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Posts posted by 828er

  1. 12 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    I don't mind the wolf because I'm assuming it's not supposed to look like a real wolf. I just assume it's supposed to be a sort of demonic wolf, kind of like a hell hound.

    This is a good point!  A lot of people are complaining, but its suppose to be unnatural, not lifelike. I think you are spot on saying it is demonic.

    Baby M at Doux Reviews addressed this by looking at THE UNCANNY VALLEY effect.  Here is what he wrote: "If they’d simply rented a trained wolf and had it look menacing and growl in front of the camera, it would have looked like . . . a trained wolf growling. Your mileage may vary, of course, but for me the Uncanny Valley effect makes the CGI wolf more unsettling than a live wolf would be." You can read more about the 'Uncanny Valley Effect" in his recap at  https://www.douxreviews.com/2019/02/manifest-upgrade.html

  2. On 2/13/2019 at 5:44 AM, green said:

    I mean the person above that brought up the podcast guy being introduced then disappearing from the story just goes to show how none of these secondary characters make much sense.  And hell I'm still wondering what happened to Romanian Guy and pals back at the expensive beach house now that the English woman who knew the person that owned the place has literally flown off into the wild blue yonder. 

    My theory is that season two will revisit all these characters and loose ends because in episode 16 all our main characters are going to find themselves starting over.   You can read about it in several articles I wrote on my blog:

    Speculating on Manifest's "Pretzel Twist" at the End of Season 1

    At the end of the article are links to related articles if you care to read them. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, green said:

    I do secretly hope the season ends with the pilot suddenly returning from the future telling Ben and Grace that something has to be done about their kids. 

    That is funny! I like that.  But I have a slightly different theory of what might happen. I think it has less to do with Back to the Future (although time travel is definitely in the mix), but more to do with Ground Hog Day.  Rather than copy everything into this post, allow me to give a link to my article.  

    Manifest: An explanation of why the plane exploded and what season 2 might look like

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  4. On 1/16/2019 at 11:32 PM, Moose135 said:

    The airport scenes from this episode were shot at Republic Airport, in Farmingdale on Long Island. 

    Great post Moose125!  You gave me an idea for an article. In it I make reference to your post, and offer side by side comparisons between the way the Charlie gate scene appeared in the episode and how it appears in real life (using Google Street View).  It's too much to show here, so I will provide a link to it.  https://manifest828.com/2019/01/19/manifest-se-1-ep-11-behind-the-scenes-at-republic-airport-on-long-island/

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  5. 23 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Timeline question -- since the plane returned in November, and it's now been 25 odd days since they returned, how come there aren't Xmas decorations everywhere ?  They said it was 10 days since the explosion that killed Vance, and the previous episode was Day 17 or 18 after their return, so they should be well into December now.  No seasonal trappings anywhere.
    Plus, in the first episode, it was snowing -- so despite everyone in heavy coats, all the trees still have their green leaves. How does that work ?

    This is a very good observation. Episode 9 was day 28 and if we now add ten days that means we are at day 38, so we are only a couple of weeks before Christmas. Not only are we in December, and as you pointed out had snow already, and the grass is still green, but also flowers are blooming in the trees. You can see the green grass and the red blossoms on the photo at the top of https://manifest828.com/2019/01/07/110-13/.

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  6. I like your analysis and the way you categorized the theories.  In regards to the Mystic/religious theory, here is what I think:

    References to the word "hell" may be significant

    In the first 9 episodes, one or more characters in 23 different scenes use the word “hell” at least once. In fact, in 106.14 Jared uses it four times to underscore that something not right is going on. This appears to be more than a cliché. The writers would not have used it four time in a scene unless they were trying to make a strong impact on the viewer that what was going on behind the red door was significant.

    In the promo video of episode 10, we hear Michaela say, “What the hell is going on?” That is a question many viewers are asking, too. Are the writers using “hell” simply to express discontent or displeasure,  disregard for conventional procedure and precautions, or is there something more significant going on here?

    The writers may be using “hell” in a very creative way of depicting the character’s turbulent state of mind and being (i.e. “Turbulence” , the episode 3 title.) Although the common Christian concept of hell does not involve redemption, the writers might just be using a broader (i.e, a purgatorial) view.

    References to the Color Red

    A similar connection also exists with the writer’s use of the color red. Is there something going on here which is similar to the way the movie The Sixth Sense uses red to  symbolize “anything in the real world that has been tainted by the other world” (director M. Night Shyamalan), and is used “to connote really explosively emotional moments and situations” (producer Barry Mendel)?

    The two biggest ones, of course, are the “red door” of the dairy farm where the missing passengers were taken (episode 106), and the Red Hook warehouse (episodes 108 and 109).  In episode 108, Michaela makes a comment on Grace’s use of “Le Rouge” saying that it “goes with her smokin’ hot eyes (108.19).

    Whether the writers intentionally put these instances of red into the story or whether they are just coincidental, remains to be seen. But here are other instances where the color red shows up in the series.

    I don't want to post everything, but you can read more in my article Manifest: “What the hell is going on?” Occurrences of “hell”, the color “red”, and “fall” in the Manifest TV series where I give many examples of where the color red is being used.

  7. On 11/21/2018 at 4:07 PM, icemiser69 said:

    They couldn't deploy the air bag because the roof below the jumper was pitched from left to right.  Yet when the jumper jumps he clears that roof and hits the walkway in front of the building.  I guess they should have deployed the airbag after all. 

    I noticed this too. In the point of view scenes of him looking down, the roof isn't even visible. When he jump, he didn't have the forward momentum to clear the pitched roof, either. But this is nothing compared to the two people's obituaries who died. Did you take a close look at when they died? The woman died in 1996, and the man in April of 2018 before Flight 828 returned. This is either a terrible oversight on the prop's department, are did these two people "go missing" (i.e. died) and came back as "angels". Maybe all the 828ers died, and have come back? So I am not going to just right this off as I may have initially, and blame the writers or prop team. Maybe the left us a clue. What do other people think?

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  8. Michaela receives a verbal calling that’s as vague as her previous callings, but this one will not clarify itself by the end of the episode. In fact, the way it is introduced, underscores it complexity. Initially, we are led to believe it is Jared (i.e. revolving around her reluctance of riding with him cf. 108.5). But then immediately after she receives the calling, Captain Riojas informs her about a jumper (108.6). This is how Michaela understands the call. When he jumps she blames herself for having failed. Then later she develops an hypothesis that takes the calling to a whole new level (cf. 108.18). But by the end of the episode, we still don’t know. Another possibility of who “Don’t lose him” may refer to is Cal. After all, the episode begins with him saying, “I don’t want to die” (108.1), and ends on an ominous note (108.26).

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  9. the school is a private school, some type of academy as was mentioned above, so it makes sense that the grade levels are all in one location. But it looks cheap. They have buses, and they bring out tables into the gym for lunch!

    Did anyone notice the GOOF!  In Harvey's apartment when Jared shows Michaela the obituaries of the two people who died... The obituary of the woman says she died in 1996! And the man, he died from lung cancer, not a heart attack like Jared later claimed. Go figure! Either the props team was lazy, or maybe their is some wierd time travel going on that we don't know about? Not!

  10. This episode will be DAY 15 since Ben, Michaela, Cal, and Saanvi returned. I have created a timeline to show this. Some people in the forum don't think that is possible, but I have shown that it is. I divided each day into morning, afternoon, and evening. So far I have created the following timelines. They are cross-referenced with each other so you can navigate between the characters and stay on the same day.

    Michaela's Timeline

    Ben's Timeline

    Olive's Timeline

    Saanvi's Timeline

    It will be interesting to have Cal going back to school. So far he hasn't (probably due to his cancer treatments, and of course having returned only 15 days ago), whereas Olive she has been going to school and soccer practice.

    • Love 10
  11. I came across a Manifest VIEWER'S GUIDE website. It has a lot of information on it. Each episode's scripts are posted broken down by scenes. It has timelines for the characters and a detailed glossary.

    Manifest Episode 106 Script - Off Radar

    Flight 828 Timeline - everything that has happened in chronological order with links to the episode scenes

    The Manifest TV Series Glossary - Recent entries include

    There is even a section to listen and view songs that played in episodes.

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