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Posts posted by LakeGeorg

  1. Lobsters have decentralized nervous systems.  I'm remembering this from from an article on lobsters from 1999 so bear with me but it's something like they have 8 "brains,"  which is why they have to be killed by being boiled or by that intense knife method. 

    But I've never heard that lobsters don't feel pain.

    • Love 2
  2. Carole Radziwell is smart and articulate.  I'd watch her on The View.  Carole, Sunny and Joy against Huntsman and McCain might not be too bad.  And Carole has her Kennedy connection.  She's not going to kiss up to Meghan. 

    • Love 6
  3. The best thing for Carole is to figure out what her end point is in engaging with Bethenny (probably after the reunion).  Bethenny will never stop as long she feels criticized in any way by this situation. 

    I support Carole.  Bethenny's behavior at the murder mystery dinner was next level gaslighting, victim playing, manipulative, controlling nastiness.  That was not a friend who wanted to fix anything.  That was abusive behavior.  My guess is Bethenny has been testing Carole's boundaries for a while (Like she does with everyone.  She's so hostile and nasty in the way she speaks to people) and Carole has emotionally disengaged.  So now Bethenny's playing the victim to avoid taking responsibility.

    • Love 7
  4. 5 hours ago, pachebo said:


    On another note, I have felt for a while that Joy may be fading a bit. She's lately often slow on the uptake (so unlike her), but maybe it's just MM fatigue (i HOPE).

    This really bothers me.  Joy is in her 70s and will probably retire sometime in the next few years and instead of getting to enjoy her last few years on The View, she's dealing with someone who came gunning for her from day one.  It's such shoddy treatment from ABC.

    • Love 22
  5. The way Meghan keeps interrupting Sunny is so rude.  Sunny was making a point about the importance of seeking help and Meghan thinks that's a good time to interject.  Just wait, do a "yes and..." because Sunny's point was a good one and then say there is something now that the sisters may have been estranged.  So rude!  Meghan is a little better but still so self-involved and still competing with the other hosts.

    • Love 7
  6. Regarding the JCrew shirt, I think we should ask if grownups should really feel so attacked by a message on a little boy's shirt?  That little boy has a greater chance of dealing with an adult having a problem with his shirt than being indoctrinated into something he doesn't believe.  Parents raise kids in their belief systems.  Dressing a kid that way doesn't mean his parents are going to flip out if later on the kid doesn't want to be identified as a feminist,

    • Love 9
  7. Dumb of them to edit it out.  Now people are going to go looking for it to see what was so bad compared to her usual outbursts. That's what I did.  Usually I would just skip over her screeching.

    Whoopi was heated.  I wonder if they edited it out because of that because as far as Meghan's antics go, this was calm for her.  Or was Meghan being a wuss about being disagreed with?

    Sara is getting overshadowed because it seems like she's been been instructed to provide some backup for Meghan.  And you could also see her place a calming hand on Joy's arm, like trying to pull her back from engaging with Meghan.  

    It's kind of a drag to watch now.  It's not a fun and lighthearted show anymore.  They had such great chemistry with Jed.  Is DaughterofMcCain (because that's the only reason this "bad-assed chick" is on the show) really that much of a coup?

    • Love 16
  8. This is from an earlier episode, but can someone at the show please tell Meghan that she doesn't have to read out all the names and the entire quote for each name in her cards when making a simple point like -in the 2016 election, the importance of women supporting women was mentioned repeatedly from major leaders like Michelle Obama.  If someone wants details, go back to the card.  Don't just read from a piece of paper and eat up time in the segment.

    I genuinely think Meghan doesn't know how to have a conversation where the intent is to try to be interesting to other people.  She's like a little kid that way.  If she thinks it, it must be interesting and people must want to hear it.  And if she spends the most time talking, that means she's the most important and her points "won" the debate. She's competing with the other women instead of interacting with them.  

    • Love 24
  9. Sunny was feeling it today.  Loved her research.  I have to give it up to her because Whoopi can be so dismissive but Sunny just pushes on and has fun while doing it.

    I've read the stories about how Terrence Howard beats women.  Skipping that interview.

    1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

    Shouldn't the motto for National Brain Cancer awareness month be "Gray matter matters, not Gray lives matter?

    I think it's in such poor taste that they did a riff on Black Lives Matter.  I think it's disrespectful.

    • Love 12
  10. Thanks for the welcomes!  Glad to be here.  I've been reading for a little while and after today's episode, I just came straight from Youtube and had to say something.

    Meghan's self-description is the badass, tough chick who smokes cigars and also throws a tantrum whenever anyone disagrees with her.   

    • Love 11
  11. Also, Meghan missed the point of "This is America" if she doesn't want to focus on the politics.  Even though she can see what's happening in the background (the politics), she's not actually paying attention if she only wants to focus on the art (the dancing). If Donald Glover stops dancing (Childish Gambino, Atlanta) and just talks about politics, will Meghan bother listening?

    • Love 8
  12. I tried watching today's episode and just make it stop.  Meghan is insufferable and she's ruining the show.  You can see that the rest of the table is just over her. And how is Meghan not embarrassed to screech her way through show every week? She revels in how spoiled and difficult she is.

    It would be one thing if she were clever or showing improvement but she's not and she's just reading those cards for several minutes at a time.  I fast forward through her now and watch when someone else starts speaking.  I can't take that high-pitched voice screaming anymore.  

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