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N. Abella

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Posts posted by N. Abella

  1. We all know Moseley is a great character to dislike. Granger was a company man but understood that you sometimes had to do the wrong thing for the right reason.  Moseley came in to supposedly disrupt a good group of agents because the relationships they had with one another was distracting to the mission.

    In a life and death situation, you must rely on your good relationships to keep you safe. This band of agents kept their team safe because they cared about each other. Moseley seemed to sweep right pass that and on several occasions commented that her intent was to break them up. 

    As a leader, she used intimidation, arrogance and a haranguing temperament to keep her people in line. She was so unlike Hetty who used finesse and persuasion. Although Hetty could be stern and authoritative, she displayed true empathy and understanding when it was needed. She has a nurturing side to her even though on the surface, she gave the impression that few people cross her.

    Moseley went totally crazy while trying desperately to save her son.  She proved she was willing to sacrifice the team in her quest to show she had power over them.

    She showed no remorse for her actions although to some degree she was thankful to the team for saving her son. Can't wait to see her demoted and cast out. I cannot stand her character. She was more concerned about her image than the humanity of her team.

    I hope they resolve her situation quickly. I almost want to throw something at the screen whenever her character walks on stage.

    My big disappointment...Harley. She had grace and poise and could relate to the team. Why they killed her off astounds me unless for some peculiar reason, she is resurrected. Perhaps maybe she needs to go to the Mother Ship where Gibbs resides. That show has felt flat since Abbie went away.

    Bring Hetty back please.

    Someone get a shepherd's hook for Moseley. I don't want to see her tettering on heels she can't walk on, thrust her bosom to the screen and place hands on hips. No offense. Some changes are good but the writers introduced something toxic in the pool with this character.

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