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The Tex Kitten

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Posts posted by The Tex Kitten

  1. 19 hours ago, Dot said:

    The video was of 3 drunks, remember, so it was not always easy to follow either the dialogue or the camera which was sometimes swinging around wildly. All I recall is that shortly after Nicole Stamberger's appearance there Twit was, in her bra. No reason given. Since she was seen in at least 2 different shirts before this, I guess it was just another wardrobe change.

    My surmise: she was hot (in a temperature way, not in an attractive way). We often see her in less clothing than ppl around her. For example, the video of Twit, Tal & Heather driving to FL. Twit is in her sports bra (or maybe a tank top), Tal is in a shirt & Heather is in the back seat, as far away from the A/C as possible, wearing a sweatshirt hoodie up & wrapped in a blanket.

    @Ketzel, I zoomed in on the exercise video bra & I'm pretty sure it was not the TG one, which was all lace & very see-thru. So much so, in fact, that Twit seemed to realize it was inappropriate to be showing so much of herself to her fans & she kept telling Ryan to keep the camera solely on her face when he swung the camera her way. 

    Twit had no sense of impropriety, however, with Cam who she never met before TG. She started talking nonstop to him, while seated practically on top of him -- as she does with men -- on the couch.

    Shes probably just given up. She's under all that fat so she overheats, and is getting to that middle age where you dont care what people think and go out looking like a slob.

    • Love 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Dot said:

    I just KNEW there was gonna be a new photo of Glenn in his skivvies for Twit to post over her bed to masturbate to. But how crass to include her fans in her sick fantasies about her dad.

    How the hell did she get it stuck in her head that playing coy about having a sexual attraction to her parents is something people find "?Omg? so ?cute? and  ?‍♀️quirky ?‍?and??? totally?? random!!!???????"

    It's gross. Jesus.

    • Love 7
  3. 21 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

    Yeah, her technique in that video is much, much better than anything she can manage today, but it's nowhere near professional.  In particular, her extension is really not that great.  But it's fine for non-professional dancing.  She'd have never gotten onto SYTYCD with that level of dancing, though.

    Its sloppy and lacks and clean form between her clomping transitions.  High school dance class good is not real world audition acceptable.  The dance career was never a possibility for her.

    In her show she talks about how she peaked at 17, being the hardest worker, the best skier, the most amazing this and that, she even claims to be prom queen in an episode but she was just one if the runner ups. I doubt her TH stories, including the eating disorder one.

    As soon as she was in college with out her parents keeping an eye on her diet, she was pounding down enough pizza and beer to gain 100lbs. All it took was a lack of supervision for that food issue to disappear. 

    • Love 8
  4. 3 hours ago, Dot said:

    really think Twit is a sick, sick sex addict who has no bou

    I highly doubt that, sex requires movement and... men. Pretty sure she just wants people to THINK she sooooper sekshual because it fits with the fun loving image she portrays, and suggests she gets more attention than an occasional pervy email.

    She clung to Avi and Lenny long after they with drew physical affection. 

    • Love 5
  5. 2 hours ago, Brooks said:

    For Twit to do DWTS she needs a partner.  It won't be Todd.  I would hope no one would agree to be her partner.  Too much chance of injury when 400 pounds goes out of control.

    I don't think she could dance with someone she couldn't control. Someone who knows better and would tell her. With Todd  he knows better than to try and upstage her, and when he does she is in a position to punish him severely. A professional dancer won't tolerate her excuses or whining and will call her out when she's being lazy.

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    Oh, you are SO going to be blocked from her page.... I know that will break your heart. LOL.


    Hey did anyone else notice the IDIOTS who commented about how much weight she had lost, etc, about an EIGHT YEAR OLD VID??? Apparently they don't bother to *read* (or maybe they can't), but just look at the vid....

    Her fans are idiots that think Kerryn Fehan and Jiya were real rivals and not actors paid by TLC to say mean lines off the script

    • Love 4
  7. 8 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Whitney demonstrates that she can "work out" without a trainer, her father, Buddy, a second trainer, and several camera operators. But she also demonstrates she has  learned nothing about proper behavior in a gym, nor about correct form when doing basic exercises. (And she can call those totally wrong positions "splits" as much as she wants to, but they aren't splits. Does 180 degrees mean anything to Whitney?)

    Still eating whole pizzas tho

    • Love 1
  8. 40 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Am I the only one who gets a kick out of the idea that Whitney is stalking this page with steam coming out of her ears because we didn't believe her Photoshop denials LOL....

    I think it's just sad. She should enjoy it now because I'm not sure she has much of a future as a public figure when this gets cancelled. I doubt I'll remember who she is a month after the last show

    • Love 3
  9. 4 hours ago, Dot said:

    If you google "fat girl yoga pants," you'll be amazed at all the options. Even Kate Hudson's brand now includes plus-size yoga pants & leggings.

    But they ALL speak of the various ways the brands are comfortable WHILE EXERCISING AT THE GYM. Twit's wearing of Spandex leggings everywhere is what is so appalling to me.

    The woman who does the yoga exercises on the cruises has a leggings fashion line, but I can't recall its name. Twit proclaimed in Jan. that she would be including leggings in her new clothing line -- then the on-line store just disappeared without a word.

    I have been dying for the MBFFL FB page to get on with the next Q&A with Twit, which is way overdue. Then, when they wipe out all the old Qs, I can add my next one, meant to annoy:

    Do you ascribe the failure of your on-line store to your inept, indifferent management or to the frumpiness of your clothing line? Or both?

    That's a good question.  I would honestly believe that her ratings and followers are mostly the freak-show watching types and she has very few real fans who want merch.

    • Love 4
  10. 2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:
    3 hours ago, spankydoll said:

    Eh. She's at the gym. I am old and fat and hope that people don't shame me for what I am wearing when I drag myself in to work out. I'd shame her for running around the grocers in that outfit. 

    I hear what you are saying and to a point I agree.  but I'm not seeing what you're seeing

    • Love 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Dot said:

    What is Cameo & how does it work?

    Tal just announced he is now using Cameo so that he can connect with his fans by sending them personalized birthday & similar greetings at their request. He says he is too busy otherwise to connect with his fans as he would like to.

    What I don't understand is how this is more efficient. Wouldn't it be more time-consuming to send personalized msgs to -- say -- 100 ppl than to respond to those ppl with an emoji or short, boilerplate comment on IG?

    In sorry, is Tal a celebrity with fans now?

    • Love 9
  12. 9 hours ago, treetop said:

    I remember that once she was down or something and then Buddy came in with a giant pizza and I thought "damn Buddy... thats the only way you can think of to cheer her up?"

    And the time she was living at her parent and Buddy came over, she was like "why didnt you bring me snacks?". It was a seriously surprised and annoyed tone like feeding her is the whole point of inviting him. 

    3 hours ago, Dot said:

    Here is what Twit has said in regard to the filming of MBFFL. They film 5 days a week for 6-8 months

    How does that work? They seem to air 2 seasons per year?

    • Love 3
  13. 13 minutes ago, treetop said:

    Really? Didnt know that. I always try to eat not more than 5 eggs a week. Guess that was for naught, lol. But I dont have pastured eggs so I'll stick with it. Still think 8 eggs a day is just too much. If you she'll do that like 4 times a week she's consumed 32 eggs... and also... 1 egg has abt 155 calories. That times 8 is 1250 calories for breakfast. And a really strict diet should be abt 1000 calories a day. 

    I remember her complaining abt only eating dinner. With PCOs - even if you only eat once - you'll gain if you'll eat the wrong things. Like 8 eggs, 34 slices of bread and 8 bowls of fruit loops or whatever she considers to be dinner. 

    She doesnt consider her drive thru trips for snacks, the 600 calorie Starbucks drinks, and her secret car binging sessions eating. This "I only eat once a day" is a lie only Whitney believes... tge rest of us have the footage. 


    She severely overeats.

    • Love 8
  14. 1 minute ago, SevenCostanza said:

    I hate that braying laugh too. It comes off so fake to me.  Like she's trying so hard to make it look like she has the craziest life and everything is so much fun.  Whoopeee look at me!  I can't reach between my own legs to wipe my ass Haww Haww Hey Tal cmere!


    • Love 5
  15. 37 minutes ago, princelina said:

    Right!  And no shame at all.  If I thought a guy was making up a girlfriend to let me down easy, I would quietly walk away, not demand on the radio that he admit he's lying and really wants to date me!  :D

    I agree! What was she thinking? He was trying so hard to avoid the dating question he had to make up an imaginary girl? Doesn't that tell you how not into you he is?

    • Love 11
  16. 1 hour ago, Brooks said:

    Thanks, Dot.  Still  has me wondering though if Roy knew the competition was fake.

    It's still the MRL Show.  Roy is still there.  That must really piss off Whitney that she wasn't invited back.  Last we saw they were explaining to her that they couldn't make her an offer because they didn't know if their show would be renewed.  Apparently it was.  I think Roy has lost some weight but may have stalled.  Roy I consider a catch at almost any weight, not so much her diva-ness.

    I'd like to see Todd or Tal nab Roy ??. What a story line!

    • Love 8
  17. 6 hours ago, Dot said:

    Buddy has now made his way to AK & this IG photo has the fans going nuts: "Are you two back together?" "When will y'all realize you should be together?" "You make such an adorable couple." Ad nauseum.

    The only intelligent comment was: "Where's Heather?"

    Oh that's hilarious.  I've never seen a man show less interest in a woman throwing herself at him.

    • Love 4
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