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Posts posted by tcfse

  1. On 10/24/2018 at 1:18 PM, KoKo said:

    Totally agree. While both are adorable and great dancers, as you said, too young and cutesy. 

    My prediction for next point is Gina. Not because she’s one of my favorites but because she seems to be one that they point out as one of the best dancers. They seem to like her look also. To me (and disclaimer, I’m not a dancer so just a laymen’s opinion) I think Maddie is the best dancer. 

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  2. On 10/22/2018 at 12:40 PM, Jess14 said:

    Agreed. I don’t see the comparison. They’re both beautiful girls, but beyond that, they seem night and day to me. Kalyssa, love or hate her, never seemed boring, scripted, or timid to me. Rachel however seems dull as dishwater. Now, i say seems because she may be full of personality behind all of that makeup and carefully crafted pageant persona, but I don’t think it has ever come through on the show. Likewise, in terms of dance, Kalyssa was powerful but very messy IMO. Rachel lacks power, but doesn’t have the untrained dancer look. It’s clear she has good technique and a strong dance background. 

    I see her as “a Kalyssa”. Nothing like Kalyssa. But I see her doing this one year as a stepping stone. I like her. I just don’t think she will re-audition. I may be wrong. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    I won't get to watch this last episode until tonight.   Someone needs to keep up with the guesses as to who will not come back next season (Rachel; Brennan; Christina).

    My "the whole package" ladies are Kashara, Jalyn and I'll just go ahead and vote for Bridgett since everyone else did even though I couldn't pick her out in a line up of 2 people.

    I was looking for the “Alexandria’s &Kalyssa’s” of this group. I think as far as not coming back on their own, Rachel is the only one I think. As far as not making the team, possibly Brennan although I really like her. 

    3 hours ago, Agent Gully said:

    In case the poor gal ever reads this board...I am a huge fan of Christina and I am sure there are a few others here who like her as well. When insider "John Galt " was here, he/she said that she was a locker room favorite. Apparently, she dances well enough not to have been called out as being a weak link and had a smooth training camp as far as what was shown to us. Delighted to see Brennan's joy at finally making the squad. 

    Christina is one of my favorites! Looks wise also, if you look back at when she got cut she had a very “mousey” look for lack of a better term. She looks great now and I love watching her. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, Pebbles116 said:

    Why are we not talking more about Malena and her cut...because we know there was ALOT more to her meltdown than what was shown...right? I would be WAY too embarrassed to come back after me behaving like that on national TV. Just me?

    I really, really like Malena. Thought she was beautiful and well spoken. I think her meltdown was a realization of, “I quit my job for this”....which was not a bright move for such an intelligent girl. She had a dream job and quit it for what $50 per game. I have to think there must’ve been some strong encouragement of her potential to make the team behind the scenes. Why would you quit a job like hers if that was not the case? I do recognize they couldn’t keep her because of her looks and personality. I recognize her dance skills/memory weren’t to the caliber of the other candidates. I do feel bad for her though. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    If you had to choose three members of the team who are the "total package," right now, exactly as they are today, who would you name? 

    By total pkg I mean body is on point, not too thin, not too soft. Beautiful face and makeup. Beautiful hair. Well groomed at all times. Clean, powerful, charismatic dancer with great kicks. Speaks well and comes across as warm, friendly, professional, approachable, well rounded and intelligent. Appears to be an excellent, supportive, hard working teammate. Has more on social media than "look how beautiful my friends and I are." Shows up on time and follows the rules.

    Tell me who ticks all the boxes for you? You can only pick three.

    My 3 would be

    1. Madeline Malloy. I think she’s drop dead gorgeous with perfect makeup. Personality wise I didn’t see enough of her to know for sure. 

    2. Kashara: She’s beautiful, charismatic, and seems genuine. 

    3. Lauren: she’s beautiful, very talented and seems so genuine. 

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