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Posts posted by Dancelove

  1. Although I think of Platoon whenever the Barber Adagio for Strings piece is used to end in tragedy, it worked pretty well for this, and it's nothing if not emotional.  The couple were incredible actors- and I forgot all about the rest of the story. 

     Roger also hit it out of the park in the acting department. This was the centrepiece of the season. From his dream of waking up in 1971 to a hot shower, to this merciful way to end the priest's life,  this was stone cold drama that moved me.. Frankly, the rest seems like soapy camp by comparison. 

    • Love 6
  2. On 11/22/2018 at 11:52 PM, Toonces464 said:

    Oh I know, but he was a partner in DWM for like 8 years.....and then suddenly he just gave up that partnership to go teach at Fred Astaire?

    Tony was a major partner with Fred Astaire before DWM  I suspect he's gone back to FA in the same capacity. 

  3. Cute Couple... at least for the tour. She doesn't have to be on the tour to promote it with pics like this.  Not saying they're in Kym and Robert's category but there is no reason not to believe they're together for now. 

  4. 6 hours ago, MsTree said:

    Someone needs to tell Sharna that her answer makes no sense because the 2 main reasons people tune into DWTS is (1) for the celebrities and (2) for the dancing.  The attraction is BOTH, whereas WOD is more about professional dancers, most of whom the general public does not know.

    My take is Sharna saying if you want GOOD dancing don't watch this show.  You can't have both when you worship a celebrity with no ability whatsoever.  The past 26 seasons scoffed at this,because there are celebs who dance very well  but Sharna is justifying why Bones won.  

    • Love 3
  5. 4 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

    And sports fans passed their favorites' voting information on.  It'd be interesting to see how many voters actually watched the show. 

    Fan blocks who don't like dance and there's lots of them do not watch the show.  David Ross' Chicago Cubs fans prime example. When he and Lindsay were on they just showed their dance on the board at Wrigley and told the fans in the stands the number to vote.  They weren't there to watch dancing.  That hasn't changed in eons, but what I don't get is giving a pittiful dance a 30.  It used to be if you screwed up as in no freaking musicality or rhythm you got docked accordingly.They gave Marie Osmond's doll dance a 22 . Even Season 10 that some have said they enjoyed none of the finalists got a perfect 30 for their finale dance.   Giving a 30 to a dufus who spits on dance as an artform just because it will align with his win is bs and the major reason why this show has lost it's sequins.  Maybe the showrunners want to sabatoge their show, who knows.  It sure feels like they want to take a dump on dance fans. 

    • Love 10
  6. 23 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Plus, Sharna DID win, even if she shouldn't have this year. I think she's allowed to feel the win, even if we all didn't like how she won. And I say this avidly hating Bobby's victim blaming. 

    If poor sportsmanship is allowing someone to feel a win then this show taught us nothing.  DWTS always been accused of manipulation for a desired outcome.  Nobody knows the vote tally and we are told to "trust" the system.  They point to the idea that they have laws after the game show scandal in the 50's to prevent it.  But that's about prize money.  Everyone gets paid to play a role on this show.  I don't "trust" the system,and this win feels manipulative, not deserved. 

    • Love 1
  7. For me the winner has to have something endearing.  I'm sorry but even the seasons where someone won that I wasn't their fan, I appreciated the entertainment value they brought/  This season not so much. I think back to season 8 when Gilles fans were disappointed but recognized that what a thrill it was for his opponent a 17 year old to win.  Now, this win just slapped those other 17 year olds pretty darn hard.  Not that I' was a fan of Milo or Evanna necessarily, but either of them winning would put a finer point on what it means to work at the fundamentals of dance to win, rather than a cheezy dance  show that is  constantly reminding us that its solely in the business of marketing your mug all over television so you never have to dance again.  It sort of defeats the purpose of dance in the first place, and I for one hate that the draw of dance actually gets so disrespected.   When I think of people like Rashad Jennings winning the whole thing, he embraced dance and respected what it takes to win, it has just fell so far so fast.   

    Sharna did her job and brought a non-dancer to a win. I only heard of this guy on this show and frankly I don't care if I ever see him again, anywhere.  He did nothing to inspire anything but contempt for Sharna's teaching with that stupid flossing.  People may think it's funny but to me it was just passive aggressive bullshit to disrespect teacher and get a few laughs.   Sharna had to deal with Andy Dick, and he was out of control drunk when he came back the following season.  So she's dealt with a lot.  What a shame she didn't get a win with that adorable funny Hinchcliffe who actually tried to please his audience and had some respect for her teaching.  

    • Love 11
  8. On 11/20/2018 at 4:19 PM, catrice2 said:

    I love the Argentine Tango but I almost feel like it needs sub categories....I don't think the ones set to pop music should bein the same category as the ones set to real tango music

    Definitely. I agree, it's never a good Argentine Tango without the great music.  4 out of the 5 of my top 5  are real Tango- Jennifer and Derek - La Cumparasita     Nicole and Derek - Gotan Project     Gilles and Cheryl - Assassins Tango   JP and Cheryl -Libertango the only one not a "true" tango was Discombobulated from Sherlock Holmes. Zendaya/Val with an assist from Maks/Anna The music was so eerily reminicient of a Tango and the stagecraft on it was so good it's always worth a re-watch.

    • Love 2
  9. I still don't get why nobody wanted to vote for JP and Cheryl.  Holy shit I just saw all of his dances on y-tube and man his Samba, Salsa and AT are right up there with the best that  has ever been on this show.  Not every dance was stellar, but the majority were just holy shit he went for it and they were amazing.  He is a natural dancer and when it was on, everything just flowed.   It's sad that dance fans I know were there at one time are gone and now only tribes are voting for their fave regardless of how he dances.

    An art form like Dance has to be respected for what it is, not ridiculed for what it is not.  I've often thought that the show makes fun of the rudiments of dance when they told old Len i to shut up.  I just felt the entire direction of the show lost it's way. 

    • Love 11
  10. I'm going to my happy place.  Reviewing the dances that actually were good over the seasons.  

    My top 10 - 10 Dances 

    1.  Jive - Jordan and Lindsay - season 26

    2, Viennese Waltz - James Hinchcliffe and Sharna/Jenna -season 23

    3. Foxtrot - Jr Martinez and Karina - season 13

    4. Quickstep - Helio and Julianne - season 5

    5. Samba -  JP and Cheryl season 27

    6 Tango  Kristie and Mark  -season 6 

    7 Waltz - Jennifer Grey and Derek- season 11

    8 Cha Cha  Rashad and Emma season 24

    9 Paso Doble  Mel and Maks season 5

    10 Rumba-Rumor and Val  - season 20


    My Top 5 Argentine Tango 

    1. JP and Cheryl season 27

    2.  Nicole and Derek season 10

    3.  Gilles and Cheryl season 8

    4. Jennifer and Derek  season 11

    5. Zendaya Val with Maks and Anna season 16 


    Top Salsa Dances 

    JP and Cheryl  season 27  night 1 and night 9

    Jordan Lindsay and Corbin season 26  Trio Dance 

    Rumor and Val Disco Salsa season 20 

    • Love 4
  11. On 11/16/2018 at 10:41 AM, Beatrice said:

    Charlie White. 

    If you had Tom Brady and Ross Walker  competing on DWTS one of them would have to be dropped before the finale.  Teammates have the problem of splitting the vote   I didn't even watch that season because A. Meryl Davis is an overrated ice  dancer.  and B. Charlie White is a far superior human being and I knew he was going to be dropped in favour of the maks machine another spoiled baby like Meryl desperate for a win and insufferable if they don't. 

  12. So JP didn't get the votes.  Ok.  But here's the thing - back when the show was good, a male who could dance like that who comes to the show with virtually no fanbase could actually win.  Gilles Marini on paper one of the best dancers and he had no fanbase when he started, but people who watched the show could not deny his talent.  He ultimately got beat out by someone with a ginormous fanbase. Great Female dancers get bumped all the time, because women watch this show and they are hypercritical of their own sex.  This is the first time I can remember that a talented MALE dancer did not go to the finals.  Lots of males go down to defeat but they never had the ability this JP does. 

    This is why I hate the show now and refuse to watch. Ever since the Palin fiasco back in season 11 It's become tribal in the way people just line up in droves behind a favorite whether or not they are nice people or can dance.  So goes DWTS .

    • Love 5
  13. 5 hours ago, realdancemom said:

    P's AT was just amazing.  Chery.l and JP had great sexual tension in that dance.  Everything was great from choreography to his technique.  CAI's criticism of JP needing to loosen his upper body is one of the reasons why he looks so good when he does Standard.  He has such a nice frame.  Although, I get her critique for Latin.

    I think JP is better than the male pros at AT.  The male pros have too much ballroom in their movement.   JP was so much more organic.  Really good. 

    • Love 3
  14. 3 hours ago, vdw84 said:

    Karina is by far the best female jiver dwts has had. Cheryl is ok

    Karina is pretty great, but I had a new found respect for Cheryl when she and Louis Van Amstel did a pro jive.  It was nothing short of phenomenal.  No jumping off of tables, just Jive. 

    • Love 4
  15. On 10/26/2018 at 1:29 PM, boyznkatz said:

    Interesting, now that you mention it...

    I think Virtue/Moir would be great on this show. 

    They would be amazing, especially Tessa. She is probably better than most of the pros when it comes to versatility.  She has extensive ballet and was debating continuing skating or going to the National Ballet.  Glad she chose skating.  Unlike Meryl she would point her toes in contemporary.  And Her arms are so beautifully expressive- now she's doing hip hop on a daily basis..she would probably be one of the best they've ever had on the show. But since this show doesn't allow Canada to vote anymore she'd be booted off in favour of some WWF star.   

    • Love 1
  16. 5 hours ago, spanana said:

    It also screams of misogyny to me that when a female pro does well with just about every partner they have and then has one partner who is semi mediocre and not being the star of every show, THEY are suddenly a bad pro.

    No. It screams that these so called Pros aren't good teachers.  Period.   Lindsay might have a creative eye for camera blocking but that's about it.  As far as actually TEACHING something it just isn't there.  Most all of the pros are the same.  This show is about faking it until it looks decent. Problem is for dance fans like me, faking it just doesn't cut it anymore.  It's a mishmash of anything but dance.  I saw the live road show and I wasn't very impressed.   Moreover,  Lindsay wasn't even the best one on the road show.  Disappointing given how much this girl is hyped.  And I am a big fan of Jordan's dancing. He did really well with such little direction. He could emote while she seemed so devoid of passion.  The contemporary could have been so much better if Jordan had someone else with him.  

  17. On 10/23/2018 at 11:51 AM, boyznkatz said:

    There were way too many dancers in his routine, and it was crap. I like Demarcus, but if he doesn't start standing out more, sadly I think he may be going soon.

    I haven't been watching the show, but it's nice to know that folks finally realize that Lindsay isn't very good.  She's a great personality but her dancing and teaching aren't very strong. It would have to be a naturally talented guy like Jordan to bring her a win. 

  18. Quote

    The core demographic that is interested in ballroom dancing,

    I totally disagree, the core demographic want their favorite boy to win whether they can dance or not. In most cases it's not.  If they cared about ballroom dancing they'd care about the ones who can at least dance or even have rhythm. I'm interested in dancing expressed through some rudimentary mastery of technique.  Without that you might as well be that jackass who steps on peoples toes is a little too loud and a little less caring about dance, as long as he gets to hog the camera it's ratings  gold.  Oh wait, not so much.  Why is this show on? 

  19. On 10/16/2018 at 11:46 AM, howmanywords said:

    Tinashe is no different than Simone, or Heather, or Sabrina, etc.

    Tinashe is definitely different since each of those went at least to mid season, 

    8 hours ago, RomanKat said:

    In other words, not Tinashe.

    Yes heaven forbid any votes go to Tinashe. She is so unworthy of them.  Isn't about time people voted for talent at least?  This show isn't fun anymore, at least to me. 

    • Love 2
  20. Just now, rootsonrootsonroot said:

    I literally never said that. Don't put words in my mouth. I'm very sad about Tinashe going home and would've preferred it to be Joe, Bobby, Mary Lou, or John.

    I didn't say you said that, I simply responded to the post. 

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