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Spisee Hotsos

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Posts posted by Spisee Hotsos

  1. I wonder if Kootie and Sobbyn get those meal kit deliveries instead of going to the store on a regular basis. That would seem right up their alley. Minimal effort. 

    The meal looked pretty sad compared to what those kits usually offer but many have a low calorie or lean option. It would be just like them to use a meal kit delivery to make boring old chicken, baked potatoes and broccoli that they probably could have bought themselves for less. 

    And no way Kootie and Sobbyn each had half a piece of chicken. The kids had to split the other four breasts among the 7 of them. Maybe Dayton got his own.

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  2. I think they were enamoured by the prospect of having four new homes in a small gated community so they could be near each other but maintain some independence from each other, and have their privacy. I think Meri getting an equal sized home was more of a problem for the viewers than their family. Within their family, she was the legal wife and always benefitting from the same budget as the others, even though she only had one child. It's the way they set up their finances at the time, and she was vocal about why she deserved it, and was determined to maintain the status quo in that regard. She once said something along the lines of planning to have 8 kids but only getting one, and how that wasn't her fault, and she shouldn't be punished financially for it. Having said that, I agree with what other posters have said about the benefit of Meri's house being used for their MLMs, but I think she might have been pushed to use her house that way by the others. 

    I remember in the episode where they were selecting the options for each house, Kody was pleading with Meri to make up her mind on the finishings, and to consider regular features instead of upgraded ones. I specifically remember one exchange about French doors off the dining area, where Meri barked, "I'm not havin' a slider, Kody!" She was miserable, demanding, insufferable and completely exasperating in that episode. Kinda like Kody. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    But that cannot possibly be! Meri is the confident queen of self-love and powerful boss babe! 🙄 

    Nah! You’re probably right. All Meri’s braggy self love posts are because she requires external validation from social media and probably is squirming because Christine is in a relationship with an actual man 😆

    Oh lordy, I just realized she's the only remaining "wife" who's only been with Kody. That would be enough to make anyone miserable. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Yeah and when Kody was describing where the kids stayed when he and Robyn had covid, did he specifically mention Dayton? 

    I don't remember Dayton's name coming up at all. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time they talked about him specifically. 

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  5. 17 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    Christine’s Original Quote: "I made a promise to Kody and everybody else that I would stay in Sister Wives as long as we have the show just to be fair," she told ET back in October. "It's what our family's been doing for so long. I feel like it would be disloyal if I decided to not be part of the show."

    Irate Panda translates Christine’s Original Quote:  “I need the show to shill my mlm schemes and everybody hates Kody and Robyn, so I’m cool with still filming.”

    I would add to this:  “Since I'm completely unskilled and uneducated I can't get a job anywhere else, so I need the show to shill my mlm schemes, plus everybody hates Kody and Robyn, and why would I let those assholes make TLC money and not get any for myself, so I’m cool with still filming.” 

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  6. OK this has been bugging me for some time and it just came into focus when I watched the Tell Nothing Part 3 last night: Remember a few episodes ago when Kody, Robyn and the kids trick-or-treated at their own house and in the background, Dayton was spotted coming out of a camping trailer? The speculation at the time was, is Dayton living in that trailer, or just hiding in there for the kids to come and trick or treat at the door? Well, in the Tell Nothing Part 3, when Kody is ranting about Covid compliance, he said "Robyn brought her kids, same ages as Garrison and Gabriel, into full compliance on our Covid agreement. And when they didn't, they got to be out of the home." Kinda sounds like Dayton might have been living in the camping trailer. And if so, it also brings new meaning to Robyn's comment earlier in the season "I don't think anyone should have to live in a trailer."  

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  7. On 12/4/2022 at 10:36 AM, Pickleinthemiddle said:

    My great aunts youngest daughter, maybe 10-12 years older than me, had triplets at 42.  Don't know of any other multiple births on that side of the family.  She wasn't using any fertility drugs.  Just natural.  I find it all interesting too.

    I also find it interesting. Were they fraternal or identical triplets, or a combination? I conceived my children at 35 and 38, and was warned with both pregnancies that there would be an increased likelihood of fraternal twins because as we age, the body has a tendency to release multiple eggs each month instead of the singular egg we are taught about in health class. I was also told it could take longer to conceive.

    I got pregnant the first month of trying with both of my children. Who knows, that could have been because there were a dozen eggs hanging out in there each month. They were also both single pregnancies, as evidenced by early ultrasounds (around the 7 week mark if memory serves).

    Mykelti's not of advanced reproductive age, but there's no hard data on exactly how many eggs are released at any given time during a woman's reproductive lifespan. 

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  8. On 11/24/2022 at 6:18 AM, Joan of Argh said:


    Plus…. Could AuROARa and Breanna look like bigger dolts?…. Robyn standing there with her exaggerated frown and those two idiots copying her looked like a scene out of Cinderella with the ugly stepsisters.


    On 11/24/2022 at 9:11 AM, magemaud said:

    image.jpeg.2a1b26539ecdbd2e06ca475e0d25ec37.jpegI wish I could fix the eyebrows! 

    YES!!! The perfect comparison! The wicked stepmother and evil step sisters!

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  9. On 10/25/2022 at 8:33 AM, Jeanne222 said:

    Kody has one foot out in the aisle like he’s ready to make a run for it!

    I’m guessing not being asked to officiate at the wedding really burned his bum!

    Just sitting there and not having it be all about him had to be a tough pill to swallow!

    I thought the same thing, there he is, manspreading into the aisle, trying to assert his dominance over a situation where he has absolutely no power, control or starring role. 

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  10. On 10/23/2022 at 9:29 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    One good thing I got was the belly laughs at Kody dancing at the wedding.  Omg!  That was bizarre!

     I know you all think I’m kidding about his stability being messed up, but I’m really serious.  Something is not right with him.   It’s like he’s taking notes from Ye! (Kanye)  Seriously.  😩

    Well, along with being a raging a-hole and narcissist, Kanye suffers from bipolar disorder.

    In addition to also being being a raging a-hole and narcissist, untreated bipolar disorder could be an explanation for some of Kody's bizarre behaviour. 

    (Apologies to anyone who may suffer from bipolar disorder. Most people with bipolar disorder are normal people who conduct themselves completely differently from those two clowns.)

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  11. 17 hours ago, LilyD said:

    Now, I do not believe Kody's claim about that deposit at all. But if there is any truth in it, the only thing I can come up with, is that Christine's down payment came from their joint finances at the time, which technically means that all 5 paid for it, not just Robyn and Kody. Or maybe from the sale of her LV house, which Kody probably claimed as his too.

    Agreed, the source is likely "family" money. If memory serves, Robyn's LV house was the first of the bunch to sell. When they moved to Flagstaff, Meri, Janelle and Robyn rented and they bought a house for Christine because she had a cat and couldn't find a rental that allowed animals. I don't remember the exact time frame of the sale of Robyn's house and Christine's Flagstaff house purchase, but it doesn't matter. It's just Kody applying his own brand of semantics in an attempt to discredit Christine and exert some form of ownership over her home. 

    When Kody removed his name from Christine's house, (and likely a ton of cash from the "family" account to buy Robyn's palatial kingdom) he lost most if not all of his claim to it. I suspect this is one reason why Janelle hasn't left yet - she doesn't have any way of extricating her share of the family finances, as she hasn't tied any of it up in an asset that exists in her name only. Buying her "fixer upper" might have aided in this, if she could have pulled from the family account to help buy it (assuming there's anything left in there). 

    As someone upthread astutely pointed out, does that mean that Meri, Janelle and Christine, whose houses sold in the following months, own part of Robyn's McMansion? Yes, based on Kody's logic, they absolutely do, but legally, could be hard to argue.

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  12. Ok, so Janelle has addressed the fresh water situation (two 300 gallon water tanks) and the black water situation (hiring someone to pump her septic tank weekly) but what about the grey water situation? If she's going through hundreds of gallons of water weekly, between cooking, cleaning, drinking and showering, does she have another standalone tank for grey water as well, or is she just dumping that on Coyote Pass? Two showers alone could fill a typical RV grey water tank.

    Edit: Maybe this is how she plans to keep Plague Pond topped up? *barf emoji*

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  13. On 9/12/2022 at 12:07 AM, Joan of Argh said:

    Omg Kody going on and on about how he has to WORK and he has RESPONSIBILITIES….. wtf does he do besides being a giant ass clown and selfish turd?

    Well I guess those Ramen noodles don’t cook themselves and crawl onto his head so there’s that! 

    I think his constant yelling about having to WORK and having RESPONSIBILITIES is a thinly veiled dig at the Original 3 wives. He bitterly resents that the three of them have (mostly) older children and because of that, have the freedom to travel, come and go as they please and time to do more of the things they want to do. Kody thinks if anyone should be having fun, travelling, doing what they want it should be HIM, the MAN, the PRIESTHOOD HOLDER they are all supposed to be bowing down to. Instead, he married Queenie and popped out a couple of super dependent little kids (due to Robyn's mothering), and her older kids are too young/unstable to fill in as babysitters for more than a day at a time (and it's hard to hire someone to do that). He watches the Original 3 living it up and he can't stand that it's not him eating paella in Europe or drinking from a coconut in Hawaii. He's seething with resentment, jealousy, hate, anger, and feels that their enjoying themselves is a direct personal attack against him. Their resources should be for the FAMILY, they should be grovelling around the FAMILY trying to help in any way possible. That's what plural families do! Obedient plural wives are where Kody tells them to be and do what Kody tells them to do. Sorry Kody, the worker bees have turned into new queens and flown the hive, and are starting new hives, and there's nothing you can do about it. 

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  14. 3 hours ago, kassa said:

    Kudos to Christine for breaking away from it (and to Janelle for doing the same in her own vague, nonconfrontational but fully intent on doing whatever she wants whenever she wants way). Meri appears to be holding out for numbers to dwindle so she can at least be #2, or just to bail when the tv money ends. 

    Yup, Janelle has been "quiet quitting" the family for years now, at least since the early days of the show. So with two wives essentially out on their own accord, and one cast out by King Kootie, how are he and Sobyn not monogamists?  

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  15. 19 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

    I'm confused. Both pregnancy tests showed one line. The legend on both tests said one line = not pregnant. Producers showed the tests several times. Didn't anyone else clearly see this?

    There was a faint second line on each test. Sometimes the second line isn't as clear as the control (first) line.

  16. On 6/7/2022 at 7:01 AM, LilyD said:

    I wouldn’t call this “fluctuating” If anything, this is “expanding at an alarming rate”. 
    We seem to agree out here that this is mainly due to very poor lifestyle choices, but it’s time she wakes up. If she continues to gain like this, she’ll have huge medical issues by the time she’s 35 and very lucky if her heart lasts to her 50th birthday.

    Is it just me who has this feeling that she doesn’t seem to care how she looks and what she does to her body? I kind of feel if she is trying to self-destruct…

    There could be some self-loathing going on, or it could be her way of pushing back against female beauty norms and expectations, which may or may not have roots in the patriarchy. Some queer women are disinterested in presenting in any way that might be appreciated by the male gaze (or even the straight gaze) as a way of saying "most everything in this world is for you, but my body is not one of those things". It's also a way of sexual signalling, virtue signaling, etc, no different from the ways in which we all present who we are every single day. 

    If she's being her most authentic self and truly happy in her own skin, good for her. It's not the way many of us would want to look, or dress in public, or be immortalized on social media, but it's her life, her health, her expression and her truth. I suspect Mariah and Audrey are enjoying living their most authentic lives right now and truly don't care if others don't like it. That's a feat for most people, with the constant bombardment of social media "norms" and expectations of how they should look and act. I'm grateful social media was in its infancy when I was their age. 

    (I know we're a pretty accepting bunch here and probably a lot of you feel this way about her and Audrey, and lesbians please tell me if I'm totally off base.)

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  17. 8 hours ago, Absolom said:

    But are they only about 8 months old?  That's what bothers me.  If they even gave her one very small cookie I wouldn't have said anything.  She should barely be being introduced to table food at this point.

    Some babies get very chunky on just milk or formula. My daughter was exclusively breastfed, and off the charts for length, and near the top for weight. She was chunky and hungry and you always feed a hungry baby. She’s now a tall, slim 4 year old. I agree with OdinO. Most slim out when they become mobile and active as toddlers.

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  18. 6 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

    Gabe has Kody and Robin’s number. Some may not agree with his delivery, but he’s not wrong. Without Robin, Kody wouldn’t be following any protocols. I don’t believe it’s his MO. But it IS Robin’s. She has been calculating from day one, and her ultimate goal is to have Kody in a monogamous relationship with her. Who knows why, that’s another mystery, since he is no prize. But covid is the perfect opportunity to alienate him further from his family.

    On the flip side, I believe if covid didn’t happen, Christine wouldn’t have ever left him. Kody not being willing to be with his bio daughter for major surgery might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. I guess if there is a silver lining, that might be it. 

    I don't know about Christine... maybe if they had stayed in LV she would have stuck around a while longer, but she has been dissatisfied with Kody for a long time. As a result of her refusal to keep sweet, and never the one to work through conflict, Kody has been backing away from her for a long time. By his own admission, he was never that into her in the first place. When they lived in close proximity to each other (Lehi, LV) it was easy enough - and expected - for him to drop by as he was right there. Put a little distance between them, and fewer kids he feels obligated to visit, and Kody is happy to leave Christine in the dust. Covid may have sped it up, but that train has been rolling down the tracks for some time. Why WOULD she stay when right over there, he's got a fully functioning marriage? Who WOULD want to live like that? 

    By orchestrating the move to Flagstaff, Robyn has succeeded in not only putting distance between the other wives and Kody, but in seperating the other wives from their grown children. Of course the original three will feel pulled to be nearer their children, naturally exacerbating their distance from Kody as a result, whether that be through travelling a lot to visit them, moving or leaving the fambly. The only one who gave up nothing, and came out ahead by moving to Flagstaff is Robyn. Dark Wife, indeed.

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  19. On 11/29/2021 at 4:34 PM, deirdra said:

    I noticed on the new Coyote Pass plan sketched in proposed property boundaries that Kootie's pond plot is farthest from Robyn's megaplot. Perhaps there is trouble in paradise.


    On 11/29/2021 at 8:05 PM, MakingBacon said:

    And his plot is right next to Meri’s plot. That is just weird. Meri will spend her days staring out the window trying to catch a glimpse of Kody. You would think he would want to be next to Janelle since he knows she won’t bother him. 


    On 11/29/2021 at 8:32 PM, Ms.Lulu said:

    I suspect he'll be on Robyn's plot, which happens to be the furthest from Meri's.  Kody's plot will just have a wooden post to hang beach towels when they swim in the runoff pond.  And maybe there will be a fire pit and a picnic table to enjoy hotdogs and s'mores.

    Bingo Ms.Lulu. Kody (Robyn) put the two unfavored wives on tiny plots as far away as possible from his and Robyn's future platial mansion, with passive Janelle as the buffer. And props to whomever said it before, Kootie is planning on eventually annexing those tiny lots into his plague pond lot.

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