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Posts posted by Was-MArsenault

  1. 7 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

    Earl Pomerantz passed away..He was a sitcom writer and blogger. Ken Levine wrote a nice tribute to him. He wrote classic episodes of Cheers, Taxi, Mary Tyler Moore. Funny and spot on about writting.  I know writers are not as a big a deal as actors but for me, seeing names on those opening credits, still means something. It may just be a name to some but it feels like a friend..RIP..


    That's a nice tribute from Ken Levine.

  2. 7 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    I'm ashamed that after all his countless amazing roles, the one I remember him most from was Emperor Ming.

    I've heard the name before, and only knew him from The Exorcist along with Flash Gordon and that was it.

    Wasn't familiar with the other movie roles.

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  3. 6 hours ago, kitcloudkicker said:

    Incredibly sad news from Travis

    Danny was such a beautiful dancer. I always wished him well.


    5 hours ago, crowceilidh said:

    That is awful news.  I couldn't find anything about it online, but it's interesting that I immediately assumed it was suicide.  I always wished him well, but watching the little bits we could see of his life unfolding, I always felt that he was in a lifelong struggle.  I hope that wasn't the cause of death.


    4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    I think you're right. I remember there was one time a couple of seasons ago when Travis was choreographing or guest-judging and Nigel made a comment to him along the lines of keeping Danny in his thoughts. There was a lot of speculation about it at the time, it sounded like Danny was in a bad place.

    But no matter what the cause, I'm just so sad that the world has lost such a great dance talent. There was nobody on SYTYCD that ever came close to him.


    1 hour ago, xtwheeler said:

    He was such a beautiful dancer, and obviously very loved. What a tragedy at such a young age, no matter the cause. Millions will remember not only the joy, but also the pathos, the beauty, and the wonder of his talent. He will be missed.

    Here is the article from E! News:


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