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Posts posted by MaryMichael

  1. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Meri’s brother Adam passed away. Using the spoiler because the post is long.

      Reveal spoiler

    About 5 weeks ago I got a text from my brother saying he had made the decision to not continue his chemo treatment, due to the rapid progression of his cancer & deterioration of his body.

    Yesterday, Oct 5, 2023, just 2 months short of his 55th birthday, we lost him.

    I have so many good memories with him over the years, because, siblings. I also have some not so good memories with him through the years, because, siblings. 😆

    Shortly after I learned that Adam's cancer was terminal & that he potentially had only weeks or months to live, something hit me like a ton of bricks.

    After his passing, I would be the one remaining from the original four.

    We lost Teresa, our sister just younger than me, to cancer in 2006. We lost our oldest brother Marc to heart issues in 2015. Now Adam to another type of cancer.

    That leaves me.

    Now, I understand that it's not just me. I still have 3 younger sisters with us, the 7 of us just mom's kids. Plus many other siblings from our large family structure.

    I don't yet understand why his passing, and leaving me as the one remaining of the original four, is impacting me like it is.

    The only 4 that were born in CA and have memories of our young childhood there?

    The only 4 that were in existence before we moved to Utah where mom & dad began their lives as a plural family?

    Maybe because we were born in closer succession, with only 1-1/2 to 2 years between us all? Even still, Elaine, child number 5, was only 3 years later. 

    I don't know what it is, but there's always been something about the original 4. Not better, just different. Not closer, just different. 

    Maybe I'll figure it out someday, maybe I won't. Only time will tell.

    Regardless, (and you have no idea how bad I want to type in 'irregardless' there, in honor of him & our many arguments about whether that is even a word) I will move forward living, loving, forgiving, remembering.

    The relationship I had with him taught me many things, and I have no doubt will continue to teach me things. I remain open to those lessons & look forward to them with anticipation.

    For now, I remember him with honor, kindness, & love.

    PS Adam, I have the last word. And that is REGARDLESS 💙


    Meri's message is lovely-- sweet  loving, funny and sad . She has suffered a lot of loss in her family. May she find some peace . 

    Is the the brother that was married to Janelle? 

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  2. On 10/17/2022 at 7:52 PM, Mothra said:

    I think Janelle may be a genius.  That is a sweet RV, and I can see a single woman and grown daughter living in it pretty happily; I assume that at some point Savannah will move out to live on her own.  All the shit that the family is spewing about ewww living in an RV may be camouflage for their envy.

    You're right; Janelle now has the power to leave, assuming she gets hold of a truck big enough to haul her, and she doesn't have to worry about selling her house or breaking a lease to do so.  I don't think she cares about the food supply, either, and weeding her possessions down to live in the RV (although I understand that she's using storage units) will free her to take off in the middle of the night if she wants to.

    That RV is nicer than a lot of houses I've been in, including my own.  I'm in a big house because I have too much shit.  I'd love to be able to leave it all, except my husband, Godzilla, of course, and just take off.

    What a fuck you to Kotex this RV is!

    my husband, Godzilla 😂

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