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boycott Reality TV

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  1. “Where the busby's, where the busby's”. The girls should have been chanting, Where Mommy and Daddy’s 6 little money makers, Where Mommy and Daddy’s 6 little money makers. I am NOT a fan of the Busby's nor am I a hater. Adam and Danielle, It is NOT the quints job to support you and that is what they are doing. Without them there would be no Reality TV show, no magazine interviews or magazine covers, You tube channel or any of the vacations and freebees that you receive. Your children are supporting YOU and themselves. You should both be ashamed of yourselves. As parents we are to protect our children and NOT subject them to criticism due to our own poor choices. Your children have forever been labeled. You have allowed their most private moments (potty training) tantrums, diaper blow outs, bath time, running around with just a diaper or panty’s, etc. and allowing it ALL to be filmed and aired for the world to see. They are only three years old. What do you think is going to happen if you continue this train wreck? Pedophilia has become a new trend in the online world. You may think you're not doing any harm by posting a cute little photo of your offspring, but the lurkers are online. SAVE YOUR CHILDREN FROM THE CLUTCHES OF EVIL PEDOPHILES AND STOP POSTING THIER PHOTOS ONLINE AND TELEVISION FOR THEM TO BE TARGETED. You both seem to think that you are special because you are “The Busby's. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL! You are NOT special nor are you unique. There are plenty of other parents with High Order Multiples that have chosen to raise their children in private. How is it that they have survived without Reality TV and they have more children then you have? The difference between them and you is they are emotionally stable and those are the people that producers don't want because they can not be manipulated and exploited. People like yourselves are prime targets for Reality TV, because you are both fame and money hungry. Please stop saying that the crew is like family. The crew is NOT your family! There only agenda is much like your own, to collect a paycheck! Once the show is canceled and it will, the numbers are already declining, you will never hear from any of the crew again? They will have already moved on to their next victim. You chose to use fertility drugs and ended up having a litter of children that you couldn’t support without being paid to be on a Reality TV Show. You both are pathetic and selfish and appear to be perfectly okay with parading your children around like Circus animals for the enjoyment and entertainment of perfect strangers for MONEY. You both chose to bring more children in to the world. You should have NEVER allowed yourself or anyone else to exploit your children, take away their childhood and possibly tarnish their reputation forever because of your own narcissism and personal financial gain. You signed up for Reality TV, your children didn't give their consent to be exploited. YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW.
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