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Amanda jean

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Posts posted by Amanda jean

  1. Okay JON....youre hot, and Molly is a hateful, disrespectful bitch! Seriously guy you need to run and find u a hottie. I thought from day one jon was too cute for her and now he seems too good for her. Nobody deserves to be talked to that way! She's nasty anyways so jokes on her. 

    I still think ryan is an ass but Jackie kinda needs to stop bein dramatic about it. He needs to adjust but I dont.think they're a good match at all.

    As for shawneice and jephte. I think they'll be okay. They're good for one another. They seem to have exactly what the other needs!

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  2. I'm pretty excited to see John and Molly getting closer. They really do seem like they're perfect for each other. I think if she gave in and got intimate with John she would be able to fall even faster for him!

    As for Ryan and Jackie.  I knew he was a phony from day one with his corney lines that he tried to use to seem smooth. Saw right through that! He's a selfish jerk. I love my husband more than life itself and never thought I could ever love someone so much but if he acted that way even I'd leave. She's way too good for him!

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