no career beyond the nurture of this house and the estate. It is my third parent and my fourth child. Do I care about it? Yes, I do care!

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  10. Here's a thing - how easy or difficult would it have been for one of the villagers (Mrs. Drewe) to walk up to the Abbey to talk to one of the bosses? Are the Grantham's even their bosses...or are they just landlords.....or something?


    I know nothing about this time, I'm so tempted to start a thread where questions like this can be answered (or if one already exists please point me in it's direction!)

  11. I'm just wondering how the Stones work, and if we ever find out in the books I've read the first one so 

    I vaguely recall Jamie and Claire trying to get through but not being able to. But then Claire is back for book two so obviously she gets back. So I was thinking it was an "only females can get through" thing. 


    Then I find out Cheeky McCherub cheeks Roger grows up to marry Briana and he gets through, so that nixed that idea.THEN I find out he's a descendant of Gellis D. so I'm thinking maybe it's a bloodline thing. But maybe not?


    So is it ever explained how they work? 


    Eta like 5 times to get the spoiler tag to work only way I could figure out how was to have 2.

  12. Does anyone know where I can find recaps of the books? Wikipedia has comprehensive detail for the first 2 but then the rest are sort of back of the book blurb like. I like the story line but found the books slow* so stopped reading halfway through the second one, but I really want to know what happens.

    *Part of the problem, I think, is that I was reading them on an e-reader. I wonder if I will enjoy the writing more if I give them a shot while holding an actual book

  13. Add me to the list of people that loved the premier but hated the books. I'm a Ron Moore fangirl and when I found out he was making this I downloaded all the books and tried to familiarize myself with the characters. Pain.ful. I think I hated book!claire more than Bella Swan (let's let that sink in.)


    I struggled through the first one, got maybe a 5th of the way through the second one and gave up on the rest. Still, I'm glad that I did because the characters are well presented (FLOVE TV!Frank). Love the use of music, the scenery, the direction. Can't wait for the next episode and intend to be here for the duration.


    Deos anyone know if Ron Moore is doing podcasts ala Battlestar Galactica? 

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