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Posts posted by Fruitless

  1. On 12/31/2022 at 7:02 PM, KateHearts said:

    I agree.  I used to think Heather was just the one who didn't want to offend anyone and kind of played both sides to stay good with all the women; this episode proved otherwise. I rewatched it today and was appalled at her changing her tune every time she was on camera re: her black eye. "WE know what happened;" "I don't know what happened;" "I don't want to talk about it." Which one is it, Heather? 

    I'm sure that it was one or two things: she was shitfaced drunk (which we know) and fell in her room (I did the same thing once after getting home from a vacation but I was sober- it was dark and I tripped over the suitcase on the floor)- very possible because she was not in familiar surroundings. OR there was a lot of stupid horsing around (REALLY stupid; who half-naked wrestles with their friends while trashing a vacation property and getting plastered? Are they 15 years old?) and someone elbowed her. I've gotten scratches like the ones on her arm from just having an itchy spot. Purely fabricated, IMO.

    That said, this franchise (and probably most of the Housewives at this point)  has become so ridiculous it's barely watchable. I did watch RHONJ and in the beginning it was kind of fun and the women were more real and relatable. I'm sorry, but going go-karting in 6-inch heels and flowing organza, having costume parties every night of the week (and bossing around the "help" before eventually wrecking everything in sight) is no more "REAL" than watching The Little Mermaid. I can just imagine the producers and directors: "THROW HER SHOES IN THE WATER! SCREAM LOUDER! PUSH HER!!!" while they oblige happily all to get their faces on TV and make a few bucks. And the fact that everything seems to happen while they are soaked in alcohol (which seems to be all day, every day) is just irritating.  Anyone noticed that they never really compIiment one another unless it's about their clothing? ("OMG... you look BEAUTIFUL!!!!) I will also add that these women don't live in Salt Lake City; they are mostly in the Park City area which is full of people who are rich, want to be rich, and/or want to be seen. We know a lot of these women aren't as rich as they would like you to believe. And stop it already with the music that all sounds like angels humming and the pan-shots of the temples of SLC as if they are really living as Utahns do. It's ridiculous. (I live here... haha)

    How about a Real Housewives show with women who aren't mentally ill alcoholics?

    Actually only Meredith lives in Park City. The rest live down in the valley. The house that Jen used to rent was up in Promontory which is sort of a suburb of Park City but it’s quite a dive. I’m not sure where Meredith’s latest house is but the last one was in upper Deer Valley. 

    im a park city local and unfortunately not rich 

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  2. On 1/17/2022 at 10:15 PM, RedDelicious said:

    Also I think it’s convenient that Lindsay miscarried the day after she found out she was pregnant. My guess is she had a medical abortion and is sticking to her miscarriage narrative. It’s her choice and I don’t judge her for what happened. I just think it’s a very private matter and it was inappropriate in the first episode to use it as the excuse for why she went off the rails. Lindsay goes off the rails with or without a major life event. Carl isn’t a good actor either. 

    p.s. Amanda was so foolish to marry Kyle. On their wedding day they looked like they knew they were making a mistake. It just didn’t look joyous. It was more like, well f*ck, that just happened. Hey we’re getting attention, let’s party.

    Please don’t assume people are lying about a miscarriage. Can’t that be one thing we just give people the benefit of the doubt for? Yikes. 

    Also, Paige hasn’t done anything to her face. I’ve been following her on Instagram for a while and she looks the same. I think she’s just wearing bad outfits and weird hairstyles. She seems pretty open about the cosmetic procedures she gets done, since she mentions them on Instagram and I assumed gets them for free. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, KateHearts said:

    It's funny because they show SLC scenes in every opening (along with the "angelic music"), but they all live in the Park City area (or rent). 

    I noticed something funny in a previous episode. Whitney is talking to her brother about their dad, who she has become estranged from. Brother says that he's been playing disc golf with dad- "yeah, I bought him clubs." Uhh- disc golf is frisbee golf and there are no clubs involved.

    Only Meredith and Jen live in park city (they are both renting). The rest live down in the valley. Mostly in Draper but it looks like Whitney lives in Daybreak or something. 

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  4. On 11/8/2021 at 7:42 PM, amarante said:

    Why were Jen and Stuart snowshoeing on what appeared to be grass?

    I thought you snowshoed in deep snow where the show shoes prevented you from sinking down into the deep snow as they distributed your weight over the top layer of snow. They could have walked on that sprinkle of packed white stuff in sneakers easily.

    I live in the area and was laughing at the snow shoeing scene. They were snow shoeing on like 4 inches of snow right next to the highway. There’s a cross country skiing track near where they were, maybe she refused to attempt to do that so they settled on snow shoeing. But they basically just pulled off the side of a highway and walked around lol. 

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  5. I feel like the only reason Reza would throw GG under the bus like that was if he was the one doing it. But even then you’d think he’d pick someone else. I don’t know who to believe. We’ve seen Mike like incessantly so he isn’t the most trustworthy person either. 

    edit: man I don’t trust Reza but Mike is an insincere, calculated piece of shit right now. Also his stimulant eyeballs give me the creeps. I think he’s playing the victim here. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, MarylandGirl said:

    Just googled and found this--he dropped out.

    The article mentions that he went home a few days before the live show, so they're speculating that he couldn't return due to quarantine concerns. Though doesn't say why he went home.

    They’re saying he went home because of his Instagram post. But the pictures he posted on Instagram weren’t taken last week. There’s way less snow here right now vs. whenever he took those photos. 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Marley said:

    Why do all these reality stars not pay their taxes. Like it’s going to eventually catch up to you lol.

    How come he had no problem buying a house too when he has owed on taxes since 2014? I guess I don’t know much about tax issues since I deal with my taxes every year like most normal adults lol.

    they didn’t file the lien until this March. 



  8. 31 minutes ago, Mischievious said:

    You beat me!

    From article:


    "Jennifer Shah, who portrays herself as a wealthy and successful businessperson on ‘reality’ television, and Stuart Smith, who is portrayed as Shah’s ‘first assistant,’ allegedly generated and sold ‘lead lists’ of innocent individuals for other members of their scheme to repeatedly scam.  In actual reality and as alleged, the so-called business opportunities pushed on the victims by Shah, Smith, and their co-conspirators were just fraudulent schemes, motivated by greed, to steal victims’ money," Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement.

    So basically she and her "assistant" would get names of older folks for telemarketers to harass and scam out of money, and then they'd get a cut?


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  9. 2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    Ronald's doesn't strike me as having a lot of friends. Maybe he passes people in town and the grocery store, but would they remember him and know his name? 

    But the distances on this show are confusing. Didn't Legarski live kind of far away from everyone else? Because in the pilot Ryan Phillippe seemed to have to drive far to go meet him. Now it seems like they are all neighbors.

    I mean he’s close enough that the kid rode there on his bike. His mom seemed to have enough friends that *someone* would know what her son looks like. It’s starting to bother me. 

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