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  1. I honestly thought it was Angela but Id have to see it again. Would definitely be an Angela thing to say. Brett's reaction was perfect.
  2. I was making a reference to how CBS is the one who probably leaks this information and the account is probably run by a higher up in production. Even the times the account criticizes production and the show its goal is simply to cause hype for the show.
  3. Yup, Grodner confirmed...
  4. Because no one could be more bitter than Chris
  5. His real master stroke was convincing Haliegh to go along with the plan and get her to convince Fessy to put Scottie up. While it didn't make the show (for obvious reasons) thats what actually happened on the feeds. Without Halieghs initial consent it would have probably never happened.
  6. I really think she does take JC. She has stated in one of her DR segments that she wants to make her signature move (as tweeted from Vegas a few weeks ago) by cutting Tyler. I would not be surprised if she does. I think she will realize there is no realistic way she beats Tyler in the F2 (Which she cant beat JC either) Even if he doesn't I think JC is the clear favorite for the Part 1 of HOH. I agree with you he should not want Angela out which is why I prefaced it by saying if Angela wins HOH. I think he will realize he needs to take her to the F2 if he wins out.
  7. If Angela wins the veto this week I think JC has a very very good chance of winning this season. I think Angela takes him (Wants to make the big move) and I think hes a favorite in the part 1 of the final HOH. Part 3 is a crapshoot
  8. I don't think that if Brett votes for JC it will be a bitter vote. I think Brett respects JC's game and they got extremely close in the final weeks and were probably the only actual duo outside of L6
  9. This is what I am talking about with Fessi and Haliegh week 1/2 before they were a thing. Except Haliegh was awake and telling him no and he kept trying. Granted this got alot better when she actually liked him later on but at first this was a similar case
  10. Yeah only a week left. Last 2 weeks are generally pretty boring besides a couple of seasons.
  11. If Tyler takes KC to F3 he deserves to lose tbh. With the information Scottie gave him I don't understand how he hasn't made the conclusion that he should take Angela
  12. When Fessi does it in week 1/2, barely anyone bats an eye. When JC does it everyone loses their minds. Both were pretty deplorable but there is definately a double standard here because he is gay.
  13. Thats the opposite of what I would have expected
  14. Finally, how do you feel about being reunited with Rockstar at the jury house? [Laughs]. How do you feel about waking up for work at 4 in the morning? It sucks, but I have to do it. Poor Brett. Please don't send him back to be with Blockstar.
  15. Pretty much ensures a Tyler jury vote from her and Fessi against either of them.
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