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Posts posted by Maximoose

  1. 6 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Is it me or has the show completely dropped the call center?   It might be why Maddie and Chimney have a 2nd kid.  Gives Maddie something to do since no more scenes in call center.  

    They had to get their money's worth from that hospital set! 🤣

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  2. 1 hour ago, limecoke said:

    Ok, I’m just going to say it. I despise these Big! Disaster! Episodes! and this show does it way too often. Major earthquake. Tsunami. Now we relive Posidon Adventure with THREE episodes. Not sure my eyes will survive the gigantic eye roll.

    This is pretty par for the course when it comes to 911's and it's season opener episodes, it helps to get watchers re-invested in the show after its long breaks

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  3. On 1/9/2024 at 8:03 AM, Jeeves said:

    I gave it a hard pass because I have a low tolerance for Charles' on-camera goofball act - which at least doesn't dominate the real show. Looks like the new "farm" show is all about Charles, all the time. 

    It really is, he just seems to bumble through it without much clue.

    It boils down to Charles being Charles, his brother in law/others doing most of the work, and them bringing in his dad when they're completely lost on something.

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  4. 12 hours ago, blackwing said:

    Truly hate the gimmick that we aren't going to find out who Hummingbird is until next week.  Things like this are what I hate about this show.  If they promise immediate unmaskings, don't make us wait a whole week.

    Ah, but gimmicks are this entire show!

  5. I'll chip in my 2c as well;

    It felt very clunky to me. The pacing was all over the place.

    The first scene may as well have been a credit roll since all it did was introduce characters and the relationship between the two mains, all the while feeling awkward.

    One bad cgi scene later and they're all running around in their CSI-esque setpieces doing the usual things you see the lab team or investigators do on other shows, standard fluff of running around and saying things to advance the plot.

    The original did have SOME amnesia but his feels like it's only there to fuel relationship drama and the tired tv trope of a breadcrumb mystery(the latter also done by the cryptic phone message at the end)

    And the "story of the week"? Forgettable. It was so awkwardly paced (not to mention the cheap backlot scenes) that we forgot who was getting helped the second he walked off-camera.

    In the old series, the "story of the week" was more than that. "History was changed for the better" in every episode, just as the impact of each and every story changed Sam a little bit as well (and by effect, us the audience) 

    The reason the first show was successful and we all kept watching was that you were immersed in each story, and felt for the characters involved. No details were spared in both scenery and story to fully immerse you in whatever time and place each week was set in. 

    I didn't really feel much for this episode to be honest, but I will give it an honest few episode try as many shows take a few tries till they find their footing.

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Skooma said:

    Also at the end we are told (black end card) Sam Beckett died in 2021.  I did read that right, correct?  (And how would the current leaper team know that anyway)?  In the show they mention Al died in 2021 (as in died "last year" after id'ing this is 2022 in convo about daughter).  So these leaps are about both Sam and Al dying in same year?  Coincidence not?  Is that the year Ben is trying to get back too or way before 2021?

    That card was a tribute to the actor who played Al, Dean Stockwell who passed away last year. (2021)

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  7. On 9/7/2022 at 7:51 PM, Ohmo said:

    They aired 6 episodes.  I binged them all last weekend.  Only one couple---the couple near Chicago with the restaurant that serves Spanish food---even seem to remotely have a chance. Kathleen/Nate, Randi/Jeanette, and Alan/Nicole will not have successful relationships, and I think Nicole has zero chance of ever getting anyone to invest in any business after she walked out on the pop-up.

    I looked up Kathleen/Nate's food truck biz after the first episode aired and there nate was, waving inside the food truck at an event near me, the photo taken just days before.

    I'm pretty sure a lot of the stories are either entirely tv fluff/acting, or in the case of these two, probably based on things that did happen early in their relationship, but repeated and amped up for tv. 

    Back on Food Network talk though, someone mentioned guy's game night which I'll pass on as well. (Too many years of watching him be obnoxious on GGG, I guess)

    I've also caught this year's Halloween shows (in september?!) Sadly Halloween wars has even MORE screens for Zak to phone it in and be annoying.

    Halloween Baking Championship this year seems good though, watching episode 2 now as I type this.

    I'm seeing yet another Bobby flay show being advertised nearly every break; "Bobby Flay's triple threat" is what they're calling it. Strangely, he's not competing in it. Who knows? Maybe FN finally got the memo people were tired of his rigged wins on "Beat Bobby Flay."

  8. On 12/19/2021 at 11:26 PM, Kemper said:

    Has the network had any Christmas-themed shows? I don’t mean “competitions” and House Hunting themes. They used to do holiday decorating shows with great ideas; some pretty basic. I figured since Martha Stewart had the gardening show last year that maybe there would be a holiday special.

    Every time I turn the channel on,  it is same-old-same-old.

    You know I actually dont recall any real holiday shows, just one-off special episodes of the usual filler series that are always on. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

    Young chefs: "Gordon Ramsey is SO HOT!  I've had a crush on him forever!"

    Also young chefs: "Old people suck!  it's time for them to move on!" 


    This is also the season they promo'd it by showing one of GR's usual rant clips followed by the narrator of the commercial saying "Okay Boomer" 😐

  10. On 12/3/2019 at 10:11 AM, icemiser69 said:

    Is it my imagination or is Bob Ross really more popular after his death than before his death? 

    Popularity picked back up a few years back, that's where most of the stuff came from.

    Can't really say I've been in any holiday spirit lately, or in the past couple years come to think of it-- not seeing many holiday commercials here either, we've mainly just been getting bonked over the head with DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS!

    Mucinex should really pull that Zombie ad they've been running since two days before Halloween too 🤷

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

    They might as well have a neon sign reading “I Am Wayne Brady”.

    Don't worry, they'll magically figure it out on the finale (when he most likely wins, since the fox character is the only one in the new fox/Hulu promo they've been running)

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  12. On 11/2/2019 at 11:47 PM, elle said:

    The creepy buff Santa for Dodge is back shilling for Black Friday.  I couldn't get to the remote fast enough.

    It got a "meh" from me.

    The first year they did that it got a laugh, as I figured someone at Dodge was a big fan of the cheesy Santa Slay movie he did a few years back

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  13. On 11/6/2019 at 5:33 PM, BigBingerBro said:

     I'm hoping it;s not played too excessively this season or I'll be wearing out my mute button.

    I've been seeing it a lot, as well as the just as pretentious "forget enjoying Christmas morning, you need to ride your pretentiotron bike" ad they're also running.

    On another note, as some have mentioned I too am seeing a ton of reused ads from previous years

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  14. On 10/15/2019 at 11:11 AM, jmonique said:

    I may be violating a PrimeTimer Prime Directive, but I just started last night's ep, and paused it to come here to say to people who'll understand:

    I just CAN'T anymore with the same flashbacks every episode. I'm starting to viscerally hate the damn trunk, the hallway and "MALCOLM! What the hell are you doing?" "I saw something. I saw a woman."


    You forgot the little jingle they play every 30 seconds to indicate "A CLUE! A CLUE!"

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