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Posts posted by treetop

  1. So I started the latest season. Whitney is already getting on my nerves. Am totally out of the loop. So I gotta ask: Did she lose weight?

    I know it's not important to her - or at least she acts like it's not important to her to keep up the SJW fassade that you are healthy at any weight blabla. But to me she looks slimmer. Especially on some of those instagram pics. Is it just the angle? Do we know a specific number? Did she ever say anything in regard to that? Why am I even so interested in this I dont know. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    I'm not a believer in "carbs are always bad" but they are definitely bad for (at least pre-)diabetic Whit, so I agree with your advice. I don't know how extensive her exercise regimen could be but I think she needs to do more longer, low-impact cardio. I have NO IDEA why she doesn't swim more. She seems to enjoy it and it lets her be an exhibitionist in her "bikini."

    *cruise ship balcony flashbacks* 


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  3. 2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    I'm glad you said it and not me ;)

    I totally understand why Whitney is drawn to CrossFit. It is a workout plan designed on the philosophy that going hard for a very short amount of time is preferable to endurance work. Whitney has about as much endurance as a bottle rocket. This is really why she isn't ever going to lose weight. Even if she "watched her diet" and ate a bit less (she won't), she is probably only exercising for 15 minutes at a time, maybe a couple days a week (I'm being generous here). She is barely burning any calories. 

    With the right diet you will burn calories even if you dont work out. At her weight extensive workout is bad too. 15mins a day, every other day, is great for her and her poor heart, knees and joints. What she needs is a strict diet that cuts out carbs and sugar but I guess she is an emotional eater and those habits are hard to break. 

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  4. 22 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Because she consumes enough calories to sustain all of her other friends combined?


    3 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

    It kind of takes a lot of exercise to contribute to weight loss.  People also frequently overestimate the calories they burned from exercising.  I'm also not sure lifting weights is particularly conducive to weight loss anyway.  I think you're supposed to go more for an aerobic style workout--moving around a lot.

    She got PCOS, meaning if she eats lots of carbs/sugar later all that exercise was for naught and she could actually gain weight. Imo she lost a little around the midsection so she probably didnt eat that much lately and the workout helped. 

  5. 3 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    The same "trainer" who doesn't correct Shitney for locking out her knees when doing seated leg press and whose own form with lifting is frighteningly bad. The latest video is pretty much what all of them are. If you point it out on her IG, she'll ban you from it!

    Whits gotta protect that very public and open for the whole world to see safe space of hers. I dont have an insta or else I wouldve been banned after my first comment, lol. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    She orders so many pizzas that she has 4 different apps on her smart phone so it isn't the same delivery guy every evening.  Because it would be fat shaming if a pizza delivery man recognized the address, LOL.

    I remember that once she was down or something and then Buddy came in with a giant pizza and I thought "damn Buddy... thats the only way you can think of to cheer her up?"

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  7. 8 minutes ago, The Tex Kitten said:

    She doesnt consider her drive thru trips for snacks, the 600 calorie Starbucks drinks, and her secret car binging sessions eating. This "I only eat once a day" is a lie only Whitney believes... tge rest of us have the footage.

    She severely overeats.

    I do think so too. Its also quite stupid to be proud abt something like that. You gotta eat to get your metabolism going and you gotta eat the right stuff. Never had a Starbucks drink - Im not from US, we dont have that stuff here. 600 calories one drink, jfc, lol. Thats pure liquid poison for somebody with PCOs. 

    6 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    Oh my. While 8 eggs a day is a lot, one large egg is actually 70 calories

    Blame google, it told me 155. 

    10 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    Guess we know why she has to order so many meal deliveries.  Otherwise she would be spending all her time grocery shopping.  Three times as many grocery bags to lug home as us haters.

    Didnt know that. I thought she would go grocery shopping like normal ppl do and not order ready to eat meals. Shes all abt healthy but pizza and chinese isnt that healthy at all... Woman is a walking talking bag of lies. 

    • Love 3
  8. 5 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    Even the American Heart Association dumped that advice a long time ago, but the eggs really should be pastured if that is available.

    But sounds like another Whitney lie exposed.  She isn't eating 8 eggs for breakfast if she isn't eating breakfast at all except for her sugar and cream drenched latte.  Wasn't she complaining that she only ate dinner and still couldn't lose weight? Yeah, sure.

    Really? Didnt know that. I always try to eat not more than 5 eggs a week. Guess that was for naught, lol. But I dont have pastured eggs so I'll stick with it. Still think 8 eggs a day is just too much. If you she'll do that like 4 times a week she's consumed 32 eggs... and also... 1 egg has abt 155 calories. That times 8 is 1250 calories for breakfast. And a really strict diet should be abt 1000 calories a day. 

    I remember her complaining abt only eating dinner. With PCOs - even if you only eat once - you'll gain if you'll eat the wrong things. Like 8 eggs, 34 slices of bread and 8 bowls of fruit loops or whatever she considers to be dinner. 

    • Love 4
  9. At least now we know how she could make all those nature pictures: She drove there on a dirtbike.

    Had me fooled for a second that she really walked a yard or two. She lost a few pounds too. I think maybe 13 pounds or so. Could even be 15! Gonna have an eye on that. If it'll become more I might suspect weight loss surgery. I mean, she's the one that makes 8 eggs for breakfast (no joke, you guys remember?) so I highly doubt she adopted some healthy eating habits. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    No, she's definitely lost a little bit. Her case of boobydo is not as bad as it was a year ago. 

    I think the reason she's coatless and sleeveless is that all that body fat makes her overheat rapidly. Look at that tank top --- the middle between boobs and waist is sweat soaked.

    NB: Boobydo --- a condition in which your belly sticks out more than your booby do.

    Boobydo... you did me an educate today, thank. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Tosia said:

    Twit can't hike! She's got plantar fasciitis,  doncha know! 

    Plantar Fasciitis is caused by being overweight so that totally goes against the sacred proverb "healthy at any size", lol. Can't be that! I bet Im wrong and she DID hike it all. Uphill both sides and she's very proud of it. Just like she ran that "8K" (more like drove 5K, walked 1 yard) at the Coconut Chase. ;)

    • Love 4
  12. Question is if she tied those shoes herself...

    Looking at the no-ankles-situation Id say I was wrong with my presumption that she lost a few pounds. I hear Spandex can make you look abt 1 dress size smaller too. 

    Whitney isnt wearing any sleeves since a long time now. Guess its just not comfortable around the arms. But its all still fabulous though. Very fab. Much awe. 

    • Love 7
  13. At this point I wanna see a dance video of Whitney that is longer than 1 minute (with or without clothes I dont care I can cover my eyes if necessary) - bc that's basically all she can manage anymore. Last time she danced abt 3 minutes (or more hopped, feet barely leaving the ground) was with the Fitness Marshall. And you could actually see that after 1 minute she had to fight, after 2 minutes her form was horrible and after 3 minutes I was afraid she would fall over and not move anymore. 

    • Love 7
  14. Btw the adoption thing really irks me. I wonder if Im the only one. Its a child and not a movie prop. They wont be able to adopt, we know that already. Nobody in his right mind would give Whitney a child - shes still one herself and she wont be around long if she doesnt get her weight down a little. She cant care for her own body anymore - how would she care for a child? They will exploit this just like they did with her "pregnancy". I bet TLC would wet itself if she really was pregnant and they could exploit the pain of being pregnant at that weight. Uff. 

    • Love 5
  15. 3 hours ago, Dot said:

    Note that Tal is now Twit's "domestic life partner." WTF?



    Heather is still around; she posted a comment to Twit's IG page.

    And she is telling fa ns she still has several more months of filming, which surprises me since I thought they wrapped up in Aug.

    Yeah, they want to adopt now. They ran out of drama so they will try to adopt but it just wont happen. Whitney will cry "is it bc Im fat", make this about body shame and the next season will be over. You saw the camera man in one of the pics? I think they may be already filming the next season.

    The jetski goes so slow, I lold at that. Since when is diabetes and health problems something to be jealous about though. Whitney will get a reality check at the doctors in the near future. If she hasnt already. 

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  16. 9 hours ago, Dot said:

     She will never be happy as long as she refuses to acknowledge that her weight is keeping her from enjoying many of the things she so desperately wants, e.g., an intimate relationship with a man who is not a fat fetishist.

    Let's start small and start with "caring for her body herself" - if I remember correctly she can't even shave the backside of her calves herself anymore. 

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