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Posts posted by pizzaandcatsrlife

  1. I have a hard time feeling sorry for Jalyn because I have zero backstory on her as she was not memorable last year except for that horrible hair. Maybe she really fucked up her sg audition.  Perhaps she’s not a team player.   There’s a valid reason why and I 100% doubt it’s because of Vk. She didn’t make SG. boo hoo. is sg even that relevant anymore? 

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  2. daphne went to UCLA and they love that. She’ll never get cut.  

    This is also a reality show and I don’t know Jalyn nor do I have vested interest in any of these people so I’m not sad or mad.  I like watching the show and the best episodes are when drama happens (chelsey, Tara). I’m cold hearted I guess but drama makes the show interesting. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

    MK lives in Hawaii now so I think Kitty's profiles are just not up to date. 

    I'm not saying I wish death upon Kitty...I'm just saying I wish to see less of her. Ever. 

    Kitty sucks.  I agree with you.  She was funny for awhile but her schtick is tired. 

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  4. 33 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

    Kelcey is emerging as my rookie fave. She's a really great dancer and I also like that she comes from a college squad a little different from the usual Louisiana/Texas breeding ground (Univ. of Nebraska). She is also the spitting image of my son's former pre-school teacher who is just beyond gorgeous so there's that. 

    Nebraska is my alma mater so go Kelcey! Ashley Ferrell and her husband also went to Nebraska #gobigred

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  5. 3 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

    Yes. This is why it amazes me with the pearl clutching when tea is spilt that somebody, anybody ever has attitude or don’t get along. Guys and girls on this level of any sport are way competitive and cutthroat. Guys worse from what I’ve seen. 

    Right?  Like they aren’t humans.  I’m competitive with my girlfriends and I’m just a normal, 42 year old mom.  

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  6. 46 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

    I’ve learned this is an unpopular opinion but Kelsey annoys the shit out of me.  I know she “works” in real estate but she’s  always bragging (sorry I see it as bragging) about her travels.  She seems like a mean girl and I know she has DCC friends, a lot of dcc’s she was on the team with don’t follow her.  That $500 candle better come with a diamond because that is redic.  

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  7. 16 minutes ago, loveanddcc said:

    From what I’ve heard, cattiness, tattle telling, slept with a teammate’s boyfriend. 

    Why doesn’t that surprise me?

    My best friend slept with my boyfriend when I was at work.  Fun times! (Years ago before I was a married hag)

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  8. 7 hours ago, veronicamers said:

    What I objected to was the tone of Judy's tweet about "you all sitting on your couch." Tale as old as time...a reality show participant shaming the fans for WATCHING YOUR SHOW and gasp having opinions. I think the pressure was getting to Judy. Not a great look responding in that way and she knew it because she deleted the tweets. 

    That’s why I changed my name to pizza and cats because they always say go sit with your pizza and play with your cats haha.  Never mind I’m a marathoner who is also a mom to two little ones.  I’m just a big ass loser and I don’t care. 

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  9. I think it’s ludicrous they have to give back their moldy practice outfits.  I get the uniform itself being given back, but come the hell on. Charlotte, K&J etc take themselves way too seriously.  This is a dance squad.  It’s so insane.  Even Sarah Jessica Parker got to keep her entire sac wardrobe and that show 1000 times more iconic than DCC. 

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  10. 48 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

    I’ve never been a Milan fan, but all this sounds exactly like the brainwashed sh*t I would expect from a DCC or Kelli/Charlotte with the whole this is a privilege attitude. For one, I think she’s far prettier than Maddie and Gina but if they thought she was ugly fine, no one was forcing them to hire her. No reason to destroy her hair in the process. As for her dance skill, I agree she’s no rock star but she’s good enough. If they didn’t think she was good enough, why even cause a scene for her not wanting SG? Oh yes, because this is a privilege and they should be killing each other for this honor even if they don’t have the skills to get it anyway. Same thing with her shape, but you can’t convince me she was out of shape compared to VK or half of the vets they never said anything about.

    She might be entitled and spoiled generally speaking. But for me, VK (for example) complaining about SG when 1.she wasn’t even officially on the team 2. Was gaining pounds like crazy 3. Is nowhere near the skill level she needs to be at, that’s entitlement. Someone who is good enough to make it on the team twice quitting because she wasn’t satisfied for whatever reason is fair enough. Just like DCC have the right to treat her in any way they want because they’re such an amazing organization, girls have the right to quit because they have better options. Or just because.

    Yaaas girl.  Agree.  DCC koolaid is potent.

    and regarding giving back the practice outfits etc.  gross!  Sweaty crotch and boob sweat is all that comes to my head. 

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  11. K&J seem like great people in their normal lives(mom and grandma) but maybe it’s time to get some fresh meat in as directors.  From what Ive read on this board, they seem disconnected from their team and sounds like everyone is intimidated.  That’s a terrible work environment.  

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