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Posts posted by mkav

  1. To each their own Dianthus!! I am very aware that SQ can be very divisive...I personally enjoy the chemistry between those two ladies and the way both Lana and JMo portray the characters and the interactions between them. I feel there is a substantial amount of subtext between Regina and Emma and I do not care one iota whether a potential relationship is explored in actual canon; consequently I find ship wars both sad and hilarious at the same time... I like my subtext to remain subtext, thank you very much and I am extremely happy there is plenty of that going on between Regina and Emma.

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  2. Delurking to share my unpopular opinion(s) and to say that I am happy this thread exists! My favourite character is Regina. I also think most acting in the show is seriously mediocre, barring Robert, Lana and Collin, although it seems that both Robert and Lana have now checked out acting-wise. I blame the absurdity of the writing for that! Thinking about it, I do struggle to see anything redeemable about OUAT as a show due to the writers’ inability to produce consistent, well-developed and believable plots for any of the characters. I am only watching OUAT because of the sizzling chemistry between Regina and Emma; I am hooked, no pun intended ;-) I have rarely shipped anyone in all the years I’ve been watching telly, but from the moment I saw those two interacting I was and still am riveted whenever Emma and Regina share time onscreen. What for me makes the progression of Captain Swan somehow tolerable, is when I compare it to the Robin and Regina trainwreck, always taking under consideration the overall lacklustre writing; however I fail to see any chemistry between Emma and Hook. I just watch for the pretty and for the great subtext between Regina and Emma.

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